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Flat encoding code generation for Go.

Go Reference


go get

What it is about.

It helps to create compact and performant binary encoding and decoding for:

  • Operation logs.
  • Structures.

This library can be used to create both standalone utilities with CLI or using runners like it is done in the example. Beware though it is not recommended to use this library as a dependency of your projects directly. An approach with some inner module of your project that will generate things is preferable, something placed in internal/tools/.:q

Operation logs.

Imagine we have some KV storage. This means we have a snapshot and an operations log with operations records:

    : Create(key string, value []byte)
    | Update(key string, value []byte)
    | Delete(key string)

Go's first choice to abstract these operation will be:

// LogOperationsRecorder to write operations into an operation log.
type LogOperationsRecorder interface{
    Create(key string, value []byte) error
    Update(key string, value []byte) error
    Delete(key string) error

// LogOperationDispatcher to dispatch operations retrieved from an operation log
type LogOperationDispatcher interface{
    Create(key string, value []byte) error
    Update(key string, value []byte) error
    Delete(key string) error

And here we have:

  • LogOperationsRecorder encodes parameters of methods calls into a binary form and save encoded data into a "physical" log.
  • LogOperationDispatcher methods are being called by a dispatcher that decodes an operation retrieved from a physical log.


  • LogOperationsRecorder implementation seems to be easy enough target for a code generation.

  • Likewise, a dispatcher is a reverse for LogOperationsRecorder and is also easy enough for a codegen. It is

    func logRecordDispatch(disp LogOperationDispatcher, rec []byte) error {
  • Although LogOperationDispatcher is an exact match for the LogRecorder as an interface, but it is an actual business logic, which is to be written by a user.

So, this code generator is about rendering a code for a LogOperationRecorder's t7y8uio]; \;'l implementation and a dispatching.

How the final utility is expected to work.

  1. Write an interface A.
  2. Write a type B having two methods a generated code will rely on to encode events:
    • allocateBuffer(n int) []byte method returning an empty slice with capacity ≥ n.
    • May be a writeBuffer(buf []byte) <returnTuple> method to write encoded events back. This method defines returns of encoding methods, they will have the same return tuple as writeBuffer or will be just []byte otherwise.
  3. Write a dispatcher type C what implements A. This type will be used to handle decoded events.
  4. Run utility pointing A, B, may be C (this is optional) and a dispatching function name.
    • Methods to encode events in <c>_generated.go file, here <c>.go is the file where C is defined.
    • Dispatch function <name>(h <B>|<A>, data []byte) error in the same <c>_generated.go file.
    • When C is set the dispatching function will use C directly instead of using generic interface A.

Arguments of the LogRecorder interface are having their own types. Some are supported out of the box, so as types satisfying certain predefined interface. And you can define your own codegen steps for certain types too. This kind of customization is a reason why this thing is a framework rather than a ready to use utility.

List of types subported out of the box.



  • intypes.VIX and intypes.VUX are defined in the sirkon/intypes package and their sole purpose is to represent int16..64 and uint16..64 with uleb128 encoding applied rather than a regular little endian encoding. I mean, if your LogRecorder interface will have, say, intypes.VU64 argument type in one of its methods, the argument type will be replaced to uint64 in both recorder and handler implementations.

These types are called builtins.

Auto-supported types.

type Encoder interface{
    Len() int
	// Encode must append to the dst slice and returns
	// the resulted slice.
    Encode([]byte) []byte

type Decoder interface{
	// Decode returns the rest of the data after it ends
	// its job.
    Decode([]byte) ([]byte, error)

any type that:

  • Satisfies the first interface.
  • The type itself or a pointer of the type satisfies the second interface.

Will be handled automatically. Beware though, values of this type must be usable at their zero state.

Custom types.

You may define custom encoding and decoding for your own types.

You need to implement Handler interface and register a handler factory for them using either CustomHandler option (HandleByName or NewHandler).

LogRecorder code generation details.

The general scheme of data encoding is:

graph TD
    size[Compute an output size of a data]
    allc[Allocate a buffer to keep the encoding data]
    encd[Encode data into the buffer]
    stor[Save buffer]
    size --> allc %% Relies on user defined method.
    allc --> encd %% Relies on generated code. 
    encd --> stor %% Relies on user defined method.

Structures binary flat encoding and decoding.

Log encoding/decoding was an original reason to develop this library for, but it turned out soon I also have something similar for structs too. So, the library was extended to handle them as well.

Usage example.

There's an example of the framework usage in the example folder.

IMPORTANT: Binary compatibility details.

We start from a recorder interface which has a set of (public) methods M1, M2,…, Mn, each having its own set of arguments:

type XXXRecorder interface{

Each one is getting an encoder. And we have a dispatching procedure, which gets encoded data, decode it and decides what method to call then. It requires some kind of method reference to be a part of the encoding. The generator does this that way:

Method number (uint32 kind) Arguments encoding

Where method number is its index in the list of methods.

What does it mean? It means we MUST NOT change a method order in any way: no reordering, no insertion, only appends are allowed.

Arguments are encoded in the order they come in their methods. This means everything what have been said for methods is applied to them. A little notice on appended arguments though: their encoders should tolerate empty buffer – this means you can't add arguments with builtin types, they are not like this.


  • You cannot reorder anything generally.
  • You can only append methods to the end and append arguments with custom handler which tolerates empty buffer on decoding.
  • You can rename arguments and methods whatever you like, because only positional information matters for both encoding and decoding.

Imagine we have Op method in our recorder and want to replace it with updated version. The best approach will be to rename Op -> DeprecatedOp and append a new Op method. This will do the trick.

You can even remove DeprecatedOp arguments altogether at some point, once you are sure there are no records of the deprecated Op in your logs anymore. But don't remove the method or make it private nevertheless, cause the order.

And it is even harder for structures: you can only append new fields to the end of their list and these field must have your custom type that handles no data left case.


  • Support types definitions where an underlying type is one of the builtins.
  • Provide support for pointers over numeric, boolean and string types + nil []byte values.
  • Provide auto-support for struct types where all fields are supported.


Flat encoding code generation for Go.







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