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Transmutation Table

Lawlypops edited this page Apr 30, 2019 · 5 revisions

Transmutation Table

Vanilla EMC = 260

Crafting Recipe

Crafting Recipe for the Transmutation Table

What it does

By using your Philosopher's Stone on stone and obsidian, you manage to create a worktable from which you can perform all your transmutations. By placing items into the fire slot on the table, they are burned into EMC, which can then be used to create items from the output slots. However, the table must gain knowledge on how to create these items. The table gains knowledge whenever an item enters any of its slots. This knowledge is magically tied to the soul of the Alchemist, and thus any transmutation tablet is able to transmute known items, not just the tablet the item was taught to. However, as a side effect of this soul-binding, only one Alchemist can use the same transmutation tablet at a given time; others' souls are not recognized by the tablet, and hence cannot bind to it perform transmutations.

There are rumors of a hidden Alchemical Tome that will give complete knowledge of all transmutations to the table. This item is extremely rare and powerful...

Picture Key

Transmutation Table GUI

EMC - Currently stored EMC. You can only store 1,073,741,824 EMC.
Left Slots - These are used for teaching the table items or charging Klein stars.
Right Outer Ring - Shows the items that can be made from the EMC in the table.
Right Inner Ring - Shows the fuels that can be made from the EMC in the table.
Right Center Slot - Locks the highest EMC value shown to whatever item is placed in the slot.
Fire Slot - Burns the item put here into EMC. It also teaches the table the item if it has not been learned yet. You can use Shift+Click to put items in here faster.

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