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A demonstration on how to send a fax using the sipgate REST API


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sipgate logo Java send fax example

This example demonstrates how to send a fax using the sipgate REST API.

For further information regarding the sipgate REST API please visit


  • JDK 8


Create the .env by copying the .env.example and set the values according to the comment above each variable.

The token must have the sessions:fax:write and history:read scopes. For more information about personal access tokens visit our website.

The FAXLINE_ID uniquely identifies the extension from which you wish to send your fax. Further explanation is given in the section Fax Extensions.

Although the API accepts various formats of fax numbers, the recommended format for the RECIPIENT is the E.164 standard.

PDF_FILE_PATH expects an either relative or absolute file path to your desired PDF file to be sent.

How To Use

Run the application:

./gradlew run

Note: On Windows use gradlew.bat instead of ./gradlew.

How It Works

In SendFax.main() we check that the user provides the recipient phone number and an existing PDF:

private static final String FAX_NUMBER_PATTERN = "\\+?[0-9]+";

public static void main(String[] args) {
	if (!recipient.matches(FAX_NUMBER_PATTERN)) {
		System.err.println("Invalid recipient faxRequest number");
	Path pdfFilepath = Paths.get(pdfPath);
		if (!Files.exists(pdfFilepath)) {
		System.err.println(String.format("File does not exist: %s", pdfFilepath));
	String encodedPdf;
	try {
		encodedPdf = encodePdf(pdfFilepath);
	} catch (IOException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
		System.err.println(String.format("Failed to encode file %s: %s", pdfFilepath, e.getMessage()));

After that we ensure that the mime-type of the file is application/pdf, read the file contents, and encode it with Base64

private static String encodePdf(Path pdfFilepath) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
	String contentType = Files.probeContentType(pdfFilepath);
	if (contentType == null || !contentType.equals("application/pdf")) {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a valid pdf file");

	byte[] pdfFileContent = Files.readAllBytes(pdfFilepath);
	byte[] encodedPdfFileContent = Base64.getEncoder().encode(pdfFileContent);

	return new String(encodedPdfFileContent);

Then we construct a FaxRequest object:

String filename = pdfFilepath.getFileName().toString();
Fax fax = new Fax(faxlineId, recipient, filename, encodedPdf);

We pass Unirest a ResponseMapper for mapping responses in JSON format to Java objects:

Unirest.setObjectMapper(new ResponseMapper());

After that, we call our sendFax method with the FaxRequest object as a parameter. The return value is the sessionId, which we will later use to track the sending status.

String sessionId;
try {
  sessionId = sendFax(faxRequest);
} catch (UnirestException e) {
  System.err.println(String.format("Fax request failed: %s", e.getMessage()));

In the sendFax method, we define the headers and the request body, which contains the FaxRequest object with faxlineId, recipient, filename, and base64Content.

We use the Unirest library for request generation and execution. The post() method takes as argument the request URL. The headers, authorization header, and request body are set by the header(), basicAuth() and body() method, respectively. The request URL consists of the base URL defined above and the endpoint /sessions/fax. The basicAuth() method from the Unirest package takes credentials and generates the required Basic Auth header (for more information on Basic Auth see our code example).

private static String sendFax(FaxRequest faxRequest) throws UnirestException {
	RequestBodyEntity response = + "/sessions/fax")
	.basicAuth(tokenId, token)
	.header("Content-Type", "application/json")

Next we check if the httpStatus is 200 indicating that the request to send the fax was received successfully.

int httpStatus = response.asString()

if (httpStatus != 200) {
	throw new UnirestException(String.format("Server responded with error code %s", httpStatus));

Note: Although the API returns the status 200 it does not mean that the fax was sent, only that it has been queued for sending.

If the request was successful, we map the response to a FaxResponse object and return its sessionId:

FaxResponse faxResponseBody = response.asObject(FaxResponse.class)

return faxResponseBody.sessionId;

To check the status of the fax, we update the faxStatusType in 5 second intervals using our sessionId. This process repeats until the faxStatusType is either "SENT" or "FAILED".

String faxStatusType = "";
do {
	try {
		faxStatusType = pollSendStatus(sessionId);
		Thread.sleep(5 * 1000);
	} catch (InterruptedException | UnirestException e) {
} while (!faxStatusType.equals("FAILED") && !faxStatusType.equals("SENT"));

In the pollSendStatus function we make a GET request to the /history/{sessionId} endpoint which yields the history entry that corresponds to our fax. In this case we are only interested in the faxStatusType.

private static String pollSendStatus(String sessionId) throws UnirestException {
    JsonNode historyEntryResponse = Unirest.get(baseUrl + "/history/" + sessionId)
        .basicAuth(tokenId, token)
    return historyEntryResponse.getObject().getString("faxStatusType");

The faxStatusType can be one of the following values:

  • PENDING: The fax was added to the queue for sending, but the sending process has not started yet
  • SENDING: The fax is currently being sent
  • FAILED: The fax could not be sent
  • SENT: The fax was sent successfully
  • SCHEDULED: The fax is scheduled for sending at the specified timestamp (it is not PENDING because it is not waiting in the queue of faxes to be sent yet)

Fax Extensions

A fax extension consists of the letter f followed by a number (e.g. f0). The sipgate API uses the concept of fax extensions to identify devices within your account that are enabled to send fax. In this context the term device does not necessarily refer to a hardware fax but rather a virtual representation.

You can find out what your extension is as follows:

  1. Log into your sipgate account
  2. Use the sidebar to navigate to the Routing (Telefonie) tab
  3. Click on any Fax device in your routing table
  4. Select any option (gear icon) to open the corresponding menu
  5. The URL of the page should have the form{option}/{faxlineId} where {faxlineId} is your Fax extension.

Common Issues

Fax added to the sending queue, but sending failed

Possible reasons are:

  • PDF file not encoded correctly in base64
  • PDF file with text fields or forms are not supported
  • PDF file is corrupted

HTTP Errors

reason errorcode
bad request (e.g. request body fields are empty or only contain spaces, timestamp is invalid etc.) 400
tokenId and/or token are wrong 401
your account balance is insufficient 402
no permission to use specified Fax extension (e.g. Fax feature not booked or user password must be reset in web app) 403
wrong REST API endpoint 404
wrong request method 405
invalid recipient fax number 407
wrong or missing Content-Type header with application/json 415
internal server error or unhandled bad request 500


Contact Us

Please let us know how we can improve this example. If you have a specific feature request or found a bug, please use Issues or fork this repository and send a pull request with your improvements.


This project is licensed under The Unlicense (see LICENSE file).

External Libraries

This code uses the following external libraries | @sipgateio | API-doc


A demonstration on how to send a fax using the sipgate REST API







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