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File metadata and controls

247 lines (155 loc) · 6.03 KB


A database modeling system for the Kohana framework (v3.0+).

Quick Start

Each model must:

  • extend the Sprig class
  • define the database table name
  • define a public init() method and set the field mappings

Example of a model:

class Model_Post extends Sprig {
    protected $_table = 'blog_posts';
    public function init()
        $this->_fields += array(
            'id' => new Sprig_Field_Auto,
            'title' => new Sprig_Field_Char,
            'blog' => new Sprig_Field_ForeignKey(array(
                'model' => 'Blog',
            'author' => new Sprig_Field_ForeignKey(array(
                'model' => 'User',
            'body' => new Sprig_Field_Text,
            'published' => new Sprig_Field_Boolean,

Interacting with models

Loading models is done with the Sprig::factory($name) method:

$post = Sprig::factory('post');


Model data is read using object properties:

$title = $post->title;
$body  = $post->body;

Model data is changed the same way:

$post->title = 'A New Title';

You can also use the values() method set many fields using an associative array:

    'title' => 'A New Title',

Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD)

Reading records is done by setting the search values, then calling the load() method:

$post = Sprig::factory('post');
$post->id = 5;

if ($post->loaded())
    // Do something with the post

It is also possible to pre-populate the model using an array of values:

$post = Sprig::factory('post', array('id' => 10))

Creating new records is done using the create() method:

$post = Sprig::factory('post', array(
        'title'     => 'My First Blog Post',
        'body'      => 'Created using a Sprig model!',
        'published' => FALSE,

// Create a new blog post

If the model data does not satisfy the validation requirements, a Validate_Exception will be thrown. This exception should be caught and used to show the end user the error messages:

    // Create a new blog post
catch (Validate_Exception $e)
    // Get the errors using the Validate::errors() method
    $errors = $e->array->errors('blog/post');

Updating a record is done using the update() method:


catch (Validate_Exception $e)
    $errors = $e->array->errors('blog/post');

Deleting a record is done using the delete() method:



It is possible to generate a complete form very quickly using the inputs() method:

<?php foreach ($post->inputs() as $label => $input): ?>
    <dt><?php echo $label ?></dt>
    <dd><?php echo $input ?></dd>
<?php endforeach ?>

Each input will be populated with the current value of the field.

If you need the field name as the inputs() key instead of the label, use FALSE:

$inputs = $post->inputs(FALSE);

echo $inputs['title'];

Field Object Reference

Accessing a field object is done using the field() method:

$title = $post->field('title');

An array of fields can be accessed using the fields() method:

$fields = $post->fields();

Types of fields

Sprig offers most database column types as classes. Each field must extend the Sprig_Field class. Each field has the following properties:

empty : Allow empty() values to be used. Default is FALSE.

primary : A primary key field. Multiple primary keys (composite key) can be specified. Default is FALSE.

unique : This field must have a unique value within the model table. Default is FALSE.

null : Convert all empty() values to NULL. Default is FALSE.

editable : Show the field in forms. Default is TRUE.

default : Default value for this field. Default is '' (an empty string).

choices : Limit the value of this field to an array of choices. This will change the form input into a select list. No default value.

column : Database column name for this field. Default will be the same as the field name, except for foreign keys, which will use the field name with _id appended.

label : Human readable label. Default will be the field name converted with Inflector::humanize().

filters : Validate filters for this field.

rules : Validate rules for this field.

callbacks : Validate callbacks for this field.


An auto-incrementing (sequence) field.

Implies primary = TRUE and editable = FALSE.


A boolean (TRUE/FALSE) field, representing by a checkbox.

Implies empty = TRUE and default = FALSE.


A single line of text, represented by a text input.

Also has the min_length and max_length properties.


A float or decimal number, represented by a text input.

Also has the places property.


An integer number, represented with a text input (or a select input, if the choices property is set).

Also has the min_value and max_value properties.


A large block of text, represented by a textarea.


Extends Sprig_Field_Char, but requires the choices property.


Extends Sprig_Field_Char, but requires a valid email address as the value.


Extends Sprig_Field_Integer, but requires a valid UNIX timestamp as the value.

Also has the format and auto_now properties.


Extends Sprig_Field_Integer, but references another model. Represented by a select input.

Also has the model property, the name of another Sprig model.

Implies choices will be set the the result of $model->select_list().