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Added aggregating to long2wide_omv
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sjentsch committed Jul 14, 2023
1 parent c99cd2a commit 6fffda2
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Showing 2 changed files with 125 additions and 50 deletions.
98 changes: 60 additions & 38 deletions R/long2wide_omv.R
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#' @export long2wide_omv
long2wide_omv <- function(dtaInp = NULL, fleOut = "", varID = "ID", varTme = c(), varExc = c(), varTgt = c(), varSep = "_", varOrd = c("times", "vars"),
varSrt = c(), usePkg = c("foreign", "haven"), selSet = "", ...) {
varAgg = c("mean", "first"), varSrt = c(), usePkg = c("foreign", "haven"), selSet = "", ...) {

# handle / check further input arguments
# check varID (can be several) and varTme (must be one), neither can be empty
if (!all(nzchar(c(varID, varTme)))) {
stop("Using the arguments varID and varTme is mandatory (i.e., they can\'t be empty).")
varOrd <- match.arg(varOrd)
varAgg <- match.arg(varAgg)

# check and import input data set (either as data frame or from a file)
if (!is.null(list(...)[["fleInp"]])) stop("Please use the argument dtaInp instead of fleInp.")
dtaFrm <- inp2DF(dtaInp = dtaInp, fleOut = fleOut, usePkg = usePkg, selSet = selSet, ...)
fleOut <- attr(dtaFrm, "fleOut")

# transform data set
# [1] check whether varID, varTme and varTgt are not empty and exist in the data set
# [a] check whether varID, varTme and varTgt are not empty and exist in the data set
chkVar(dtaFrm, varID)
chkVar(dtaFrm, varTme)
chkVar(dtaFrm, varExc)
if (!chkVar(dtaFrm, varTgt)) {
varTgt <- setdiff(names(dtaFrm), c(varID, varTme, varExc))
# [2] store the original variable labels and the steps of the time-varying variable in crrLnT
crrLnT <- getLbl(dtaFrm, varTme[1])
# [b] store the original variable labels, the original time-varying / target variable,
# and an empty vector for storing labels
lstLbl <- list(orgLbl = sapply(dtaFrm, attr, "jmv-desc"), orgTgt = varTgt)

# [c] there might be several occurrences for each combination of varID and varTme; aggregate them
dtaFrm <- aggDta(dtaFrm = dtaFrm, varAgg = varAgg, varID = varID, varTme = varTme, varExc = varExc, varTgt = varTgt)

dtaFrm <- dtaFrm[, c(varID, varTme, varExc, varTgt)]
# do the actual work, iterating through the different time-varying variables in varTme
for (i in seq_along(varTme)) {
# [3] call "reshape" with having the variable arguments limited to those valid when calling the function
# [d] call "reshape" with having the variable arguments limited to those valid when calling the function
crrArg <- list(data = dtaFrm, direction = "wide", v.names = varTgt, idvar = c(varID, varTme[seq_along(varTme)[seq_along(varTme) > i]]), timevar = varTme[i], sep = varSep)
dtaFrm <-, adjArg("reshape", crrArg, ..., c("data", "direction", "v.names", "idvar", "timevar")))
dtaFrm <-, adjArg("reshape", crrArg, list(), c("data", "direction", "v.names", "idvar", "timevar")))
# [1] varVry contains the variable names with varTgt / v.names as rows, and the steps of varTme[i] / timevar
# as columns; [2] when generating an updated varTgt for the next step, this matrix is transformed to a vector
# either not transposed (in this case, the original variables are adjacent), or transposed (in this case, the
Expand All @@ -120,11 +125,11 @@ long2wide_omv <- function(dtaInp = NULL, fleOut = "", varID = "ID", varTme = c()
if (varOrd == "times") dtaFrm <- dtaFrm[, c(setdiff(names(dtaFrm), as.vector(varVry)), varTgt)]

# select all variable(s) except those defined by varID and varExc and remove the prefix "measure", if present
selVrN <- !grepl(paste0(c(varID, varExc), collapse = "|"), names(dtaFrm))
if (all(grepl(paste0("^measure", varSep), names(dtaFrm)[selVrN]))) names(dtaFrm)[selVrN] <- gsub(paste0("^measure", varSep), "", names(dtaFrm)[selVrN])
# selVrN <- !grepl(paste0(c(varID, varExc), collapse = "|"), names(dtaFrm))
# if (all(grepl(paste0("^measure", varSep), names(dtaFrm)[selVrN]))) names(dtaFrm)[selVrN] <- gsub(paste0("^measure", varSep), "", names(dtaFrm)[selVrN])

