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for what

  • this cli generate conventional markdown and add .github template to your project


  • markdown subcommand generate markdown badge by program language or framework, this subcommand only output into stdout
    • markdown can use git url or http url to get git info (only support github now)
      • if not set --user or --repo can input git url like https//... or git@... (v1.11.+)
      • with empty --user or --repo and empty arg0 will try to find out git info from current git project (v1.12.+)
    • can cover by arg0 to fast get badge output, event not in git managed project
    • --no-common-badges no badges common subcommand for this repo (default: false)
    • --golang add golang badges for github project
    • --rust add rust badges for github project
      • --rust-crates value name badges for this repo, if not set, use repo name
    • --node add node badges for github project
    • --npm add npm badges for github project
    • --docker-user --docker-repo add docker badges for github project
  • badge add badge at github project
    • support badge same as markdown subcommand, different must use in git managed project
  • template add conventional template at .github and try add badge at
    • support badge same as markdown subcommand, different must use in git managed project
    • --coverage-folder-file coverage folder file under targetFolder, does not affect files that are not in the template (default: false)
    • conventional contributing support --language
      • en-US
      • zh-CN
  • action fast add github action workflow (1.10.+), must set --ci-* to effective
    • --coverage-folder-file coverage folder or file under targetFolder, does not affect files that are not in the template (default: false)
    • --ci-deploy-tag add sample deploy by tag
  • more perfect test case coverage


# install at $(GO_PATH)/bin
$ go install -v
# install version v1.11.2
$ go install -v

# usa as docker cli tools
$ docker run --rm sinlov/gh-conventional-kit:latest -h
# use as docker cli tools with version
$ docker run --rm sinlov/gh-conventional-kit:1.12.0 -h
  • please install git before use this cli
## show commands and global options
$ gh-conventional-kit --help

## markdown tools help
$ gh-conventional-kit markdown -h
# show common badges by gitUrl 1.6.+ support
$ gh-conventional-kit markdown --golang <gitUrl>
# example
$ gh-conventional-kit markdown --golang
$ gh-conventional-kit markdown --golang

# when project is golang
$ gh-conventional-kit markdown --golang <gitUrl>
# when project is rust
$ gh-conventional-kit markdown --rust <gitUrl>
# crates name not same as repo name
$ gh-conventional-kit markdown --rust --rust-crates some-rs <gitUrl>
# when project is node
$ gh-conventional-kit markdown --node <gitUrl>
# multiple programming languages
$ gh-conventional-kit markdown --golang --node <gitUrl>
# show common badges by -u and r
$ gh-conventional-kit markdown -u [user] -r [repo]

## badge tools help
$ gh-conventional-kit badge --help

# try at your git project root path golang
$ gh-conventional-kit --dry-run badge --golang
# append at head
$ gh-conventional-kit badge --golang

# if use other language like rust
$ gh-conventional-kit --dry-run badge --rust
# multiple programming languages
$ gh-conventional-kit --dry-run badge --rust --npm
# docker badges
$ gh-conventional-kit --dry-run badge --rust --docker-user [user] --docker-repo [repo]

## template tools help
$ gh-conventional-kit template --help
# try add template at .github and try add badge at
$ gh-conventional-kit --dry-run template --language en-US,zh-CN
# this project is golang
$ gh-conventional-kit --dry-run template --language en-US,zh-CN --golang
# this project is rust
$ gh-conventional-kit --dry-run template --language en-US,zh-CN --rust
#  crates name not same as repo name
$ gh-conventional-kit --dry-run template --language en-US,zh-CN --rust --rust-crates some-rs
# this project is node
$ gh-conventional-kit --dry-run template --language en-US,zh-CN --node
# multiple programming languages
$ gh-conventional-kit --dry-run template --language en-US,zh-CN --golang --node
# do template and add badge at
$ gh-conventional-kit template --language en-US,zh-CN --golang
# coverage template .github folder files
$ gh-conventional-kit template --language en-US,zh-CN --golang --coverage-folder-file



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