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3. Configuration file

six2dez edited this page Sep 6, 2021 · 3 revisions


  • Through reconftw.cfg file the whole execution of the tool can be controlled.
  • Hunters can set various scanning modes,** execution preferences**, tools, config files, APIs/TOKENS, personalized wordlists and much more. The following explains what each of the options is for:

1) General values

Values affecting the general workflow of the tool no matter what mode is using
** ⚠️ Warning: a wrong change here can break the output, so be careful ⚠️ **

OPTION Default Description
tools ~/Tools Directory where all the tools are stored
SCRIPTPATH "$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )" Path where reconFTW directory is placed
profile_shell ".$(basename $(echo $SHELL))rc" Name of your config shell file (i.e. .zshrc or .bashrc)
reconftw_version $(git branch --show-current)-$(git describe --tags) Get git version
update_resolvers true Whether you can to update resolvers if they are more than 24hrs. old
proxy_url"8080/ Sends the reconFTW traffic through proxy proxify
dir_output Default is ignored (#) = false Output folder for results, uncomment and set an absolute path to use it

2) Golang vars

These are the default values in any Golang installation, if you have any other configuration change it here.
** ⚠️ Warning: a wrong change here can break the output, so be careful ⚠️ **

OPTION Default Description
export GOROOT /usr/local/go Golang path for root
export GOPATH $HOME/go Default golang path for root
export PATH $GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH Add Golang to your $PATH

3) Tools config files

Path where config files for tools used by reconFTW is stored.

OPTION Default Description
AMASS_CONFIG ~/.config/amass/config.ini Amass config file
GITHUB_TOKENS ${tools}/.github_tokens File with Github tokens, one per line

4) API/Tokens

Here you can define some API keys, values or tokens used for some tools, it also can be defined in your .bashrc/.zshrc instead here. In case you want to define here first uncomment and then add the value. These are the used:

OPTION Default Description
XSS_SERVER Domain for blind XSS attacks (i.e.
COLLAB_SERVER Collaborator server for SSRF tests
findomain_virustotal_token Findomain VT token
findomain_spyse_token Findomain Spyse token
findomain_securitytrails_token Findomain ST token
findomain_fb_token Findomain FB token
slack_channel Needed to send zip output over Slack
slack_auth Needed to send zip output over Slack

5) File descriptors

As you can see, reconFTW doesn't outputs the original stdout of the tools, this is because is redirected because of a clean output, you can comment this vars to output everything (same behavior of -v flag), or just comment DEGUB_ERROR to show only tools errors

OPTION Default Description
DEBUG_STD "&>/dev/null" Standard message redirection
DEBUG_ERROR "2>/dev/null" Error message redirection


Functions executed for OSINT techniques, you can avoid them if you set to false.

OPTION Default Description
GOOGLE_DORKS true Google dorking
GITHUB_DORKS false GitHub dorking, default to false because is slow
METADATA true Extract metadata from public files
EMAILS true Extract emails/users/passwords related to target
DOMAIN_INFO true Whois info and domains related to the same registrant
METAFINDER_LIMIT 20 Number of results fetched with Metafinder tool

7) Subdomains

Various Subdomain techniques used, set to false those that you don't want to run.

OPTION Default Description
SUBDOMAINS_GENERAL true Subdomains general feature
SUBPASSIVE true Subdomains from passive sources
SUBCRT true Subdomains from certificate transparency
SUBANALYTICS true Subdomains from Google Analytics
SUBBRUTE true Subdomain bruteforce
SUBSCRAPING true Subdomains scraping from source code
SUBPERMUTE true Subdomains permutations
SUBTAKEOVER true Subdomain takeover check
SUBRECURSIVE true Subdomain recursive search
SUB_RECURSIVE_PASSIVE true Subdomain recursive search from passive sources
ZONETRANSFER true Zone transfer check
S3BUCKETS true Checks for S3 buckets
REVERSEIP true Reverse IP search

8) Web detection

Tasks to detect websites in subdomains.

OPTION Default Description
WEBPROBESIMPLE true Web probe on http and https
WEBPROBEFULL true Web probe on more than 90 ports, where web interface can be hosted
WEBSCREENSHOT true Web screenshot every website found
UNCOMMON_PORTS_WEB ... List of ports where web interface can be hosted
AXIOM_SCREENSHOT_MODULE webscreenshot Web Screenshots in axiom

9) Hosts

Tasks performed on hosts found.

OPTION Default Description
FAVICON true Check favicon to find more domains or waf bypass with same favicon hash
PORTSCANNER true To disable or enable any type of port scan
PORTSCAN_PASSIVE true Port scanner passive with Shodan
PORTSCAN_ACTIVE true Port scanner with nmap top 1000
CLOUD_IP true Shows what IPs belong to cloud providers

10) Website analysis

Tasks performed on any web to retrieve as much as info as possible.

OPTION Default Description
WAF_DETECTION true Detect if website is behind waf
NUCLEICHECK true Run nuclei templates
URL_CHECK true Retrieve urls from passive and crawling
URL_GF true Analyze urls extracted with gf patterns
URL_EXT true Create a file sort by extension type
JSCHECKS true Analyze JS files
FUZZ true Web fuzzing
CMS_SCANNER true Scan to detect CMS
WORDLIST true Generate wordlists from urls collected
ROBOTSWORDLIST true Set wordlist used in Fuzzer

11) Vulns

Every vulnerability check performed, first filtered with uddup, qsreplace and gf-patterns.