# restore the original labels
dtaFrm <- rstLbl(dtaFrm, crrLnT)
dtaFrm <- rstLbl(dtaFrm, lstLbl, varTgt, varTme, varSep)

# sort data set (if varSrt is not empty)
dtaFrm <- srtFrm(dtaFrm, varSrt)
Expand All @@ -139,37 +144,54 @@ long2wide_omv <- function(dtaInp = NULL, fleOut = "", varID = "ID", varTme = c()

chgVrO <- function(dtaFrm = NULL) {

for (i in seq_len(dim(varVry)[1])) {
varLst <- c(varLst, varVry[i, ])

dtaFrm[, varLst]

getLbl <- function(dtaFrm = NULL, varTme = "") {
# if only one data frame is given (not a list of them) it needs to be wrapped as list
if (!is.null(dim(dtaFrm))) dtaFrm <- list(dtaFrm)
lblLst <- tmeLst <- NULL
for (i in seq_along(dtaFrm)) {
lblLst <- c(lblLst, sapply(dtaFrm[[i]], attr, "jmv-desc"))
tmeLst <- unique(c(tmeLst, dtaFrm[[i]][[varTme]]))
aggDta <- function(dtaFrm = NULL, varAgg = "", varID = c(), varTme = c(), varExc = c(), varTgt = c()) {
# if there exists only one occurence of each possible combination of the variables in varID and
# varTme, the data don't need to be aggregated, just return the data frame with the relevant
# columns selected
if (!any(aggregate(dtaFrm[, varTgt[1]], by = dtaFrm[, c(varID, varTme)], FUN = length)[["x"]] > 1)) {
dtaFrm[, c(varID, varTme, varExc, varTgt)]
# otherwise (with more than one occurence), values are aggregate at each possible combination of the
# variables in varID and varTme
} else if (varAgg == "first") {
# [1] if "first" is chosen as aggregation function, the first occurence at each step is returned
aggregate(x = dtaFrm[, c(varTgt, varExc), drop = FALSE], by = dtaFrm[, c(varID, varTme), drop = FALSE], FUN = "[[", 1)
} else if (varAgg == "mean") {
# [2] if "mean" is chosen as aggregation function, it becomes (a little) more complicated
# [a] the target variables (for which the mean is calculated) should be numeric
if (!all(sapply(dtaFrm[, varTgt], is.numeric))) {
stop(paste("In order to calculate the mean when aggregating the data, all target variables (varTgt) need to be numeric. Use varAgg = \"first\" instead",
"(to use the first occuring value) or convert the target variables to numeric."))
# [b] if there are both target and “excluded” variables, the mean is calculated for the target
# variables at each possible combination of the variables varID and varTme (first aggregate
# within merge); afterwards, for the “excluded” variables (i.e., variables not to be
# transformed to wide, the first occurrence is chosen (second aggregate; variables in
# varExc, e.g. sex, should be the same for each step of the ID variables, e.g., each
# participant [ID]); finally the results from the two aggregate-functions are merged again
# to return the complete data set
if (length(varExc) > 0) {
merge(aggregate(x = dtaFrm[, c(varTgt), drop = FALSE], by = dtaFrm[, c(varID, varTme), drop = FALSE], FUN = mean),
aggregate(x = dtaFrm[, c(varExc), drop = FALSE], by = dtaFrm[, c(varID, varTme), drop = FALSE], FUN = "[[", 1))
# [c] if there is no “excluded” variable, the mean is calculated for the target variables
# at each possible combination of the variables varID and varTme
} else {
aggregate(x = dtaFrm[, c(varTgt), drop = FALSE], by = dtaFrm[, c(varID, varTme), drop = FALSE], FUN = mean)
if (all(tmeLst == seq_along(tmeLst))) tmeLst <- NULL

list(label = lblLst[!sapply(lblLst, is.null)], times = tmeLst)

rstLbl <- function(dtaFrm = NULL, crrLnT = list()) {
for (i in seq_along(dtaFrm)) {
varNme <- names(dtaFrm)
for (crrNme in names(crrLnT$label)) {
crrLbl <- crrLnT$label[[crrNme]]
crrCol <- grep(paste0("^", crrNme), varNme)
for (i in seq_along(crrCol)) {
attr(dtaFrm[[crrCol[i]]], "jmv-desc") <- ifelse(is.null(crrLnT$times), crrLbl, paste0(crrLbl, " (", as.character(crrLnT$times[i]), ")"))
rstLbl <- function(dtaFrm = NULL, lstLbl = list(), varTgt = c(), varTme = c(), varSep = "_") {
for (crrNme in names(lstLbl$orgLbl)) {
if (crrNme %in% names(dtaFrm)) {
attr(dtaFrm[[crrNme]], "jmv-desc") <- lstLbl$orgLbl[[crrNme]]
} else if (crrNme %in% lstLbl$orgTgt) {
splTgt <- strsplit(varTgt, varSep)
for (i in seq_along(splTgt)) {
if (crrNme %in% splTgt[[i]]) {
attr(dtaFrm[[varTgt[i]]], "jmv-desc") <-
sprintf("%s (%s)", lstLbl$orgLbl[[crrNme]], paste0(apply(rbind(varTme, splTgt[[i]][-1]), 2, paste0, collapse = ": "), collapse = ", "))

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