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Responsive Images for Neos - with Atomic.Fusion & Monocle in mind

This package implements responsive-images for Neos for being used via Fusion.

imageSource = Sitegeist.Kaleidoscope:DummyImageSource

renderer = afx`
        srcset="320w, 400w, 600w, 800w, 1000w, 1200w, 1600w"
        sizes="(min-width: 800px) 1000px, (min-width: 480px) 800px, (min-width: 320px) 440px, 100vw"

By separating the aspects of image-definition, size-constraining and rendering we enable the separation of those aspects into different fusion-components.

We want to help implementing responsive-images in the context of atomic-fusion and enable previewing fusion-components and their full responsive behavior in the Sitegeist.Monocle living styleguide.

Sitegeist.Kaleidoscope comes with four Fusion-ImageSources:

  • Sitegeist.Kaleidoscope:AssetImageSource: Images uploaded by Editors
  • Sitegeist.Kaleidoscope:DummyImageSource: Dummy images created by a local service
  • Sitegeist.Kaleidoscope:ResourceImageSource: Static resources from Packages
  • Sitegeist.Kaleidoscope:UriImageSource: any Url

Authors & Sponsors

The development and the public-releases of this package is generously sponsored by our employer


Sitegeist.Kaleidoscope is available via packagist run composer require sitegeist/kaleidoscope. We use semantic versioning so every breaking change will increase the major-version number.


Some image libraries have problems with WebP image formats. To avoid problems, a fallback image format can be configured, which will be used for rendering if the requested format fails. The default value is png.

      fallbackFormat: 'png'

Moreover, as some image libraries (like Vips) also have problems with the generation of the dummy image, the driver can be overriden. By default, this value is false and the default driver as configured in Neos.Imagine is used. Possible values are Gd, Imagick, Gmagick or Vips.

      overrideImagineDriver: 'Imagick'


Image/Picture FusionObjects

The Kaleidoscope package integrates two main fusion-objects that an render the given ImageSource as img- or picture-tag.


Render an img-tag with optional srcset based on sizes or resolutions.


  • imageSource: the imageSource to render
  • srcset: media descriptors like '1.5x' or '600w' of the default image (string ot array)
  • sizes: sizes attribute of the default image (string ot array)
  • loading: (optional, default "lazy") loading attribute for the img tag
  • format: (optional) the image-format like webp or png, will be applied to the imageSource
  • quality: (optional) the image quality from 0 to 100, will be applied to the imageSource
  • width: (optional) the base width, will be applied to the imageSource
  • height: (optional) the base height, will be applied to the imageSource
  • alt: alt-attribute for the img tag (default "")
  • title: title attribute for the img tag
  • class: class attribute for the img tag (deprecated in favor of attributes.class)
  • attributes: tag-attributes, will override any automatically rendered ones
  • renderDimensionAttributes: render dimension attributes (width/height) when the data is available from the imageSource. Enabled by default

Image with srcset in multiple resolutions:

imageSource = Sitegeist.Kaleidoscope:DummyImageSource

renderer = afx`
        srcset="1x, 2x, 3x"

Image with srcset in multiple sizes:

imageSource = Sitegeist.Kaleidoscope:DummyImageSource

renderer = afx`
        srcset="320w, 400w, 600w, 800w, 1000w, 1200w, 1600w"
        sizes="(min-width: 800px) 1000px, (min-width: 480px) 800px, (min-width: 320px) 440px, 100vw"


Render a picture-tag with various sources.


  • imageSource: the imageSource to render
  • sources: an array of source definitions that supports the following keys
    • imageSource: alternate image-source for art direction purpose
    • srcset: (optional) media descriptors like '1.5x' or '600w' (string ot array)
    • sizes: (optional) sizes attribute (string or array)
    • media: (optional) the media attribute for this source
    • type: (optional) the type attribute for this source
    • format: (optional) the image-format for the source like webp or png, is applied to imageSource and type
    • quality: (optional) the image quality from 0 to 100, will be applied to the imageSource
    • width: (optional) the base width, will be applied to the imageSource
    • height: (optional) the base height, will be applied to the imageSource
  • srcset: media descriptors like '1.5x' or '600w' of the default image (string ot array)
  • sizes: sizes attribute of the default image (string ot array)
  • formats: (optional) image formats that will be rendered as sources of separate type (string or array)
  • quality: (optional) the image quality from 0 to 100, will be applied to the imageSource
  • width: (optional) the base width, will be applied to the imageSource
  • height: (optional) the base height, will be applied to the imageSource
  • loading: (optional, default "lazy") loading attribute for the img tag
  • alt: alt-attribute for the img tag
  • title: title attribute for the img tag
  • attributes: picture-tag-attributes, will override any automatically rendered ones
  • imgAttributes: img-tag-attributes, will override any automatically rendered ones
  • class: class attribute for the picture tag (deprecated in favor of attributes.class)
  • renderDimensionAttributes: render dimension attributes (width/height) for the img-tag when the data is available from the imageSource if not specified renderDimensionAttributes will be enabled automatically for pictures that only use the formats options.

