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A ready-for-production Ethereum smart contract project template, written in Solidity and Typescript. It pre-calculates all gas fees in ETH and USD, includes a complete Hardhat test suite, and can deploy to Sepolia testnet and Ethereum mainnet.



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A ready-for-production Ethereum smart contract project template

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. Roadmap
  5. Contributing
  6. License
  7. Contact
  8. Acknowledgments

About The Project


A ready-for-production Ethereum smart contract project template, written in Solidity and Typescript.


  • Can estimate all fees before any actual transactions are sent
  • Includes a complete Hardhat test suite
  • Can deploy to a local Hardhat blockchain instance, Sepolia testnet, and Ethereum mainnet


  • AGPL v3 software license
  • Licensed for personal use
  • Licensed for commercial use, if and only if all derivative source code is made public
  • A private commercial software license is available for purchase - this removes the obligation for your company to publish any derived source code

If you would like to:

  • ask a question
  • report a bug
  • ask for an addition to the README
  • request a feature
  • get a private commercial software license
  • make a complaint
  • hire me

Then please contact me on Tela. Thank you.


If you would like to add me as a professional contact, you can send me a connection request on LinkedIn:


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Project Status

The contract has been deployed to the Ethereum Mainnet at this address:

The contract is published here:

You can read the contract's stored data at:

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Built With

Platforms & languages:

Technologies & libraries:


Private keys are managed in a user-config.env file.

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Getting Started

Follow these steps to get a local instance up and running.


Please create accounts and API keys at:

Please install:

Tested under these operating systems:

  • Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS (Focal Fossa) (Running on WSL 2 on Windows 10)

Tested with these versions:

  • task: 3.27.0
  • nvm: 0.35.3
  • npm: 9.5.1
  • NodeJS: 18.16.0


  • Use nvm to install npm and NodeJS.
  • The Etherscan API key is used if you want to upload your contract to Etherscan when using Hardhat verify. Hardhat verify is included in Hardhat toolbox (a dependency of this project).


Clone the repo:

git clone

mv ethereum-smart-contract-project-template-typescript contract-template

Install NPM packages:

cd contract-template && npm install

Copy the file user-config.env.example to user-config.env and fill it in with the relevant values.

IMPORTANT: Pay particular attention to the settings in the top section: FINANCIAL CONTROLS

Make sure that you are happy with these settings. If nothing else, be careful to at least double-check the MAX_FEE_PER_TRANSACTION_USD setting. This will govern how much you could potentially spend when you send a transaction to the Ethereum mainnet.

Also important: You need to supply the Infura API key name, not the secret.


  • When you run a local hardhat node, it will have some built-in private keys and addresses that hold some test Ethereum. In user-config.env.example, the LOCAL_HARDHAT_PRIVATE_KEY and LOCAL_HARDHAT_ADDRESS values hold the first of these keypairs.

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config.ts stores the configuration used within the entire package. You probably won't need to look at it. Settings in the user-config.env file override it.

Most scripts accept a network argument, which specifies whether the script should connect to the local development blockchain (local), the Sepolia testnet (testnet), or the Ethereum mainnet (mainnet).

Most scripts have --help functionality. E.g. you can run:
npm run --silent ts-node scripts/get-network-fees.ts -- --help

Most scripts can log at different levels of output. You can use --log-level info or --debug arguments.

See a list of examples that demonstrate how to use the various scripts:
task show-example-script-commands

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Fee Limit Protections

The settings in the user-config.env file under the top section FINANCIAL CONTROLS impose strict limits on the maximum cost of a transaction.

The two "action" scripts, hello-world-deploy.ts and hello-world-update-message.ts, will both refuse to broadcast a transaction if these limits are exceeded. Additionally, the hello-world-estimate-fees.ts script will report that these limits will be exceeded.

You can of course change the limits in the user-config.env file if you wish, allowing a script to spend more money in order to broadcast the transaction.

Example output, after setting MAX_FEE_PER_TRANSACTION_USD = "0.01":

stjohn@judgement:~/work/contract-template$ npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-estimate-fees.ts

Contract deployment - estimated fee:
- baseFeeUsd limit exceeded: Base fee (0.95 USD) exceeds limit specified in config (0.01 USD). Current base fee is 498906.625 gwei (498906625000000 wei, 0.000498906625 ETH). Current ETH-USD exchange rate is 1908.57 USD.

