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Repository files navigation

ECommerce PHP Webapp (powered by PHP)


This project is a Simple PHP ECommerce Web App

Main page

Simple page with some text in the middle, a footer with the licence and some text. On the header you have the logo and the web site name, a search bar in the middle, a notification and a profile icon on the right.

Website structure

|     _sql files_
|     _Controllers_
|     _Models_
|     _Utilities_
|     _View_

In the index.php file we instanciate the Router and run it.

$router = new Router($config);

On the first arrival on the application, the Router will render one file page MainView.

$view = new View("Main");

The View will render the HeaderView, the MainView, and then render the TemplateView with the HeaderView and the MainView to fill in the template.

For a specific request, the Router will use either the $_QUERY['action'] or the $_POST['action'] variable to find out which controller has to be called. The Controller will call the nedeed Model(s) to save (for the register part), check (for the login) or retreive (for the catalog) the data from the database. It will, then call the View associated giving it the data to render the page.



The Authentication is made by the UserModel.php.

Database tables

There is one Database table used for this feature: user.


The current fuctionalities are:

  • check the password

  • retreive the User data

  • persiste the new User


In the Router there are three actions for the Authentication:

  • ident

  • login

  • logout

  • register

  • create


To fill the Avatar select on the register page, we read all PNG files in the img/avatar/ directory.

You should download a set on internet and unzip it in this directory.

I suggest the wonderfull deleket set.

Product Catalog


The Product Catalog uses two controllers:

  • ProductController.php

  • ProductTypeController.php

two models:

  • ProductModel.php

  • ProductTypeModel.php

and two views:

  • ProductView.php

  • ProductTypeView.php

Database tables

There are two database tables used here:

  • product_types

  • products


The current fuctionalities are:

  • listing the product types in the left hand menu

  • viewing all product for a selected product type

  • select a product and view it’s detailed informations


The Router has two actions for the Catalog:

  • type

  • product



The Cart uses one controller:

  • CartController.php

one model:

  • CartModel.php

and one view:

  • CartView.php

Database tables

There are two database tables used here:

  • orders

  • order_lines


The current fuctionalities are:

  • add product to cart from the ProductPage

  • change product quantity from the CartPage

  • remove a product from cart from the CartPage


The Router has two actions for the Catalog:

  • cart

  • addToCart

  • update

  • remove


You need to be logged-in to view the add to cart button.



The Shipping uses one controller:

  • ShippingController.php

two models:

  • ShippinhModel.php

  • UserModel.php

and two views:

  • ShippingView.php

  • NewShippingAddressView.php

Database tables

There are two database tables used here:

  • user

  • user_address

  • order_shipping_address


The current fuctionalities are:

  • display fixed price for Home delivery

  • Create a shipping address

  • set it as default ShippingAddress for the client

  • set it as Shipping Address for the curent order


The Router has two actions for the Catalog:

  • validate

  • createAddress

  • saveAddress


You can add a change Address functionality.

Self-hosted third Libraries or work on this Website Offline

If you want to make this site available when you’re not connected to Internet (it seems weird to say it :)) or host yourself the third libraries used in this website, all you hav to is to download the following libraries in the libs folder:

   │  +--roboto
   |        LICENSE.txt
   |        Roboto-Black.ttf
   |        Roboto-BlackItalic.ttf
   |        Roboto-Bold.ttf
   |        Roboto-BoldItalic.ttf
   |        Roboto-Italic.ttf
   |        Roboto-Light.ttf
   |        Roboto-LightItalic.ttf
   |        Roboto-Medium.ttf
   |        Roboto-MediumItalic.ttf
   |        Roboto-Regular.ttf
   |        Roboto-Thin.ttf
   |        Roboto-ThinItalic.ttf
   │  +--3.2.1
   |        jquery-3.2.1.min.js
   │  +--v33
   |        2fcrYFNaTjcS6g4U3t-Y5ZjZjT5FdEJ140U2DJYC3mY.woff2
   |        icon.css
         |     materialize.min.css
         │  +--roboto
         |        Roboto-Bold.woff2
         |        Roboto-Light.woff2
         |        Roboto-Regular.woff2

And then you need to comment the online URL in the TemplateView.php and uncomment the local URL