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Progress report: August 29, 2012

sisiwei edited this page Aug 30, 2012 · 7 revisions

Thanks to Nick, Jerzy and Emily for coming to our last volunteer day! - Sisi

Today's Goals

  • Create break points and maps for:
    • Single-mother households
    • Test performance (3rd grade proficiency)
    • Graduation rate
  • Cross-tab maps side-by-side layout
  • Brainstorm showing individual schools infobox data

Today's Accomplishments

New maps have been created and added to the interactive tool. New cross-tab layout is now complete.



  • New cross-tab maps added to the navigation for now, just so Gwen can see a bigger version if needed. We'll be taking this out for the final product.
  • Cross-tab maps are now REAL DATA.

Interactive tool

  • Added fixed top navigation for easy access to cross-tab analysis