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License: GPL v3 Python 3.5

This is a Singer tap that produces JSON-formatted data following the Singer spec.

This tap:


  • users
    • Data key: value
    • Primary keys: id
    • Replication strategy: Full Table
    • Transformations: camelCase to snake_case
  • groups
    • Data key: value
    • Primary keys: id
    • Replication strategy: Full Table
    • Transformations: camelCase to snake_case
  • group_members
    • Data key: value
    • Primary keys: id
    • Replication strategy: Full Table
    • Transformations: camelCase to snake_case
  • group_owners
    • Data key: value
    • Primary keys: id
    • Replication strategy: Full Table
    • Transformations: camelCase to snake_case
  • channels
    • Data key: value
    • Primary keys: id
    • Replication strategy: Full Table
    • Transformations: camelCase to snake_case
  • channel_members
    • Data key: value
    • Primary keys: id
    • Replication strategy: Full Table
    • Transformations: camelCase to snake_case
  • channel_tabs
    • Data key: value
    • Primary keys: id
    • Replication strategy: Full Table
    • Transformations: camelCase to snake_case
  • channel_messages
    • Data key: value
    • Primary keys: id
    • Replication strategy: Incremental (query all, filter results)
    • Bookmark: ucreatedDateTime OR lastModifiedDateTime OR deletedDateTime
    • Transformations: camelCase to snake_case
  • channel_message_replies
    • Data key: value
    • Primary keys: id
    • Replication strategy: Incremental (query all, filter results)
    • Bookmark: ucreatedDateTime OR lastModifiedDateTime OR deletedDateTime
    • Transformations: camelCase to snake_case
  • conversations
    • Data key: value
    • Primary keys: id
    • Replication strategy: Incremental (query all, filter results)
    • Bookmark: lastDeliveredDateTime
    • Transformations: camelCase to snake_case
  • conversation_threads
    • Data key: value
    • Primary keys: id
    • Replication strategy: Incremental (query all, filter results)
    • Bookmark: lastDeliveredDateTime
    • Transformations: camelCase to snake_case
  • conversation_posts
    • Data key: value
    • Primary keys: id
    • Replication strategy: Incremental (query all, filter results)
    • Bookmark: lastDeliveredDateTime
    • Transformations: camelCase to snake_case
  • team_drives
    • Data key: value
    • Primary keys: id
    • Replication strategy: Incremental (query all, filter results)
    • Bookmark: lastModifiedDateTime
    • Transformations: camelCase to snake_case
  • team_device_usage_report
    • Primary keys: id
    • Replication strategy: Incremental (query all, filter results)
    • Bookmark: report_refresh_date
    • Transformations: camelCase to snake_case

App and Authentication

The Microsoft Graph API uses OAuth for authentication. Follow these instructions for creating an app in the Azure portal. This process will produce the client_id, client_secret, and tenant_id needed for the tap configuration file.

Register a new application with the Azure portal

  1. Login to Azure Portal
  2. Click upper-left menu icon and select Azure Active Directory
  3. Select App Registrations
  4. Click New registration
  5. Register an application
    1. Name: tap-microsoft-teams
    2. Supported account types: Accounts in this organizational directory only
    3. Redirect URL: Web - https://YOURDOMAIN/callback
    4. Register (button)
  6. Record the client_id, tenant_id, and application_id (Object ID) which will be used by the tap for authentication and API integration.
  7. Select Branding
    1. Name: tap-microsoft-teams
    2. Logo: [singer-io-logo.png, 512x512 px]
    3. Homepage URL: https://YOURDOMAIN
    4. ToS URL:
    5. Privacy URL:
    6. Save
  8. Select Authentication
    1. Platform configurations: Web (already setup)
    2. Supported account types: (already setup)
    3. Logout URL:
    4. Access tokens: checked
    5. Public client: No
    6. Save
  9. Select Certificates & secrets
  10. Provide Description and Expires
    1. Description: tap-microsoft-teams client secret
    2. Expires: Never
    3. Add
  11. Copy the client secret Value, this will be the client_secret
  12. Select API permissions
    1. Click Add a permission
  13. Select Microsoft Graph
  14. Select Application permissions
  15. Select the following permissions:
    1. Application > Application.Read.All
    2. Calendars > Calendars.Read?
    3. Chat > Chat.Read.All
    4. Files > Files.Read.All
    5. Group > Group.Read.All
    6. Notes > Notes.Read.All
    7. OnlineMeetings > OnlineMeetings.Read.All
    8. Reports > Reports.Read.All
    9. Schedule > Schedule.Read.All
    10. Team > Team.ReadBasic.All
    11. User > User.Read.All
  16. Click Add permissions

