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Bootstrap mirror from SJTUG

Alex Chi edited this page Mar 4, 2021 · 2 revisions

SJTUG develops a lot of tools to make mirroring easier. For example, mirror-clone and mirror-intel. You can bootstrap repositories supported by these tools from SJTUG mirror.

One example is to bootstrap mirror.

# First of all, try to synchronize 10000 objects to test availability.
RUST_LOG=info ./mirror-clone --progress --target-type file --file-base-path ~/mirror-clone/ --file-buffer-path ~/Work/intel_temp --crates-base --debug crates-io
# Then, initiate full mirroring
RUST_LOG=info ./mirror-clone --progress --target-type file --file-base-path ~/mirror-clone/ --file-buffer-path ~/Work/intel_temp --crates-base crates-io
# After that, switch to official upstream
RUST_LOG=info ./mirror-clone --progress --target-type file --file-base-path ~/mirror-clone/ --file-buffer-path ~/Work/intel_temp crates-io

You may remove --progress flag if running as a cron job.

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