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File metadata and controls

114 lines (83 loc) · 3.8 KB

Aggregation, Graphing, and Historical Values

metrics-clojure is a wrapper around metrics, and metrics only stores the current value of any given metric. It doesn't keep the values at previous times around (aside from the one/five/fifteen minute windows for timers and meters).

Not storing historical data is important because it allows metrics to be used in production without worrying about memory usage growing out of control.

In practice you'll want to not only view these instantaneous values but also their values over time. For this you'll need to turn to external utilities.

You can implement a solution yourself as we'll show in the example below, or use an existing utility that metrics-clojure provides support for.

Sending Metrics to Graphite

Note: You must include metrics-clojure-graphite in your project.clj.

metrics-clojure supports aggregating metrics to graphite:

(require '[metrics.reporters.graphite :as graphite])
(import '[java.util.concurrent TimeUnit])
(import '[com.codahale.metrics MetricFilter])

(def GR (graphite/reporter {:host ""
                            :prefix "my-api.common.prefix"
                            :rate-unit TimeUnit/SECONDS
                            :duration-unit TimeUnit/MILLISECONDS
                            :filter MetricFilter/ALL}))
(graphite/start GR 10)

This will tell metrics to aggregate all metrics to graphite every ten seconds.

Optional arguments to graphite/reporter are:

  • :host
  • :port
  • :prefix
  • :clock
  • :rate-unit
  • :duration-unit
  • :filter

Sending Metrics to Ganglia

Note: You must include metrics-clojure-ganglia in your project.clj.

I don't have a ganglia server to test against, so while this compiles, and should work, it still needs testing.

metrics-clojure supports aggregating metrics to ganglia:

(require '[metrics.reporters.ganglia :as ganglia])
(import '[java.util.concurrent TimeUnit])
(import '[com.codahale.metrics MetricFilter])

(def ganglia (... your ganglia GMetric config here ...))
(def GR (ganglia/reporter ganglia
                          {:rate-unit TimeUnit/SECONDS
                           :duration-unit TimeUnit/MILLISECONDS
                           :filter MetricFilter/ALL}))
(ganglia/start GR 1)

This will tell metrics to aggregate all metrics to ganglia every minute.

Optional arguments to ganglia/reporter are:

  • :rate-unit
  • :duration-unit
  • :filter

Sending Metrics to Riemann

Note: You must include metrics-clojure-riemann in your project.clj.

metrics-clojure supports aggregating metrics to riemann:

(require '[metrics.reporters.riemann :as riemann])
(import '[java.util.concurrent TimeUnit])
(import '[com.codahale.metrics MetricFilter])

(def riemann-client (riemann/make-riemann "localhost" 5555))
(def RR (riemann/reporter riemann-client
                          {:rate-unit TimeUnit/SECONDS
                           :duration-unit TimeUnit/MILLISECONDS
                           :filter MetricFilter/ALL}))
(riemann/start RR 1)

This will tell metrics to aggregate all metrics to Riemann every minute.

Optional arguments to riemann/reporter are:

  • :clock - Clock instance to use for time
  • :prefix - String to prefix all metrics with
  • :rate-unit - TimeUnit to convert rates to
  • :duration-unit - TimeUnit to convert durations to
  • :filter - MetricFilter for filtering reported metrics
  • :ttl - Time to live for reported metrics
  • :separator - Separator between metric name components
  • :host-name - Override source host name
  • :tags - collection of tags to attach to event

Implementing a Simple Graphing Server