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At the present time the CSP.LMC prototype implements two TANGO devices:

  • the CspMaster device: based on the SKA Base SKAMaster class. The CspMaster represents a primary point of contact for CSP Monitor and Control.
    It implements CSP state and mode indicators and a limited set of housekeeping commands.
  • the CspSubarray device: based on the SKA Base SKASubarray class, models a CSP subarray.

Getting started

The project can be found in the SKA gitlab repository.

To get a local copy of the project:

git clone


How to run on local host

Start the devices

The script start_prototype in the project root directory starts the CSP.LMC TANGO Devices, doing some preliminary controls.

The script:

  • checks if the TANGO DB is up and running
  • configure the CSP.LMC devices properties,executing the python script
  • checks if the CSP.LMC prototype TANGO devices are already registered within the TANGO DB, otherwise it adds them
  • starts the CSP.LMC prototype devices (CspMaster and CspSubarray1).
  • starts the jive tool (if installed in the local system).

The stop_prototype script stops the execution of the CSP.LMC prototype TANGO Device servers.

In particular it:

  • checks if the CSP.LMC prototype TANGO Servers are running
  • gets the pids of the running servers
  • send them the TERM signal


The start_prototype script starts only the CSP.LMC TANGO Devices. The Mid CBF project, provides a complete set of Mid-CBF.LMC devices that can be used to test the CSP.LMC monitor and control capabilities. However, the reccommended method to run the whole CSP.LMC prototype is via the use of Docker containers (see below).

Configure the devices

Once started, the devices need to be configured into the TANGO DB. The jive tool can be used to set the polling period and change events for the healthState and State attributes of both devices.

For example, the procedure to configure the CspSubarray1 device is as follow:

  • start jive
  • from the top of jive window select Device
  • drill down into the list of devices
  • select the device mid_csp/elt/subarray_01
  • select Polling entry (left window) and select the Attributes tab (right window)
  • select the check button in corrispondence of the healthState and State entries. The default polling period is set to 3000 ms, it can be changed to 1000.
  • select Events entry (left window) and select the Change event tab (right window)
  • set to 1 the Absolute entry for the healthState attribute

The same sequence of operations has to be repeated for all the provided devices otherwise no TANGO client is able to subscribe and receive events for that devices.

A dedicated script (based on the work done by the NCRA team) has been written to perform this procedure in automatic way (see Run this script only after the start of the CSP prototype devices.


Both the and the scripts relies on the JSON file devices.json with the full description of the CSP.LMC and Mid-CBF.LMC TANGO Devices populating the CSP TANGO DB.
To add a new TANGO Device to the TANGO DB, a new entry for the device has to be added to this file. Also the start_prototype has to be updated to run the new device.

How to run in Docker containers

The CSP.LMC prototype can run also in a containerised environment. Currently only a limitated number of CSP.LMC and Mid-CBF.LMC devices are run in Docker containers:

  • the CspMaster and CbfMaster
  • two instances of the CSP and CBF subarrays
  • four instances of the Very Coarse Channelizer (VCC) devices
  • four instance of the Frequency Slice Processor (FPS) devices
  • two instances of the TM TelState Simulator devices

The Mid-CBF.LMC containers are created pulling the mid-cbf-mcs project image from the Nexus repository.
The CSP.LMC projects provides a Makefile to run automatically the system containers and the tests.
The CSP.LMC containerised environment relies on three YAML configuration files:

  • csplmc-tangodb.yml
  • csp-lmc.yml
  • mid-cbf-mcs.yml

Each file includes the stages to run the the CSP.LMC TANGO DB, CSP.LMC and Mid-CBF.LMC TANGO Devices inside separate docker containers.
These YAML files are used by docker-compose to run both the CSP.LMC and CBF.LMC TANGO device instances, that is, to run the whole Csp.LMC prototype. In this way, it's possible to execute some preliminary integration tests, as for example the assignment/release of receptors to a CSPSubarray and its configuration to execute a scan in Imaging mode.

The CSP.LMC and Mid-CBF.LMC TANGO Devices are registered with the same TANGO DB, and its configuration is performed via the dsconfig TANGO Device provided by the dsconfig project.
This device use a JSON file to configure the TANGO DB.
The CSP.LMC and Mid-CBF.LMC projects provide its own JSON file: csplmc_dsconfig.json and midcbf_dsconfig.json

To run the CSP.LMC prototype inside Docker containers, issue the command:

make up

from the project root directory. At the end of the procedure the command

docker ps

shows the list of the running containers:

csplmc-tangodb:            the MariaDB database with the TANGO database tables  
csplmc-databaseds:         the TANGO DB device server                          
csplmc-cbf_dsconfig:       the dsconfig container to configure CBF.LMC devices in the TANGO DB
csplmc-cbf_dsconfig:       the dsconfig container to configure CSP.LMC devices in the TANGO DB
csplmc-cspmaster:          the CspMaster TANGO device                          
csplmc-cspsubarray[01-02]: two instances of the CspSubarray TANGO device     
csplmc-cspsubarray02:      the instance 01 of the CspSubarray TANGO device     
csplmc-rsyslog-csplmc:     the rsyslog container for the CSP.LMC devices      
csplmc-rsyslog-cbf :       the rsyslog container for the CBF.LMC devices      
csplmc-cbfmaster:          the CbfMaster TANGO device                        
csplmc-cbfsubarray[01-02]: two instances of the CbfSubarray TANGO device  
csplmc-vcc[001-004]:       four instances of the Mid-CBF VCC TANGO device 
csplmc-fsp[01-04]:         four instances of the Mid-CBF FSP TANGO device      
csplmc-tmcspsubarrayleafnodetest/2: two instances of the TelState TANGO Device 
                           simulator provided by the CBF project to support scan
                           configuration for Subarray1/2

To stop and removes the Docker containers, issue the command

make down

from the prototype root directory.


Docker containers are run with the --network=host option. In this case there is no isolation between the host machine and the containers.
This means that the TANGO DB running in the container is available on port 10000 of the host machine.
Running jive on the local host, the CSP.LMC and Mid-CBF.LMC TANGO Devices registered with the TANGO DB (running in a docker container) can be visualized and explored.

Running tests

The project includes a set of tests for the CspMaster and CspSubarray TANGO Devices that can be found respectively in the folders:

  • csplmc/CspMaster/test
  • csplmc/CspSubarray/test

To run the test on the local host issue the command

make test

from the root project directory. The test are run in docker containers providing the proper environment setup and isolation.

Known bugs


It may happens that the TANGO attributes configured for polling and/or events via the POGO tools, are not correclty configured when the TANGO Devices start.
Please check their configuration inside the TANGO DB (where the devices are registered) and follow the instructions here to setup the polling and change events of the attribute.
This issue is generally resolved running the (when the start_prototype script is used) or the dsconfig container (when the system run in the containerised environment) but the configuration files these mechanisms rely on, have to include the necessary information about the properties of the attribute concerned.


See the LICENSE file for details.