Contract method call: 'update' - estimated fee:
- baseFeeUsd limit exceeded: Base fee (0.06 USD) exceeds limit specified in config (0.01 USD). Current base fee is 32019.75 gwei (32019750000000 wei, 0.00003201975 ETH). Current ETH-USD exchange rate is 1908.57 USD.

stjohn@judgement:~/work/contract-template$ npm run --silent ts-node scripts/get-balance.ts -- --address-file input-data/local-hardhat-address.txt
9999.9987527334375 ETH (19077697.62 USD)

stjohn@judgement:~/work/contract-template$ npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-deploy.ts -- --log-level info
info:   Connecting to local network at http://localhost:8545...
info:   Estimated fee: 0.000005242106697840 ETH (0.01 USD)
- baseFeeUsd: Base fee (0.95 USD) exceeds limit specified in config (0.01 USD). Current base fee is 498906.625 gwei (498906625000000 wei, 0.000498906625 ETH). Current ETH-USD exchange rate is 1907.63 USD.

stjohn@judgement:~/work/contract-template$ npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-update-message.ts -- --input-file-json input-data/update-message-local-network.json
- baseFeeUsd: Base fee (0.06 USD) exceeds limit specified in config (0.01 USD). Current base fee is 32009.25 gwei (32009250000000 wei, 0.00003200925 ETH). Current ETH-USD exchange rate is 1907.72 USD.

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Initial Setup

See available commands:

task --list

# You can also use: task -l

Run some initial tasks to check that everything is set up correctly.

task hello

task check-network-connections

Note: You should see this error Could not connect to local network, because we haven't started a Hardhat local network yet.

If task check-network-connections produces errors for connecting to testnet or mainnet, you can run the underlying script with the --debug flag:
npm run --silent ts-node scripts/check-network-connections.ts -- --debug

Compile the contract and run the tests.

task compile-contracts

task test

Hardhat runs the tests on a temporary local blockchain.

We will start a more persistent local blockchain instance.

Open another terminal and run:
task start-local-node

Leave the node running in this additional terminal. Log output will be displayed (the initial set of pre-loaded keypairs will be shown). Press Ctrl-C to stop the local node. Switch back to the original terminal and continue.

Check the fees on the various networks.

npm run --silent ts-node scripts/get-network-fees.ts

npm run --silent ts-node scripts/get-network-fees.ts -- --network=testnet

npm run --silent ts-node scripts/get-network-fees.ts -- --network=mainnet

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For demonstration purposes, we'll use reasonably high levels of logging during this local walkthrough.

We deploy the HelloWorld contract to the local blockchain (started with task start-local-node).

See the balance of the address that will deploy the contract:
npm run --silent ts-node scripts/get-balance.ts -- --address-file input-data/local-hardhat-address.txt

See fee estimations for the different contract operations, including deployment:
npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-estimate-fees.ts

Deploy the HelloWorld contract:
npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-deploy.ts -- --log-level info

This will output an address. Copy this address into the user-config.env file as LOCAL_HARDHAT_DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS.

Confirm deployment:
npm run --silent ts-node scripts/check-contract-exists -- --debug

Print the message stored in the contract:
npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-get-message.ts -- --debug

Create a new input file:
cp input-data/example-update-message.json input-data/update-message-local-network.json

Open it and specify a new message e.g. Hello Mars ! (local).

Update the message stored in the contract:
npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-update-message.ts -- --input-file-json input-data/update-message-local-network.json --log-level info

Print the new message stored in the contract:
npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-get-message.ts

Example output:

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You'll need some SepoliaETH for using the Sepolia Testnet. In your Metamask wallet, create a dedicated "Test" account. Switch to "Sepolia test network". Copy the address. Go to a Sepolia testnet faucet (e.g. this PoW faucet) and get some SepoliaETH. Set the destination address to be your Metamask test address.

