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Releases: sitespeedio/ 2.5.6

05 Feb 19:54
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This release contains an upgraded version of BrowserTime 0.6 (if you installed via Homebrew, you can just run update & upgrade to get that version). The new version fix a crash while trying to run resource timing measurements in Firefox.

See the list of changes here: 2.5.5

30 Jan 10:01
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  • Added proxy support when collecting Navigation Timing metrics #351
  • Bug fix: New version of the crawler, the proxy support was broken in the last release
  • Added support for local configuration where you can override default configuration (thanks @AD7six) 2.5.4

28 Jan 10:37
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A quick bug fix again, waiting on the 2.6 release :)

  • Bug fix: If PhantomJS fails, the whole analyze fails (introduced in last release) #359
  • The crawler now handles GZiped content. If the server ignored that the crawler didn't handled compressed content, the analyze was broken #263 2.5.3

25 Jan 13:17
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The third release this week: 2.5.3

There's one really important fix, the crawler didn't fetch the end location URL if a page was redirected (#356). It had the following implications:

  • Testing a URL that got redirected, did not catch the actual redirect, so the page got better score than it should
  • If the first URL was redirected (when crawling) to another path, the crawl fetches wrong URLs
  • If the crawler was redirected to a mobile domain (if you used a mobile user agent), the crawl did not fetch the right URLs

Other fixes

  • When parsing all individual HTML files, show how many that has been parsed every 20 run #354
  • Bug fix: The internal link to assets on the detailed page don't work #355 2.5.2

24 Jan 13:45
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A better (& working fix) for issue #352 , thanks @jordibuj for the input! 2.5.1

23 Jan 21:06
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Fix for getting work when running Jenkins as a dameon and/or on a Jenkins slave. #352 2.5

20 Jan 13:09
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This release contains two things: You can now fetch timings using multiple browsers for one run and (hopefully) all errors that can happen are logged to the error.log. The last one will make it easier to report issues and fix them.

The parameters for fetching timing metrics through the browser have changed; use the c parameter to choose browser and z how many runs per page. It looks like this now (analyze fetch timings using Chrome and test each page ten times):

bin/ -u -c chrome -z 10

Or fetching using both Chrome & Firefox:

bin/ -u -c chrome,firefox -z 10

The changes

  • Better error handling: Log all errors to the error log file and #334 and make sure one page error will not break the whole test #329
  • Test in multiple browsers in one run #341 2.4.1

10 Jan 20:20
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To all Ubuntu lovers, here's a fix that get the Jenkins/ plugin work on Ubuntu.


  • Put the HAR file in the HAR directory instead of home dir (fixes #343), now it will work when running in Jenkins 2.4

08 Jan 23:26
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Yes, here is 2.4, now you can run it on Windows (again) and you also get a better default version of the summary pages (less configuration to see the most interesting stuff).


  • If Chrome or IE is used, display firstPaintTime in the summary as default #307
  • Added more default fields in the summary: requestsMissingGzip, jsWeightPerPage, cssWeightPerPage #325
  • Changed order of the summary fields so that logical fields are grouped together
  • Made it clearer that CSS & JS weight are per file in the summary (meaning inline CSS/JS are not included)
  • Show red/yellow/green for cacheTime on the summary page #312 and for JS & CSS size
  • Added short description on each rule on the summary page (hover to see it) #161
  • New XML-Velocity jar that with a small change how template files are loaded
  • New BrowserTime version that works on Windows & fetch resource timings
  • works (again) on Windows, this time also when fetching Navigation Timing metrics
  • Show which browser that is used on the summary page when collecting timing metrics
  • Bug fix: the rule Avoid DNS lookups when a page has few requests was broken, couldn't tell if JS was loaded async or not #328
  • Bug fix: Running the JUnit test script after you fetched URL:s from a file was broken 2.3.1

27 Dec 20:00
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One important fix:

  • If is down or doesn't work, should still work