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Michele Campus edited this page Jan 2, 2020 · 47 revisions


This is a work in Progress! Issues must be raised w/ full details + PCAP to reproduce.

Captagent TLS

When provided with the appropriate keying material, the TCP protocol module can attempt decryption TLS connections and display the application data traffic in real-time.

How decryption work

Internally, the work is divided to resolve the asymmetric and symmetric encryption.

  1. The encrypted pre-master secret is captured during the key exchange between Client and Server, and decrypted to obtain a Pre-Master Secret (PMS).
  2. The Master Secret (MS) is recreated thanks to PMS, and used for the symmetric encryption of the keys. The MS is necessary to build the keys block, that is dissected and leveraged to regenerate the required decryption keys used in the asymmetric part of the encryption.
  3. These keys (MACs or IVs, and Write keys) perform the final decryption of the real data.

Decryption can only be attempted for scenarios including the full client-server handshake.



  • TLS_DH* (Diffie-Hellman)


  • RSA PRIVATE KEY (max size 2048 bit)
  • libssl-dev
  • libgcrypt 1.8 or higher


apt-get install -y libgcrypt20 libgcrypt20-dev libssl-dev

Compile & Install

./configure --enable-tls --enable-ssl
make && sudo make install



Enable loading for protocol_tls under /usr/local/captagent/etc/captagent/captagent.xml

            <load module="protocol_tls" register="local"/>    <---- our module
            <load module="socket_pcap" register="local"/>

Remember to put <load module="protocol_tls" register="local"/> before <load module="socket_pcap" register="local"/> in order to activate the protocol functions in the correct way.


Configure socket_pcap and enable the TLS profile block using the proper port or portrange:

<profile name="socketspcap_tls" description="TLS Socket" enable="true" serial="2014010402">
		<param name="dev" value="any"/>
		<param name="promisc" value="true"/>
		<param name="reasm" value="false"/>
		<param name="tcpdefrag" value="true"/>
		<param name="capture-plan" value="tcp_capture_plan.cfg"/>
		<param name="filter">
		    <value>tcp port 5061</value>


Configure protocol_tls with the full path to the required private-key to decrypt RSA/TLS traffic:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<document type="captagent_module/xml">
  <module name="protocol_tls" description="TLS Protocol" serial="2014010402">
    <profile name="proto_tls" description="TLS PROTO" enable="true" serial="2014010402">
	<param name="flow-timeout" value="180"/>
	<!-- the value of private key refers to the absolute path of the private key (used for decryption) -->
	<param name="private-key-path" value="/path/to/cakey.pem"/>

That's all!

Dev Demo

Development demo setup leverages the default OpenSIPS rootCA.


For a complete scenarios it will be desirable to have other supported cipher suites for the RSA family


The code is relatively fresh and might be impacted by TCP reassembly and many other challenging scenarios requiring fine-tuning. If your traffic is not decoded or you receive TLS parsing errors for traffic you can decode with Wireshark, please open and issue w/ full details + PCAP to reproduce.