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Azure Backup VM Backup Policy

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Usage - Module

Azure Backup VM Backup Policy

module "backup_policy_vm" {
  source  = "sironite/backup_policy_vm/azurerm"
  version = "X.x.x"

  backup_policy_name  = "example-backup-policy"
  resource_group_name = "example-resource-group"
  recovery_vault_name = "example-recovery-vault"
  backup_fequency     = "Weekly"
  backup_weekdays     = ["Monday"]


Name Version
azurerm n/a


No modules.


Name Type
azurerm_backup_policy_vm.this resource


Name Description Type Required
backup_policy_name The name of the backup policy. string yes
recovery_vault_name The name of the recovery vault. string yes
resource_group_name The name of the resource group. string yes
backup_fequency The frequency of the backup. string no
backup_time The time of day to perform the backup. string no
daily_count The number of daily backups to retain. number no
instant_restore_retention_days The number of days to retain instant restore points. number no
monthly_count The number of monthly backups to retain. number no
monthly_weekdays The weekdays on which to perform monthly backups. list(string) no
monthly_weeks The weeks of the month on which to perform monthly backups. list(string) no
policy_type The type of the backup policy. string no
timezone The timezone of the backup policy. string no
weekly_count The number of weekly backups to retain. number no
weekly_weekdays The weekdays on which to perform weekly backups. list(string) no
yearly_count The number of yearly backups to retain. number no
yearly_months The months of the year on which to perform yearly backups. list(string) no
yearly_weekdays The weekdays on which to perform yearly backups. list(string) no
yearly_weeks The weeks of the year on which to perform yearly backups. list(string) no


Name Description
backup_policy_id The ID of the Backup Policy.
backup_policy_name The name of the Backup Policy.

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