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How To Know What Size Of Skateboard Should I Need To Get

skateszone edited this page Jul 8, 2019 · 30 revisions

Newbie skateboarders may thus find themselves asking the all-important question of what size skateboard should i get? In this article, I will explain some considerations that may choose from skateboards easier for you.

Mastering the art of skateboarding is a very delicate task. A lot of practice and dedication is needed for one to become an expert skateboarder. It is therefore very important to have the best skateboards to ensure safety and comfort during the activity. And WE HAVE list of best skateboard for beginners for you with various sizes, designs, colors, and shapes.

Skateboard Deck Size – Width

Skateboard decks come in different width sizes, ranging from 6-10 inches. The size will be based on your personal preferences, but it is helpful to sample some different sizes before buying a skateboard. You can stand on your friend’s skateboard decks to know which size is the best for you.

The width of the deck is largely dependent on the size of your foot and your preferred skateboarding method. People with larger feet, basically from size 12, will be more comfortable in a skateboard that is 8 inches and above. For example, my foot is size 13, and I am comfortable with the 8-10 inch deck.

How To Know What Size Of Skateboard Should I Need To Get

As said earlier, the method of skating also determines the deck size you buy. If you prefer street skating, smaller width decks are the ideal choice as they allow you to do different tricks with the skateboards. Decks that have a width of between 7.25-7.75 inches are the best choice based on your foot size. For skateboarders who ride pool, vertical or transitions, wider decks are the best.

This is because they offer stability and are comfortable when the speed is increased. The most preferred width for the wide skates is 8.25 inches. Any deck that is between 7.75 and 8.25 inches will be good for different skating styles. All you need to remember is that there is no perfect size and it boils down to your personal preferences. It is like there are many different types of skateboards that you can see but you just choose the one you like.

Skateboard Deck Size – Length

The length of a skateboard is dependent on the skating style you prefer. The average deck length ranges from 28-33 inches, with shorter decks reserved for younger skaters. These short ones are called minis. It’s good to note that the length of a skateboarding deck does not affect you unless you want to experiment long boarding.

Skateboard Nose and Tail

While the skateboard nose and tail are not measured individually, there is an easy way to tell them apart. The nose is normally wider than the tail while the tail has a sharp angle, unlike the nose. The wide nose helps you perform flips better while making it easy to guide the skateboard in the direction you wish to go.

Bearing size:

Bearings on a skateboard are very important as they determine how smooth your ride will be. In general, bearing from the best skateboard brands usually has an amazing features. Bad bearings make it very hard to ride the skateboard. A simple test to see how good or bad your bearings are is to spin the wheels and see how long it takes for them to stop.

If the wheels spin for long without slowing down, you have very good bearings. Bearings are rated on a scale of 1-9. A high rating means that the bearings are very precise but also weaker. That’s why most people prefer a bearing of between 3-5 ratings. Within this range, the bearings are strong and long lasting.

Truck Size:

Trucks connect the wheels to the deck. The truck width should be proportionate to the deck width. The trucks should at least be a ¼ inch of your deck size. The truck height is usually determined by the type of skateboarding you will be undertaking.

Low trucks are best suited for stationary skateboarding while the higher trucks are more suited for fast skateboarding. There is also a part of the trucks that is known as a bushing. A stiffer bushing makes it harder for the trucks to turn. It provides more stability, but for the fast skaters, you are better off with softer bushings.

How To Know What Size Of Skateboard Should I Need To Get

Skateboard Size Chart

If you are wondering what size of skateboards should you get, read here:

Micro Skateboard:

Deck width: 6.5″ – 6.75.” Deck length of 27.2” – 27.6.” Micro decks are the best skateboards for beginners under six years old, less than 3’5” tall who wear a size three shoe or less.

Mini Skateboard

Deck width: 7.0″ Deck length of 28.” Mini decks are the best skateboards for beginners who are 6-8 years of age, between 3’5” plus 4’4” tall whose sizes of the shoe are 4-6.

Mid-size Skateboard

Deck length of 29.” Deck width: 7.3”+. For skaters nine to twelve years old between 4’5” plus 5’2” tall whose sizes of the shoe are 7-8. Skateboards with a deck width of 7.5”+ and an average deck length of 29”+ are for skaters above 13 years of age. They will mostly be taller than 5’3” along with a shoe size of nine and up.

Personal preferences will dominate your decision at the end of the day, but you can use this chart as a general rule when looking at the different types of skateboards

How To Know What Size Of Skateboard Should I Need To Get

This article should help answer your questions about how to choose a best skateboard for beginners. If you have enjoyed this article, visit our site and get yourself an awesome skateboard with your newly acquired skateboard sizing knowledge! It’s with your support that we can continue putting out in-depth guides. Without you, we will die off! Thank you for your support!

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