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A collection of Ruby on Rails mixins and generators, an administration framework. Contains some basic models so that you don't have to make them for every website you create. Consists mostly of:

  • Folio::Page model for individual web pages, consisting of content parts called Folio::Atom
  • Administration in /console for administrators with a simple generator to add custom models.
  • User management for Folio::User model, roles defined for each site by Folio::SiteUserLink instances.

Folio uses Trailblazer cells with Slim templates, MessageBus for WebSockets-like messaging, Sidekiq and PostgreSQL.


Run bundle exec rails app:folio:prepare_dummy_app.


Add this lines to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'folio', github: 'sinfin/folio'
gem "dragonfly_libvips", github: "sinfin/dragonfly_libvips", branch: "more_geometry"
gem "dragonfly-s3_data_store", github: "sinfin/dragonfly-s3_data_store"
gem "view_component"

And then execute:

$ bundle


$ rails generate folio:install

which will copy bunch of things into your, hopefully clean, app. Make some cleaning in Gemfile as generator will add gems there.

Then run migrations

$ rails db:migrate

Then You can seed some pages and sites

$ rails db:seed

Folio is build on philosophy "You can have it, if You want, but it is not required." So for example, You can build CMS pages bysed on Atoms, but they are not added during installation of gem. You have to add them for Yourself (see Github Wiki). Take a look to, not only Folio, handy generators by

$ rails g

Due usage of dragonfly_libvips gem from on-fly processing images, You need to have installed libvips, jpegtran, jpgicc,exiftool, cwebp and gifsicle on your system.

To run tests successfully, you need to have installed ffmpeg on your system.

Folio::Current singleton

We use Current per request singleton to store few interesting data (.site , .user ...). Using current_user and current_site is now deprecated. If you app needs add something to Folio::Current use Folio::Current.class_eval do in override. If your ApplicationController do not include Folio::ApplicationControllerBase you have to fill data for yourself (or include at least Folio::SetCurrentRequestDetails).


Image metadata module

If you want to analyse and store all Exif & IPTC data from uploaded Image files you have to install ExifTool (

Ubuntu: sudo apt install exiftool MacOS: brew install exiftool

Every uploaded file will be processed and all the metadata will be saved to the Folio::File::Image.file_metadata field.

For a manual analysis of a file call or rake folio:file:metadata for batch processing of already downloaded but not processed files.


Easily scaffold console controller and views for existing models.

$ rails generate folio:console:scaffold ModelName

Then add correct routes to config/routes

scope module: :folio do
  namespace :console do
    resources :model_names

and update Folio console config (config/initializers/folio.rb) to see this ModelName in console menu

Rails.application.config.folio_console_sidebar_link_class_names = [


What can user do now with object is defined by two things, what is allowed to him/her by ability and what are currently_available_actions of object. In Folio::Ability there are rules what user (mainly based by roles in SiteUserLink) is allowed to do. You can extend these rules by overriding Folio::Ability#ability_rules to include methods with app specific rules. Eg.

Folio::Ability.class_eval do
  def ability_rules
    if user.superadmin?
      can :do_anything, :all


You can use user (current user) and site (current site) in your rules.

Then You can define object.currently_available_actions(user) on your objects. If You don't, it will pretend than any action is available now. Finally use method can_now?(:action, object) to check permissions. There is also handy methods user.can_now?(action, subject = nil, site: nil) and user.currently_allowed_actions_with(subject, ability_class = nil).

Tips and Tricks

  • Check Wiki

  • If class responds to :console_sidebar_count , such number is displayed in Folio console sidebar

  • If aasm event have option confirm, confirmation alert is displayed in change (in Foio console). You can pass true (defaults to t("folio.console.confirmation")) or string event :pay, confirm: "Do You really want to pay this" do ... end

  • Some Oauth providers (eg. apple) requires HTTPS for callback. Set to (/etc/hosts) and start test/dummyapp as in ssl mode by rails s -b 'ssl://'. And set callbacks to`

  • Including Folio::Audited in model requires also setting routes in console

      scope module: :folio do
        namespace :console do
          resources :x do
            member do
              get :revision, path: "revision/:version"
              post :restore, path: "restore/:version"


Clone & setup

git clone
cd folio
bundle install
bin/rails db:setup


bin/rails s


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.