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<DELETE THIS SECTION (FOR YOUR EYES ONLY!) <If you have created this application using both amplify and git you will: <1. Have 3 environments (master, test, dev) <2. Each environment has a branch associated with it (master, test, dev) <3. They are synchronized and currently using the default aws profile <4. You can switch between environments using applify switch <env name> <5. You can push and pull changes between environments using applify push/pull <env name> <6. You can add amplify resources using standard amplify syntax <7. You can publish your app using standard amplify syntax <8. Standard amplify syntax look like amplify add auth or amplify publish


⚡ some brand new app

Build Status contributions welcome code style: prettier


📖 Read the Quick Start Guide

🚀 Try it out

🐥 Current status: Alpha

🚜 Roadmap


Table of Contents


Unauthorised access to this repository, any of its contents is prohibited. Permission must be explicitly given from a maintainer.

Do not copy or share this repository, its url, or any of its downloadable content unless specified by the license.

Please refer to the LICENSE


Clone the repo and install dependencies:

Caveat - requires node version >= 10, use:

nvm use 10

Make sure to use the latest version of npm:

npm i -g npm

Note: If you upgrade from previous versions of node or npm you may have to clear out your node_modules and the npm caches:

rm -rf node_modules
npm cache clean --force
  git clone
  cd applify
  npm ci
  npx run


To start the application in your development environment:

npx run

This will run both webpack and storybook servers. Application can be viewed on localhost:8080 Storybook stories can be view on localhost:8000

This runs webpack's dev server with live reloading enabled. You can find it's configuration in webpack.config.babel.js.

Note: If you need to start a dev server supporting all production browsers please run npx run config --node-env=production.

Multi environment

to switch environments:

applify switch <branch-name>

to push environments:

applify push

to pull environments:

applify pull

Build and Package

To run a build use:

  npx run build

This will run a production build.

Dev Tools

Check out some useful tools for development:

ESLint Installation

If for some odd reason, eslint does not work, you can add the node_modules/.bin to your path:

export PATH="$PATH:./node_modules/.bin"

Running tests

Before committing and pushing code you should run the full suite of tests. This includes linting with config from .eslintrc, and running the unit-test using jest with config from jest.config.json:

npx run test

You will find code coverage results in build/cov including a HTML report:

open ./build/cov/lcov-report/index.html

Quickly Run Tests

NOTE: The next two are only for debugging. You must run the full test suite (as described above) before committing/pushing to origin.

All tests (without coverage and using the test cache)
npm run jest -- --verbose=false --collectCoverage=false --runInBand=false --cache=true
Single test
npm run jest -- --verbose=false --collectCoverage=false --runInBand=false --cache=true FULL_FILE_PATH

where FULL_FILE_PATH is the path from the root to the test (e.g. - src/app/reducer.test.js)

NOTE: that if you are running on Windows, you have to specify double slashes for the path (e.g. - src\app\reducer.test.js).

npm run jest -- --verbose=false --collectCoverage=false --runInBand=false --cache=true src\app\reducer.test.js


Pull requests and commits follow commitizen conventional commit guidelines.

npx git-cz

It is reccommended to use the applify push and applify pull commands for updating environments, these will automate the git and amplify workflows and keep them in sync.



To run the local documentation generator and view the project documentation run:

npx run docs

This will build your code documentation (using JSDoc). Once started, you can view the docs at http://localhost:3000


Small note: If editing the README, please conform to the standard-readme specification.

Under the Hood


Any use of this software by any person will incur no liability on the owner of this software.