Picture multiple formats:

The following code will render a picture with an img-tag and two additional source-tags for the formats webp and png in addition to the default img.

imageSource = Sitegeist.Kaleidoscope:DummyImageSource

renderer = afx`
        srcset="320w, 600w, 800w, 1200w, 1600w"
        sizes="(min-width: 320px) 440px, 100vw"
        formats="webp, png'

Picture with multiple sources:

The properties imageSource. srcset and sizes are automatically passed from the picture to the source if not defined otherwise.

imageSource = Sitegeist.Kaleidoscope:DummyImageSource

renderer = afx`
    <Sitegeist.Kaleidoscope:Picture imageSource={props.imageSource} >
            srcset='320w, 480w, 800w'
            sizes='(max-width: 320px) 280px, (max-width: 480px) 440px, 100vw'
            srcset="1x, 1.5x, 2x"
            media="screen and (min-width: 1600px)"
            srcset="320w, 480w, 800w"
            sizes="(max-width: 320px) 280px, (max-width: 480px) 440px, 100vw"
            media="screen and (max-width: 1599px)"


Render an src-tag with srcset, sizes, type and media attributes.


  • imageSource: the imageSource to render (inherited from picture)
  • srcset: media descriptors like '1.5x' or '600w' of the default image (string ot array, inherited from picture)
  • sizes: (optional) sizes attribute (string or array, inherited from picture)
  • format: (optional) the image-format like webp or png, will be applied to imageSource and type
  • quality: (optional) the image quality from 0 to 100, will be applied to the imageSource
  • width: (optional) the base width, will be applied to the imageSource
  • height: (optional) the base height, will be applied to the imageSource
  • type: (optional) the type attribute for the source like image/png or image/webp, the actual format is enforced via imageSource.withFormat()
  • media: (optional) the media query for the given source
  • renderDimensionAttributes: render dimension attributes (width/height) for the source-tag when the data is available from the imageSource if not specified renderDimensionAttributes will be enabled automatically.

Responsive Images with AtomicFusion-Components and Sitegeist.Monocle

prototype (Vendor.Site:Component.ResponsiveKevisualImage) < prototype(Neos.Fusion:Component) {

    # Use the DummyImageSource inside the styleguide
    @styleguide {
        props {
            imageSource = Sitegeist.Kaleidoscope:DummyImageSource

    # Enforce the dimensions of the passed images by cropping to 1600 x 800
    imageSource = null
    imageSource.@process.enforeDimensions = ${value ? value.withWidth(1600).withHeight(900) : null}

    renderer = afx`
        <Sitegeist.Kaleidoscope:Image imageSource={props.imageSource} srcset="1x, 1.5x, 2x" />

Please note that the enforced dimensions are applied in the presentational component. The dimension enforcement is applied to the DummySource aswell as to the AssetSource which will be defined by the integration.

The integration of the component above as content-element works like this:

prototype (Vendor.Site:Content.ResponsiveKevisual) < prototype(Neos.Neos:ContentComponent) {
    renderer = Vendor.Site:Component.ResponsiveKevisualImage {
        imageSource = Sitegeist.Kaleidoscope:AssetImageSource {
            asset = ${q(node).property('image')}
            title = ${q(node).property('title')}
            alt = ${q(node).property('alternativeText')}

This shows that integration-code dos not need to know the required image dimensions or wich variants are needed. This frontend know-how is now encapsulated into the presentational-component.

Dynamically enable/disable the lazy rendering

To optimize the initial load time lazy loading should be disabled for the first contents but be enabled for others. This can be implemented by enabling the lazyness in the ContentCase prototype depending on whether or not the current node is the first content in the main collection.

renderer = Neos.Neos:ContentCollection {
    nodePath = 'main'

    // configure seperate iterator for main content
    content.iterationName = 'mainContentIterator'

    // enable lazynes for first items
    prototype(Sitegeist.Kaleidoscope:Image) {
        loading = ${mainContentIterator.isFirst ? 'eager' : 'lazy'}
    prototype(Sitegeist.Kaleidoscope:Picture) {
        loading = ${mainContentIterator.isFirst ? 'eager' : 'lazy'}

ImageSource FusionObjects

The package contains ImageSource-FusionObjects that encapsulate the intention to render an image. ImageSource-Objects return Eel-Helpers that allow to enforcing the rendered dimensions later in the rendering process.

Note: The settings for width, height, thumbnailPreset and variantPreset can be defined via fusion but can also applied to the returned object which will override the fusion-settings.



