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Hashicorp's Vault Terraform Managed Infrastructure Running on CoreOS

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Vault on CoreOS + Docker with Terraform (on Digital Ocean)

This will deploy Vault on CoreOS using my Vault Docker container with Terraform.

A first version of this will use as a backend, but using docker-vault it can easily be extended to a private Consul backend.

Terraform will start/manage the CoreOS infrastructure, cloud-init will give enough information to start/join the cluster and deploy required files. Then fleet will manage the containers.

You will need to generate a new etcd discovery token and enter it in the file for the demo to work.

The file cloud-config.yml contains:

  • The Vault configuration file (/home/core/config/demo.hcl)
  • The two fleet unit service files (/home/core/services/vault@.service and /home/core/services/vault-discovery@.service)
  • enough to start etcd and fleet

Deploy the base infrastructure

Fill in the blanks in the configuration file:

$ cp terraform.tfvars.example terraform.tfvars
$ terraform apply


Login and check fleetctl sees all the cluster machines:

fleetctl list-machines
MACHINE         IP              METADATA
6147c03d...   -

Units are empty:

fleetctl list-units

The unit files are empty:

fleetctl list-unit-files

Vault Service (Unit) Files

Submit the service files sent by cloud-config under services/:

fleetctl submit services/vault\@.service services/vault-discovery\@.service

Now we have unit files:

fleetctl list-unit-files
UNIT                            HASH    DSTATE          STATE           TARGET
vault-discovery@.service        d15726b inactive        inactive        -
vault@.service                  de5c96e inactive        inactive        -

We want to start a Vault service on TCP/8200:

fleetctl load vault@8200.service
Unit vault@8200.service loaded on 6147c03d.../

fleetctl load vault-discovery@8200.service
Unit vault-discovery@8200.service loaded on 6147c03d.../

Start the Vault Service

Transfer the Vault configuration file from config/ over to /home/core/config

fleetctl start vault@8200.service
Unit vault@8200.service launched on 6147c03d.../

Check the status:

fleetctl status vault@8200.service
● vault@8200.service - Vault Service
   Loaded: loaded (/run/fleet/units/vault@8200.service; linked-runtime; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2015-05-05 21:04:15 UTC; 2s ago
May 05 21:04:15 core-1 docker[1628]: fdaa9c66787e: Download complete
May 05 21:04:15 core-1 docker[1628]: fdaa9c66787e: Download complete
May 05 21:04:15 core-1 docker[1628]: Status: Image is up to date for sjourdan/vault:latest
May 05 21:04:15 core-1 systemd[1]: Started Vault Service.
May 05 21:04:15 core-1 docker[1637]: ==> Vault server configuration:
May 05 21:04:15 core-1 docker[1637]: Log Level: info
May 05 21:04:15 core-1 docker[1637]: Mlock: supported: true, enabled: true
May 05 21:04:15 core-1 docker[1637]: Backend: consul (HA available)
May 05 21:04:15 core-1 docker[1637]: Listener 1: tcp (addr: "", tls: "disabled")
May 05 21:04:15 core-1 docker[1637]: ==> Vault server started! Log data will stream in below:

Get from etcd the public IP and port to use:

etcdctl get /announce/services/vault8200

Use the Vault Service

On your workstation you can now use Vault:

export VAULT_ADDR=''
vault init
vault --help

Vault Container Logs

Tail the 100 last line of container's logs:

fleetctl journal -lines=100 -f vault@8200.service
-- Logs begin at Tue 2015-05-05 17:13:23 UTC, end at Tue 2015-05-05 17:19:14 UTC. --

If needed, attach a terminal to debug:

docker exec -t -i <CID> /bin/sh

Stop the service

fleetctl stop vault@8200.service

Destroy the Service Unit files

If needed:

fleetctl destroy vault@8200.service
fleetctl destroy vault@.service

Destroy the demo infrastructure.

terraform destroy


To get the etcd discovery address:

grep DISCOVERY /run/systemd/system/etcd.service.d/20-cloudinit.conf

To try to validate the cloud-config.yml: validator

To apply a new cloudinit:

sudo /usr/bin/coreos-cloudinit --oem=digitalocean
sudo /usr/bin/coreos-cloudinit --from-file conf.yml


Hashicorp's Vault Terraform Managed Infrastructure Running on CoreOS






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