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Building on the work from this is an ansible project to manage a VM based FreeBSD VPS.

Current as of FreeBSD 14.0.


  • Manage PF based firewall.
  • Manage OpenVPN based VPN.
    • Provide VPN default gateway functionality.
  • Manage postfix MTA for jails.
  • Manage server jails:
    • squid web proxy jail.
    • BIND DNS jail.
    • nginx jail.
      • cgit (with gitolite integration)
    • radicale CalDAV jail.
    • openldap LDAP jail.
    • mail jail:
      • postfix MTA.
    • gitolite.
  • Unified authentication:
    • radicale uses LDAP.


  • Boot a FreeBSD 13 VM (tested on FreeBSD 13.0)
  • Clone a copy of this repository:
    • git clone
    • cd ansible-freebsdvps
  • Remove .git directory (optional):
    • rm -rf .git
  • Copy hosts.example to hosts and change the example IP to your VMs IP:
    • cp hosts.example hosts
    • sed -i 's/' hosts
  • Copy host_vars/master.example to host_vars/master
    • cp host_vars/master.example host_vars/master
  • Generate OpenSSL certificates for OpenVPN and copy to:
    • roles/openvpn/templates/certificates/cacert.pem
    • roles/openvpn/templates/certificates/openvpn.cert.pem
    • roles/openvpn/templates/certificates/openvpn.key.pem
    • roles/openvpn/templates/certificates/openvpn.dh2048.pem
    • roles/openvpn/templates/certificates/tls-auth.pem
    • Make sure you have also generated and signed client certificates.
  • Ensure your SSH public key is correct in host_vars/master.
  • Run the playbook with the "bootstrap" playbook:
    • ansible-playbook -i hosts bootstrap.yml.
    • Configure your VPN client to connect to the new VPN server.
    • SSH into the bootstrapped VM with ssh root@
    • freebsd-update fetch
    • freebsd-update install
    • reboot

Normal runs

  • Once first run is complete, the SSH port is only accessible via VPN.
  • Change the hosts file to point to the VPN server IP:
    • sed -i 's/YOUR_VM_IP/' hosts
      • (assuming you haven't changed the vpn_tun_subnet variable in host_vars/master)
  • Configure your OpenVPN client and connect to the VM.
  • Now you can run the playbook with no tags:
    • ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml.
  • After a normal run is complete you should use slappasswd to generate a password hash and add it to your host_vars/master
    • ssh root@ jexec ldap slappasswd.
    • Add the output to slapd_root entry in host_vars/master.
    • Reconfigure ldap jail: ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml --tags ldap.

Adding a new jail

  • Edit host_vars/master to add the jail name to the jails list and and an IP entry.
  • Edit roles/jails/templates/network.j2 to add a new IP address to the bridge for the jail.
  • Edit roles/jails/templates/jail.conf.j2 and add a new jail entry.
  • Edit roles/bind/templates/dns.local.j2 to add a forward DNS entry for the jail.
  • Edit roles/bind/templates/reversedns.local.j2 to add a reverse DNS entry for the jail.
  • If necessary, edit roles/pf/templates/pf.conf.j2 for appropriate firewall rules.
  • Make sure the new role for the jail installs a resolv.conf that points to local DNS:
    • nameserver {{ jail_bridge_subnet }}.{{ dns_ip }}
    • search local
  • Run playbook
  • On master, run:
    • export http_proxy="http://squid:3128"
    • export JAIL=jailname
    • freebsd-update -b /jailhome/$JAIL fetch
    • freebsd-update -b /jailhome/$JAIL install
    • pkg -j $JAIL update
    • jail -r $JAIL ; jail -cmr $JAIL


ansible project for configuring FreeBSD VPS server







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