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Azure Storage Account

Changelog Notice Apache V2 License TF Registry

Usage - Module

Azure Storage Account

module "storage_account" {
  source  = "sironite/storage_account/azurerm"
  version = "X.Y.Z"

  name                = "storageaccount"
  resource_group_name = "resourcegroup"
  location            = "westus2"

  network_rules = [{
    default_action             = "Allow"
    bypass                     = "AzureServices"
    ip_rules                   = []
    virtual_network_subnet_ids = []


Name Version
azurerm >=2.0.0


No modules.


Name Type
azurerm_storage_account.this resource


Name Description Type Required
location The location of the resource group. string yes
resource_group_name The name of the resource group. string yes
storage_account_name The name of the storage account. string yes
access_tier The storage account access tier. string no
account_kind The storage account kind. string no
account_replication_type The storage account replication type. string no
account_tier The storage account tier. string no
allow_nested_items_to_be_public Whether nested items can be public. bool no
allowed_copy_scope The allowed copy scope. string no
cross_tenant_replication_enabled Whether cross-tenant replication is enabled. bool no
enable_https_traffic_only Whether HTTPS traffic only is enabled. bool no
infrastructure_encryption_enabled Whether infrastructure encryption is enabled. bool no
is_hns_enabled Whether Hierarchical Namespace is enabled. bool no
min_tls_version The minimum TLS version. string no
network_rules The network rules.
default_action = string
bypass = list(string)
ip_rules = list(string)
virtual_network_subnet_ids = list(string)
public_network_access_enabled Whether public network access is enabled. bool no
shared_access_key_enabled Whether shared access key is enabled. bool no
tags The tags to apply to the storage account. map(string) no


Name Description
primary_access_key The primary access key of the storage account.
primary_blob_connection_string The primary blob connection string of the storage account.
primary_blob_endpoint The primary blob endpoint of the storage account.
primary_file_endpoint The primary file endpoint of the storage account.
primary_queue_endpoint value of the primary queue endpoint of the storage account.
primary_table_endpoint The primary table endpoint of the storage account.
secondary_access_key The secondary access key of the storage account.
secondary_blob_connection_string The secondary blob connection string of the storage account.
secondary_blob_endpoint The secondary blob endpoint of the storage account.
secondary_file_endpoint The secondary file endpoint of the storage account.
secondary_queue_endpoint The secondary queue endpoint of the storage account.
secondary_table_endpoint The secondary table endpoint of the storage account.
storage_account_id The ID of the storage account.
storage_account_name The name of the storage account.

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