  • asset: An image asset that shall be rendered (defaults to the context value asset)
  • async: Defer image-rendering until the image is actually requested by the browser (default true)
  • thumbnailPreset: width and height are supported as explained above
  • variantPreset: as explained above
  • format: Set the image output format, like webp (default null)
  • quality: Set the image quality from 0 to 100 (default null)
  • alt: The alt attribute if not specified otherwise (default null)
  • title: The title attribute if not specified otherwise (default null)



  • baseWidth: The default width for the image before scaling (default = 600)
  • baseHeight: The default height for the image before scaling (default = 400)
  • backgroundColor: The background color of the dummy image (default = '999')
  • foregroundColor: The foreground color of the dummy image (default = 'fff')
  • text: The text that is rendered on the image (default = null, show size)
  • thumbnailPreset: width and height are supported as explained above
  • variantPreset: as explained above
  • alt: The alt attribute if not specified otherwise (default null)
  • title: The title attribute if not specified otherwise (default null)



  • uri: The uri that will be rendered
  • alt: The alt attribute if not specified otherwise (default null)
  • title: The title attribute if not specified otherwise (default null)



  • package: The package key (e.g. 'My.Package') (default = false)
  • path: Path to resource, either a path relative to Public and package or a resource:// URI (default = null)
  • !!! thumbnailPreset: width and height have no effect on this ImageSource
  • !!! variantPreset: has no effect on this ImageSource

ImageSource Eel-Helpers

The ImageSource-helpers are created by the fusion-objects above and are passed to a rendering component. The helpers allow to set or override the intended dimensions and to render the src and srcset-attributes.

Methods of ImageSource-Helpers that are accessible via Eel:

  • withWidth( integer $width, bool $preserveAspect = false ): Set the intend width modify height as well if

  • withHeight( integer $height, bool $preserveAspect = false ): Set the intended height

  • withDimensions( integer, interger): Set the intended width and height

  • withThumbnailPreset( string ): Set width and/or height via named thumbnail preset from Settings Neos.Media.thumbnailPresets

  • withVariantPreset( string, string ): Select image variant via the named variant preset (parameters are "preset identifier" key and "preset variant name" key from Settings Neos.Media.variantPresets)

  • withFormat( string ): Set the image format to generate like webp, png or jpeg

  • withQuality( integer ): Set the image quality from 0 to 100

  • withAlt( ?string ): Set the alt atttribute for the image tag

  • withTitle( ?string ): Set the title atttribute for the image tag

  • src(): Render a src attribute for the given ImageSource-object

  • srcset( array of descriptors ): render a srcset attribute for the ImageSource with given media descriptors like 2.x or 800w

  • width(): The current width of the ImageSource if available

  • height(): The current height of the ImageSource if available

  • alt(): The alt value of the ImageSource if available

  • title(): The title value of the ImageSource if available

deprecated methods:

  • applyThumbnailPreset( string ): Set width and/or height via named thumbnail preset from Settings Neos.Media.thumbnailPresets
  • useVariantPreset( string, string ): Select image variant via the named variant preset (parameters are "preset identifier" key and "preset variant name" key from Settings Neos.Media.variantPresets)
  • setWidth( integer $width, bool $preserveAspect = false ): Set the intend width modify height as well if
  • setHeight( integer $height, bool $preserveAspect = false ): Set the intended height
  • setDimensions( integer, interger): Set the intended width and height
  • setFormat( string ): Set the image format to generate like webp, png or jpeg
  • setQuality( integer ): Set the image quality from 0 to 100

Note: The Eel-helpers cannot be created directly. They have to be created by using the Sitegeist.Kaleidoscope:AssetImageSource or Sitegeist.Kaleidoscope:DummyImageSource fusion-objects.


Render an img-tag with src and a srcset in multiple resolutions:

    imageSource = Sitegeist.Kaleidoscope:DummyImageSource
    renderer = afx`
            srcset={props.imageSource.srcset('1x, 1.5x, 2x')}

Render an img-tag with src plus srcset and sizes:

    imageSource = Sitegeist.Kaleidoscope:DummyImageSource
    renderer = afx`
            srcset={props.imageSource.srcset('400w, 600w, 800w')}
            sizes="(max-width: 320px) 280px, (max-width: 480px) 440px, 800px"

Render a picture-tag with multiple source-children and an img-fallback :

    imageSource = Sitegeist.Kaleidoscope:DummyImageSource
    renderer = afx`
            <source srcset={props.imageSource.withDimensions(400, 400).srcset('200w, 400w')} media="(max-width: 799px)" />
            <source srcset={props.imageSource.srcset('400w, 600w, 800w')} media="(min-width: 800px)" />
            <img src={props.imageSource.src()} />

In this example devices smaller than 800px will show a square image, while larger devices will render a multires-source in the original image dimension.


We will gladly accept contributions. Please send us pull requests.