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yonoo edited this page Oct 1, 2013 · 23 revisions

Office hours are held in 415 Avery, unless otherwise noted.

Please sign up below with your github username (eg. @username).

Optional: Monday, September 30

1:00pm: @yw2565

1:30pm: @warshawshaw

Free from 10am-2pm for max. 45min sessions. Propose a time below and email Troy and Chris to confirm.

Mandatory: Tuesday, October 1

11am - 11:30am: @cbadal

11:30am - 12pm: @knfinkel

12pm - 12:30pm: @yonoo

12:30pm - 1pm: @jnquick

1pm - 1:30pm: @jstoddart / @kjscities / (@allenghaida is on a studio trip this week)

Optional: Monday, September 23

Free from 1pm-5pm for max. 30min sessions. Propose a time below and email Troy to confirm.
1:30pm: Allen
1:45pm: @cbadal, @warshawshaw

Mandatory: Tuesday, September 24

11am - 11:30am: @jstoddart, @allenhaida, @kjscities

11:30am - 12pm: @weimpromptu, @yong, @yifeng

12pm - 12:30pm: @kamillacsegzi, @mashalusha

12:30pm - 1pm: @cbadal, @warshawshaw, @knfinkel

1pm - 1:30pm: @jquick @yz2428 @dinamahmoud