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Quickly setup a Node.js application by answering a few simple questions.


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Project UP

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Quickly setup a Node.js application by answering a few simple questions.


Install as a global module: npm install -g project-up



If the project name is not given, it is derived from the name of the current working directory.

Remember to wrap in quotes if the project name is multi-word with spaces: project-up "SIMPLE PROJECT".


  • -V, --version: output version information
  • -v, --verbose: enable verbose output
  • -l, --locale: specify locale
  • -h, --help: display command help


  • Git setup (init + username and email configuration)
  • NPM setup (init + install dependencies and dev dependencies)
  • Test setup (with Jasmine or Mocha + chai)
  • Setup linting (using ESLint or standard)
  • Setup conventional commits (using commitizen and cz-conventional-changelog)
  • Setup coverage recording (with nyc)
  • Setup releasing (with standard-version)
  • Setup pre-commit and pre-release hooks (with ghooks)
  • Generate sample test
  • Generate basic README file (with badges)
  • Generate License File (using lice)
  • Can be run on an existing git or npm project

Running scripts in the generated project

First cd into the project directory, then run the appropriate script:

Action Usage
Linting code npm run lint
Fix linting errors npm run lint:fix
Commit staged changes npm run commit
Run tests npm test
Run tests + code coverage npm run test:coverage
First release npm run first-release
Subsequent releases npm run release
Release dry-run npm run release:dry-run