Create a new private key and store it in the input-data directory:
npm run --silent ts-node scripts/create-private-key.ts > input-data/sepolia-testnet-private-key.txt

Display the private key:
cat input-data/sepolia-testnet-private-key.txt

Store it in the user-config.env file as SEPOLIA_TESTNET_PRIVATE_KEY.

Derive an Ethereum address from the private key and store it in the input-data directory:
cat input-data/sepolia-testnet-private-key.txt | npm run --silent ts-node scripts/derive-address.ts > input-data/sepolia-testnet-address.txt

Display the address:
cat input-data/sepolia-testnet-address.txt

Store it in the user-config.env file as SEPOLIA_TESTNET_ADDRESS.

In Metamask, transfer a reasonable amount of SepoliaETH to this new address.

See the balance of the address that will deploy the contract:
npm run --silent ts-node scripts/get-balance.ts -- --network=testnet --address-file input-data/sepolia-testnet-address.txt

See fee estimations for the different contract operations, including deployment:
npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-estimate-fees.ts -- --network=testnet

Deploy the contract to the Sepolia testnet:
npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-deploy.ts -- --network=testnet

This will output an address. Copy this address into the user-config.env file as SEPOLIA_TESTNET_DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS.

Confirm deployment:
npm run --silent ts-node scripts/check-contract-exists -- --network=testnet

Print the message stored in the contract:
npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-get-message.ts -- --network=testnet

Create a new input file: cp input-data/example-update-message.json input-data/update-message-sepolia-testnet.json

Open it and specify a new message e.g. Hello Mars ! (testnet).

Update the message stored in the contract:
npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-update-message.ts -- --network=testnet --input-file-json input-data/update-message-sepolia-testnet.json

Print the new message stored in the contract:
npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-get-message.ts -- --network=testnet

Example output:

stjohn@judgement:~/work/contract-template$ npm run --silent ts-node scripts/get-balance.ts -- --network=testnet --address-file input-data/sepolia-testnet-address.txt
0.409023392670777583 ETH (780.81 USD)

stjohn@judgement:~/work/contract-template$ npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-estimate-fees.ts -- --network=testnet

Contract deployment - estimated fee:
- feeEth: 0.000000001001234324
- feeUsd: 0.00

No contract found at address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000.

Contract method call: 'update' - estimated fee:
- feeEth: 0.000000000038147344
- feeUsd: 0.00

stjohn@judgement:~/work/contract-template$ npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-deploy.ts -- --network=testnet

stjohn@judgement:~/work/contract-template$ npm run --silent ts-node scripts/check-contract-exists -- --network=testnet
Contract found at address: 0x02bCCb6Fa3e24b14566e571656EE53A7723884f7

stjohn@judgement:~/work/contract-template$ npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-get-message.ts -- --network=testnet
Hello World!

stjohn@judgement:~/work/contract-template$ cp input-data/example-update-message.json input-data/update-message-sepolia-testnet.json

stjohn@judgement:~/work/contract-template$ npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-update-message.ts -- --network=testnet --input-file-json input-data/update-message-sepolia-testnet.json
The new message is:
Hello Mars ! (testnet)

stjohn@judgement:~/work/contract-template$ npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-get-message.ts -- --network=testnet
Hello Mars ! (testnet)

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If you wish to retrieve your SepoliaETH from the address created in the Sepolia testnet walkthrough (e.g. you want to transfer it back to your Metamask test account), you'll need to use a tool that can make the transfer (create, sign, broadcast, and track the transaction). Such a tool is not provided in this project.

Note that SepoliaETH is not worth anything, and it is reasonably straightforward to obtain more from a faucet.

However, actual Ethereum (ETH), used on the Ethereum mainnet, does have monetary value. Therefore, in this section, we recommend creating a new Metamask account (explicitly for test operations) and exporting its private key for use in this walkthrough. This means that afterwards there will be no need to make a retrieval transaction.

Note: If you know what you're doing, and you already have a capable transaction tool, you can create a new keypair, transfer some ETH to it, perform this walkthrough on the mainnet, and transfer any remaining ETH back to your original address.

So, let's begin.

We generally use the log level info here. This provides extra information that will help us understand what went wrong if a problem occurs.