Quick Start

  1. Install

    Clone this repository, and then install using We recommend using a virtualenv:

    > virtualenv -p python3 venv
    > source venv/bin/activate
    > python install
    > cd .../tap-ms-teams
    > pip install .
  2. Dependent libraries The following dependent libraries were installed.

    > pip install singer-python
    > pip install singer-tools
    > pip install target-stitch
    > pip install target-json
  3. Create your tap's config.json file which should look like the following:

        "client_id": "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
        "client_secret": "YOUR_API_TOKEN",
        "tenant_id": "YOUR_TENANT_ID",
        "start_date": "2020-05-01T00:00:00Z",
        "user_agent": "tap-ms-teams<>"

    Optionally, also create a state.json file. currently_syncing is an optional attribute used for identifying the last object to be synced in case the job is interrupted mid-stream. The next run would begin where the last job left off.

        "bookmarks": {
            "conversation_threads": "2020-08-03T14:21:40.000000Z",
            "team_drives": "2020-07-13T16:55:39.000000Z",
            "channel_messages": "2020-08-12T23:18:03.915000Z",
            "conversation_posts": "2020-08-03T14:21:40.000000Z",
            "conversations": "2020-08-03T14:21:40.000000Z",
            "channel_message_replies": "2020-08-12T23:38:57.582000Z"
  4. Run the Tap in Discovery Mode This creates a catalog.json for selecting objects/fields to integrate:

    tap-ms-teams --config config.json --discover > catalog.json

    See the Singer docs on discovery mode here.

  5. Run the Tap in Sync Mode (with catalog) and write out to state file

    For Sync mode:

    > tap-ms-teams --config tap_config.json --catalog catalog.json > state.json
    > tail -1 state.json > state.json.tmp && mv state.json.tmp state.json

    To load to json files to verify outputs:

    > tap-ms-teams --config tap_config.json --catalog catalog.json | target-json > state.json
    > tail -1 state.json > state.json.tmp && mv state.json.tmp state.json

    To pseudo-load to Stitch Import API with dry run:

    > tap-ms-teams --config tap_config.json --catalog catalog.json | target-stitch --config target_config.json --dry-run > state.json
    > tail -1 state.json > state.json.tmp && mv state.json.tmp state.json
  6. Test the Tap

    To check the tap and verify working:

    > tap-ms-teams --config tap_config.json --catalog catalog.json | singer-check-tap > state.json
    > tail -1 state.json > state.json.tmp && mv state.json.tmp state.json

    Check tap resulted in the following:

        The output is valid.
        It contained 114 messages for 13 streams.
            13 schema messages
            75 record messages
            26 state messages
        Details by stream:
        | stream                  | records | schemas |
        | users                   | 10      | 1       |
        | groups                  | 3       | 1       |
        | group_members           | 13      | 1       |
        | group_owners            | 7       | 1       |
        | channels                | 5       | 1       |
        | channel_members         | 5       | 1       |
        | channel_tabs            | 5       | 1       |
        | channel_messages        | 8       | 1       |
        | channel_message_replies | 6       | 1       |
        | conversations           | 3       | 1       |
        | conversation_threads    | 3       | 1       |
        | conversation_posts      | 3       | 1       |
        | team_drives             | 4       | 1       |

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