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File metadata and controls

62 lines (53 loc) · 3.49 KB

Training Walkthrough

  • This section describes running, monitoring, and validating an experiment


  • use the scripts/imitation/ script
  • when you run this script, it creates a directory in data/experiments
    • this directory will contain all the information related to this experiment with the following structure
      • imitate/
        • log/
          • saved network parameters
          • log.txt file
          • saved args
        • summaries/
          • tensorflow summaries, more on this in a bit
      • viz/
        • directory containing automatically generated renderings of the environment
  • see scripts/imitation/ for default hyperparameters


  • there's a pretty extensive tensorboard associated with the script
  • if you're interested in how it works, see the file scripts/imitation/
  • in practice, run it by navigating to the summaries directory as specified above and executing tensorboard --logdir=. --port 55555, where 55555 is just some random port not in use


  • here are some examples of the information available on tensorboard
  • the section titles below are the same as the tabs available in tensorboard
  • the GAIL implementation (not included in this repo) summarizes information loss, etc
  • probably the most helpful value is the wasserstein distance (assuming you're using wgan, which by default you will be)
  • here's an example plot:
    • the wgan paper argues that wasserstein distance is a good indicator of performance (with decreasing wasserstein distances associated with improving performance), and in my experience this is the case. See the paper for details.
    • note that the w-distance stops improving here
      • this is an indicator that either (a) the critic is much more expressive than the policy or that it is being trained for much longer with a low gradient penalty or (b) that there's a bug
      • in this case, I believe it's because of option (a) w-dist
  • how you normalize the observations and actions when running GAIL is an important detail
  • these plots show the difference between the mean values observed by the agent during training and the mean values of the expert data
  • because these are normalized differently, we want all the mean plots to be as close to zero as possible, but in practice they tend not to be
  • the std deviation plots are also there, and in that case we just want them to be equal
  • if something seems to not be working, look through these plots (there are a lot of them)
Reward Handler
  • there is a class responsible for merging external rewards called RewardHandler
  • it summarizes stats about the different external rewards
  • this tab includes validation information
  • for example the rmse wrt various attributes and the frequency of collisions validation
  • at the top of tensorboard is an images tab
  • clicking on that shows, among other images, histograms of the actions output by the agent
  • because these are normalized between -1 and 1, the values should typically lie in that range, though may be larger action_histograms


  • after training a policy, you can validate it using the scripts/imitation/ script
  • see the script for details