In your Metamask wallet, create a dedicated "Test" account. Switch to "Ethereum Mainnet". We assume that you already have some Ethereum in Metamask or in another wallet tool. Transfer some ETH to this address. Copy the address.

Store it in the user-config.env file as ETHEREUM_MAINNET_ADDRESS.

Store it in the input-data directory in a new file called ethereum-mainnet-address.txt.

Now, export the corresponding private key from Metamask, using the following guide:

Metamask: How to export an account's private key

Store it in the user-config.env file as ETHEREUM_MAINNET_PRIVATE_KEY.

Store it in the input-data directory in a new file called ethereum-mainnet-private-key.txt.

See the balance of the address that will deploy the contract:
npm run --silent ts-node scripts/get-balance.ts -- --network=mainnet --log-level info --address-file input-data/ethereum-mainnet-address.txt

See fee estimations for the different contract operations, including deployment:
npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-estimate-fees.ts -- --network=mainnet

If a fee limit is exceeded, and you are willing to spend the money, increase the MAX_FEE_PER_TRANSACTION_USD value in user-config.env. Re-run the hello-world-estimate-fees.ts command above to confirm that no fee limit will be exceeded.

Deploy the contract to the Ethereum mainnet:
npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-deploy.ts -- --network=mainnet --log-level info

This will output an address. Copy this address into the user-config.env file as ETHEREUM_MAINNET_DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS.

Confirm deployment:
npm run --silent ts-node scripts/check-contract-exists -- --network=mainnet --log-level info

Print the message stored in the contract:
npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-get-message.ts -- --network=mainnet --log-level info

Create a new input file:
cp input-data/example-update-message.json input-data/update-message-ethereum-mainnet.json

Open it and specify a new message e.g. Hello Mars ! (mainnet).

Update the message stored in the contract:
npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-update-message.ts -- --network=mainnet --log-level info --input-file-json input-data/update-message-ethereum-mainnet.json

Print the new message stored in the contract:
npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-get-message.ts -- --network=mainnet --log-level info

Example output:

stjohn@judgement:~/work/contract-template$ npm run --silent ts-node scripts/get-balance.ts -- --network=mainnet --log-level info --address-file input-data/ethereum-mainnet-address.txt
info:   Connecting to Ethereum mainnet...
info:   Getting balance for address 0x4A846013314b892Be429F8626487109DD7b494a0...
0.042281201108669793 ETH (80.73 USD)

stjohn@judgement:~/work/contract-template$ npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-estimate-fees.ts -- --network=mainnet

Contract deployment - estimated fee:
- baseFeeUsd limit exceeded: Base fee (17.47 USD) exceeds limit specified in config (5.00 USD). Current base fee is 9149184.714182905 gwei (9149184714182905 wei, 0.009149184714182905 ETH). Current ETH-USD exchange rate is 1909.52 USD.

No contract found at address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000.

Contract method call: 'update' - estimated fee:
- feeEth: 0.00035021612752418
- feeUsd: 0.67

# Here, after seeing the estimated fees, I set the MAX_FEE_PER_TRANSACTION_USD value in user-config.env to "20.00".

stjohn@judgement:~/work/contract-template$ npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-estimate-fees.ts -- --network=mainnet

Contract deployment - estimated fee:
- feeEth: 0.009101423868100018
- feeUsd: 17.39

No contract found at address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000.

Contract method call: 'update' - estimated fee:
- feeEth: 0.000346767124202408
- feeUsd: 0.66

stjohn@judgement:~/work/contract-template$ npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-deploy.ts -- --network=mainnet --log-level info
info:   Connecting to Ethereum mainnet...
info:   Estimated fee: 0.009271102473677687 ETH (17.71 USD)
info:   Signer balance: 0.042281201108669793 ETH (80.77 USD)
info:   Final fee: 0.009006010206038837 ETH (17.21 USD)
info:   Contract deployed to address:

stjohn@judgement:~/work/contract-template$ npm run --silent ts-node scripts/check-contract-exists -- --network=mainnet --log-level info
info:   Connecting to Ethereum mainnet...
Contract found at address: 0xc2963E4f4C8456b21734c7c4811327A94324851E
stjohn@judgement:~/work/contract-template$ npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-get-message.ts -- --network=mainnet --log-level info
info:   Connecting to Ethereum mainnet...
info:   Contract found at address: 0xc2963E4f4C8456b21734c7c4811327A94324851E
info:   Message stored in HelloWorld contract:
Hello World!

