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sirrandalot edited this page Mar 8, 2018 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the TextScreenEmu wiki!

This package is an attempt to emulate the type of text mode displays where ASCII art was king. Here's how it works:

Screen is a JPanel which contains a Tileset and a Palette. You set what you want the foreground and background colour to be and then tell it to draw a character (Tile) at a specific location. Simple as that! Keep in mind that this package only emulates the visual style, you can draw all the ascii characters you want and even create your own custom Tilesets and Palettes but the screen is strictly a display and contains no program control flow.

Download the latest jar here!

If anyone uses this to make something cool, I'd love to see it and I could even link to it from here!

Check out the other wiki pages for more details:

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