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Inspiration and insights

sjagoori edited this page Jun 4, 2020 · 1 revision



What it is

Tinder is a popular online dating app that connects people based on their age, location, and sexual preferences.

How it works

Users can set up their profile and preferences at the first login. After that, the user gets presented with a series of people that match their preferences. The user can view their pictures and other information. When they're ready, they can either swipe left to dismiss or swipe right to like that person. If the other person has liked your profile already, there will be a match, if not you'll either have to wait (forever if they don't swipe right on your profile lol)


Tinder uses a sleek design with a proper amount of white space.\

  • Color: #FF6A6A.
  • #ff6a6a
  • Font: Gotham Rounded font
  • Primarily gesture-based



What it is

Unlike other dating platforms where one's attractiveness is highlighted, Pepper focusses on displaying a collage of interests. Users can show others a collage of their favorite pictures that define them. To paraphrase Pepper; a picture tells more than 100 pictures. Other than that, they help the user to enter more personal information, aside from their name, age, and gender.

How it works

Once an user's profile is filled, they'll see a list of other users that match based on interests. This list consists of their names along with their age and interests. To show interest, an user can visit another user's profile and like (one of) their pictures or by leaving a comment. It's also possible to bookmark a profile for future "research" 😉. The list is updated daily.


  • Strong use of grids
  • Colorful UI due pictures
  • #fc1d6c


User intentions

  • finding a matching date
  • finding a hook-up
  • finding a friend

User search

  • Men looking for men, women and non-binairy
  • Women looking for women, men and non-binairy
  • Non-binairy looking for non-binairy, women, men

User action

  • Registering
  • Filling a profile
  • Searching
  • Upgading account
  • Sending/recieving messages
  • Sending/recieving multimedia
  • Sending/recieving messages real-time
  • Videocalling

User interactions

  • Liking
  • Commenting
  • Chatting
  • Ranking
  • Poking