stjohn@judgement:~/work/contract-template$ npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-update-message.ts -- --network=mainnet --log-level info --input-file-json input-data/update-message-ethereum-mainnet.json
info:   Connecting to Ethereum mainnet...
info:   Contract found at address: 0xc2963E4f4C8456b21734c7c4811327A94324851E
info:   Message stored in HelloWorld contract: Hello World!
info:   Estimated fee: 0.000573907171238688 ETH (1.10 USD)
info:   Signer balance: 0.033275190902630956 ETH (63.53 USD)
info:   Updating the message...
info:   Final fee: 0.000581844011532384 ETH (1.11 USD)
The new message is:
Hello Mars ! (mainnet)

stjohn@judgement:~/work/contract-template$ npm run --silent ts-node scripts/hello-world-get-message.ts -- --network=mainnet --log-level info
info:   Connecting to Ethereum mainnet...
info:   Contract found at address: 0xc2963E4f4C8456b21734c7c4811327A94324851E
info:   Message stored in HelloWorld contract:
Hello Mars ! (mainnet)

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Contract Publication

We use Hardhat verify to publish the smart contracts to Etherscan.

The basic command is:
npx hardhat verify --network sepolia DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS "Constructor argument 1"

This will upload the contract to the testnet explorer at To upload to the mainnet explorer at, use --network mainnet.

We publish the Sepolia Testnet instance of the contract

npx hardhat verify --network sepolia $SEPOLIA_TESTNET_DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS "Hello World!"

Example output:

stjohn@judgement:~/work/contract-template$ SEPOLIA_TESTNET_DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS="0x02bCCb6Fa3e24b14566e571656EE53A7723884f7"

stjohn@judgement:~/work/contract-template$ npx hardhat verify --network sepolia $SEPOLIA_TESTNET_DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS "Hello World!"
Successfully submitted source code for contract
contracts/HelloWorld.sol:HelloWorld at 0x02bCCb6Fa3e24b14566e571656EE53A7723884f7
for verification on the block explorer. Waiting for verification result...

Successfully verified contract HelloWorld on the block explorer.


The contract has been deployed to the Sepolia Testnet at this address:

The contract is published here:

You can read the contract's stored data at:

We publish the Ethereum Mainnet instance of the contract

npx hardhat verify --network mainnet $ETHEREUM_MAIN_DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS "Hello World!"

Example output:

stjohn@judgement:~/work/contract-template$ ETHEREUM_MAIN_DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS="0xc2963E4f4C8456b21734c7c4811327A94324851E"

stjohn@judgement:~/work/contract-template$ npx hardhat verify --network mainnet $ETHEREUM_MAIN_DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS "Hello World!"
Successfully submitted source code for contract
contracts/HelloWorld.sol:HelloWorld at 0xc2963E4f4C8456b21734c7c4811327A94324851E
for verification on the block explorer. Waiting for verification result...

Successfully verified contract HelloWorld on the block explorer.


The contract has been deployed to the Ethereum Mainnet at this address:

The contract is published here:

You can read the contract's stored data at:

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This project is complete. No future features or fixes are planned.

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If you have enjoyed this project or found it helpful, please give it a star!

Feel free to fork the project and use it for development. Please add an acknowledgement to this project in your README file.

Please note: Github issues & pull requests will not be read unless you contact me about them in Tela.


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Distributed under the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL). See LICENSE.txt for more information.

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Project Link:

If you would like to:

  • ask a question
  • report a bug
  • ask for an addition to the README
  • request a feature
  • get a private commercial software license
  • make a complaint
  • hire me

Then please contact me on Tela. Thank you.


If you would like to add me as a professional contact, you can send me a connection request on LinkedIn:


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A list of helpful resources:

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A ready-for-production Ethereum smart contract project template, written in Solidity and Typescript. It pre-calculates all gas fees in ETH and USD, includes a complete Hardhat test suite, and can deploy to Sepolia testnet and Ethereum mainnet.







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