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Axel Dürkop edited this page Jul 1, 2021 · 17 revisions

Mission development

These frameworks are suggested for use in building a mission statement and guiding the community development:

  1. Ideas and challenges in sector: Our priority areas / questions (need a framework(s) for this part)
  2. Strategy development process: It Takes a Village (ITV): Open Source Software Sustainability. A Guidebook for Programs Serving Cultural and Scientific Heritage February 2018.
  3. UX Personas: defining needs and problems, and storyboarding these personas. UX bootcamp 2017.
  4. Learning from Open Science peers on accessibility, equality, inclusion, and Knowledge Justice: e.g., The Turing Way, COPIM, JOSS add more

Ideas and challenges: Our priority areas / questions

  • New challenges of Open Science publishing for SSP: 1. The inevitable move away from the dominanace 17C Printed research paper; 2. Connected and compuational publishing.
  • Need to bring back in Education as a user group / Persona


Who is Your Community?


  1. FOSS SSP publishing projects
  2. An Open Access publisher who want to implement SSP
  3. Open Science Community who want to learn about SSP

Goals for stakeholder groups?

  1. Profile their work
  2. Enable SSP workflows
  3. Understand the benefits of SSP
  4. Learn to write and publish with FOSS

Skills required in community to deliver on goals for stakeholders?

  1. Organize events
  2. Provide production ready workflows
  3. Research, publish, and advocate
  4. Explain patiently for newcomers and experts

UX Personas

UX: How it works - @mrchristian boiled down version

User Experience (UX) analysis method works by describing user groups and defining these as personas. Needs and problems are then assigned to the personas and the UX process is to storyboard the personas 'experience' with say your website to see how to satisfy these personas and what questions arise.

It is the answers to these questions that then defines the parameters of the required brand.

Example process

  • Persona: name (define)
  • Wants - list
  • Problem - list
  • Storyboards
  • Test: Does what is produced, messaged - facilitate the persona’s requirements
  • Rinse-repeat

SSPC Personas

  1. Maker: SSP Project team member
  2. User: OA publisher who wants to implement or better implement SSP
  3. Learner: Open Science community member who wants to understand the benefits of SSP

  1. Maker
  • Wants: Users to test their system; Peers to feedback on research
  • Problems: Technical problems; Support from Open Science community
  • Storyboard: Finds SSPC on Twitter; reads discussion; signs up to present at 'show & tell'
  1. User
  • Wants: Implement an SSP solution from scratch; Implement an improvement to existing SSP 'in production system'
  • Problems: Evaluating systems available; Finding research on their implementation question; Finding recommendations from other users
  • Storyboard: User is looking to implement new SSP system for university press; A reccomendation is made to visit SSPC website to learn about SSP options; joins discussions to look for answers to questions; finds older discussion covering topics needed.
  1. Learner
  • Wants: Wants to understand the benefits of SSP for Open Science considerations of the whole research lifecycle
  • Problems: Encounters reports only available in PDF licensed as CC BY-SA 4.0 and wants to reuse, but has to copy-paste out content, which is lossy, and would prefer a reliable reusable format to be available.
  • Storyboard: Finds SSPC