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Public Classes and Functions

psunthud edited this page May 30, 2012 · 1 revision

This section will list all classes and functions relating to all objects in this package except the distribution objects.


  • SimData Save information for data simulation and can create data by run function.
  • SimDataDist Provide the distribution of a dataset.
  • SimDataOut Provide the simulated dataset and population behind the generated dataset.
  • SimEqualCon Save information of equality constraints
  • SimFunction Use for data transformation while running a simulation study
  • SimMatrix Represent a matrix in SEM model containing free parameters, fixed values, and starting values.
  • SimMissing Save missing information to impose on the complete dataset
  • SimMisspec Save misspecification model adding on top of true model specification.
  • SimModel Save information for analysis model
  • SimModelMIOut Save the analysis results from a single multiply imputed dataset
  • SimModelOut Save the analysis results from a single dataset
  • SimParam Contain a set of vectors and matrices saving free parameters
  • SimResult Provide the parameter values used in all replications in a simulation study
  • SimResultParam Provide the result of a simulation study
  • SimSet Contain a set of vectors and matrices saving free parameters, fixed values, and starting values
  • SimVector Represent a vector in SEM model containing free parameters, fixed values, and starting values.
  • SymMatrix Represent a symmetric matrix in SEM model containing free parameters, fixed values, and starting values.

S4 Functions

  • adjust Change an element in matrix, symmetric matrix or vector objects. Available Classes: SimMatrix, SymMatrix, SimVector
  • anova Provide a comparison of nested models and nonnested models across replications. Available Classes: SimModelOut, SimResult
  • createImpliedMACS Create model implied mean vector and covariance matrix. Available Classes: SimModelOut, SimModelMIOut, SimDataOut
  • extract Extract a part of an object. Available Classes: vector, matrix, SimMatrix, SimVector, SimSet, SimDataDist, SimParam
  • getCutoff Find fit indices cutoff given a priori alpha level. Available Classes: SimResult
  • getPopulation Extract the data generation population model underlying an object. Available Classes: SimDataOut, SimModelOut, SimResult
  • getPowerFit Find power in rejecting alternative models based on fit indices criteria. Available Classes: SimResult
  • kurtosis Finding excessive kurtosis. Available Classes: vector, VirtualDist
  • plotCutoff Plot sampling distributions of fit indices with fit indices cutoffs. Available Classes: SimResult
  • plotDist Plot a distribution of a distribution object or data distribution object. Available Classes: SimDataDist
  • plotPowerFit Plot sampling distributions of fit indices that visualize power of rejecting datasets underlying misspecified models. Available Classes: SimResult
  • popMisfit Calculate population misfit. Available Classes: (matrix, matrix), (list, list), (SimRSet, SimRSet), (MatrixSet, MatrixSet), (SimSet, SimMisspec)
  • pValue Find p-values (1 - percentile). Available Classes: (numeric, vector), (numeric, data.frame), (SimModelOut, SimResult)
  • run Run an object in this package. Available Classes: SimData, SimMatrix, SimSet, SimMisspec, SimModel, SimVector, SymMatrix, SimMissing, SimDataDist
  • runFit Build a Monte Carlo simulation that the data-generation parameters are from the result of analyzing real data. Available Classes: SimModel, SimModelOut
  • setPopulation Set the data generation population model underlying an object. Available Classes: (SimResult, data.frame), (SimResult, SimSet), (SimResult, VirtualRSet), (SimModelOut, SimRSet), (SimModelOut, SimSet)
  • simData Create a data object. Available Classes: SimSet, SimModelOut
  • simModel Create a model object. Available Classes: SimSet, SimParam
  • skew Find skewness. Available Classes: vector, VirtualDist
  • summary Summarize an object. Available Classes: All classes
  • summaryParam Provide summary of parameter estimates and standard error across replications. Available Classes: SimResult
  • summaryPopulation Summarize the data generation population model underlying an object. Available Classes: SimDataOut, SimModelOut, SimResult
  • summaryShort Provide short summary of an object. Available Classes: All classes
  • toFunction Export the distribution object to a function command in text that can be evaluated directly.. Available Classes: VirtualDist

S3 Functions

  • continuousPower Find power of model parameters when simulations have randomly varying parameters
  • findFactorIntercept Find factor intercept from regression coefficient matrix and factor total means
  • findFactorMean Find factor total means from regression coefficient matrix and factor intercept
  • findFactorResidualVar Find factor residual variances from regression coefficient matrix, factor (residual) correlations, and total factor variances
  • findFactorTotalCov Find factor total covariance from regression coefficient matrix, factor residual covariance
  • findFactorTotalVar Find factor total variances from regression coefficient matrix, factor (residual) correlations, and factor residual variances
  • findIndIntercept Find indicator intercepts from factor loading matrix, total factor mean, and indicator mean.
  • findIndMean Find indicator total means from factor loading matrix, total factor mean, and indicator intercept.
  • findIndResidualVar Find indicator residual variances from factor loading matrix, total factor covariance, and total indicator variances.
  • findIndTotalVar Find indicator total variances from factor loading matrix, total factor covariance, and indicator residual variances.
  • findPossibleFactorCor Find the appropriate position for freely estimated correlation (or covariance) given a regression coefficient matrix
  • findPower Find a value of independent variables that provides a given value of power.
  • findRecursiveSet Group variables regarding the position in mediation chain
  • getPower Find power of model parameters
  • imposeMissing Impose MAR, MCAR, planned missingness, or attrition on a data set
  • indProd Make a product of indicators using mean centering or double-mean centering
  • loadingFromAlpha Find standardized factor loading from coefficient alpha assuming that all items have equal loadings.
  • miPoolChi The function combines likelihood ratio chi-square statistics from an analysis of multiply imputed data sets
  • miPoolVector The function takes parameter estimates and standard errors of each imputed result and returns pooled parameter estimates and standard errors.
  • plotMisfit Plot a histogram of the amount of population misfit in parameter result object or the scatter plot of the relationship between misspecified parameter and the population misfit
  • plotPower Make a power plot of a parameter given varying parameters (e.g., sample size, percent missing completely at random, or random parameters in the model)
  • popDiscrepancy Find the discrepancy value between two means and covariance matrices
  • popMisfitMACS Find the value quantifying the amount of population misfit
  • residualCovariate Residual centered all target indicators by covariates
  • runMI Multiply impute and analyze data
  • simEqualCon Create an equality constraint object
  • simFunction Create a function object
  • simMatrix Create a matrix object
  • simMissing Create a missing object
  • simMisspecCFA Set of model misspecification for CFA model
  • simMisspecPath Set of model misspecification for path analysis model.
  • simMisspecSEM Set of model misspecification for SEM model.
  • simParamCFA Set of model free parameters for CFA model.
  • simParamPath Set of model free parameters for path analysis model.
  • simParamSEM Set of model free parameters for SEM model.
  • simResult Create a result from simulation study
  • simResultParam Create sets of parameters used in a simulation study
  • simSetCFA Set of model free parameters and parameter values for CFA model.
  • simSetPath Set of model free parameters and parameter values for path analysis model.
  • simSetSEM Set of model free parameters and parameter values for SEM model.
  • simVector Create a vector object
  • symMatrix Create a symmetric matrix object
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