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Technology: NPM Packages

Sjors Wijsman edited this page Jun 18, 2020 · 7 revisions

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NPM Packages

Table of Contents


Express & Database

  • express - express is a framework for Node.js apps that provides features for web-based applications.
  • express-session - express-session provides sessions to store user session data for persistency.
  • mongodb - mongodb allows Node.js apps to connect to MongoDB databases.
  • mongoose - mongoose is an object modelling tool allowing developers to create schemas for MongoDB.
  • body-parser - body-parser is middleware that parses incoming request bodies for easy form uploads.


  • ejs - ejs is a templating engine for Node.js that embeds JavaScript inside HTML files.


  • bcrypt - bcrypt makes encrypting passwords easy.
  • dotenv - dotenv allows the user to setup environment variables to keep these secret.
  • helmet - helmet sets HTTP headers to secure various Express app vulnerabilities.


  • axios - axios is a promise-based client to make http requests from inside Node.js.

Dev Dependencies


  • eslint - eslint is a linter to help enforce code styles and reduce errors.
  • eslint-config-google - eslint-config-google is a preset configuration for eslint.
  • eslint-plugin-import - eslint-plugin-import provides additional linting capabilities.


  • nodemon - nodemon automatically restarts the localhost when it detects file changes for easy development.
  • node-sass - node-sass allows the user to use .scss files inside Node.js projects.