OPTION Default Description
VULNS_GENERAL false Vulns check general feature
XSS true XSS reflected with Gxss confirmed with dalfox
CORS true CORS misconfigurations
TEST_SSL true Check SSL
OPEN_REDIRECT true Check Open Redirects flaws
SSRF_CHECKS true Scan for SSRF
CRLF_CHECKS true Scan for CRLF
LFI true LFI with fuzzing wordlist
SSTI true SSTI with fuzzing
SQLI true SQLi with SQLmap
BROKENLINKS true Check broken links redirections
SPRAY true Password spraying with brutespray over ports and services found
COMM_INJ true Check command injection flaws
PROTO_POLLUTION true Check prototype pollution attack

12) Extra option

Advanced options that you may find interesting.

OPTION Default Description
NOTIFICATION false Set to true to receive notifications for every function, need configuration (Telegram, Slack or Discord)
SOFT_NOTIFICATION false Set to true to receive notifications for each target start and end, need configuration (Telegram, Slack or Discord)
DEEP false Enable deep (and slower) scan, same as --deep flag
DEEP_LIMIT 500 Set DEEP number
DIFF false Enable support to run over same targets again and again and it only advice for new findings (for cron mode and monitoring)
REMOVETMP false Remove temporary files after finish scan
REMOVELOG false Remove log files after finish scan
PROXY false Proxy(burp, zap) to send websites and fuzzing
SENDZIPNOTIFY false Set to true to send zipped results over Tg, Discord or Slack
PRESERVE false Set to true to allow repeat every step (only Axiom)

13) Http options

Headers for HTTP requests.

OPTION Default Description
HEADER "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:72.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/72.0" Define custom Header or User-Agent

14) Threads

Threads control for the tools.

OPTION Default Description
FFUF_THREADS 40 Fuzzing threads
HTTPX_THREADS 50 Http probe threads
HTTPX_UNCOMMONPORTS_THREADS 100 Http uncommon ports probe threads
GOSPIDER_THREADS 50 Crawler threads
GITDORKER_THREADS 5 Github dorking threads
BRUTESPRAY_THREADS 20 Password spraying threads
BRUTESPRAY_CONCURRENCE 10 Password spraying concurrent hosts
ARJUN_THREADS 20 Param discovery threads
GAUPLUS_THREADS 10 Concurrent threads for gauplus
DALFOX_THREADS 200 Threads for dalfox
PUREDNS_PUBLIC_LIMIT 0 Threads for massdns querying public resolvers (when your wifi blows up set between 2000-10000)
PUREDNS_TRUSTED_LIMIT 400 Puredns threads querying trusted dns resolvers
WEBSCREENSHOT_THREADS 200 Webscreenshot threads
RESOLVE_DOMAINS_THREADS 150 Resolve domains IP threads
PPFUZZ_THREADS 30 Ppfuzz threads

14) Timeouts

Maximum execution time for a particular tool or job can be set here.

OPTION Default Description
CMSSCAN_TIMEOUT 36000 Timeout for the whole CMScanner execution
FFUF_MAXTIME 900 Maximum execution time for a single url
HTTPX_TIMEOUT 10 Maximum time to wait for a response for web probes on port 80 & 443
HTTPX_UNCOMMONPORTS_TIMEOUT 10 Maximum time to wait for a response

15) Lists

Wordlists to use in reconFTW. Here you can specify your personalized wordlists.

OPTION Default Description
fuzz_wordlist ${tools}/fuzz_wordlist.txt Fuzzing wordlist
lfi_wordlist ${tools}/lfi_wordlist.txt LFI wordlist
ssti_wordlist ${tools}/ssti_wordlist.txt SSTI wordlist
subs_wordlist ${tools}/subdomains.txt Subdomains wordlist (jhaddix's all.txt)
subs_wordlist_big ${tools}/subdomains_big.txt Big subdomain wordlist used with deep flag (assetnote)
resolvers ${tools}/resolvers.txt List of resolvers
resolvers_trusted ${tools}/resolvers_trusted.txt List of trusted DNS resolvers

16) Axiom Fleet

Axiom configurations

OPTION Default Description
AXIOM false Enable axiom, same as -v flag
AXIOM_FLEET_LAUNCH false Set to true to automatically launch a new axiom instance
AXIOM_FLEET_NAME reconFTW Axiom's fleet name
AXIOM_FLEET_COUNT 10 Axiom's fleet size
AXIOM_FLEET_REGIONS "eu-central" Axiom's fleet region
AXIOM_FLEET_SHUTDOWN true Set to true to automatically delete axiom instance after the work is done

17) Output colors

Just the color to be printed depending on the message typed. Here you can find a good guide to change those colors if you want.

OPTION Default Description
bred '\033[1;31m' Bold red
bblue '\033[1;34m' Bold blue
bgreen '\033[1;32m' Bold green
yellow '\033[0;33m' Yellow
red '\033[0;31m' Red
blue '\033[0;34m' Blue
green '\033[0;32m' Green
reset '\033[0m' Reset color