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Add aio-contrib.el
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skeeto committed Mar 12, 2019
1 parent a7c14f1 commit 5c44338
Showing 1 changed file with 83 additions and 0 deletions.
83 changes: 83 additions & 0 deletions aio-contrib.el
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
;;; aio-contrib.el --- extra functions for aio -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-

;; This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.

;;; Commentary:

;; These are additional, useful functions that do not make sense to
;; include in the main aio package. This file has additional
;; dependencies beyond that of aio.

;;; Code:

(require 'aio)
(require 'elfeed)
(require 'filenotify)
(require 'hashcash)
(require 'skewer-mode)

;; Note: Threads are too broken to be useful in at least Emacs 26.1.
;; So, by extension, this function isn't useful either, which is why
;; it's here in contrib. Hopefully someday it will be, though.
(defun aio-make-thread (function &optional name)
"Like `make-thread', but FUNCTION's return value is delivered by promise.
Returns a cons of (promise . thread). Calling `aio-await' on the
returned promise is analogous to using `thread-join'."
(let* ((promise (aio-promise))
(wrapper (lambda ()
(aio-with-promise promise
(funcall function))))
(thread (make-thread wrapper name)))
(cons promise thread)))

(defun aio-skewer-eval (string &rest args)
"Like `skewer-eval' but the result is delivered by a promise."
(let* ((promise (aio-promise))
(callback (lambda (result)
(aio-resolve promise (lambda () result)))))
(prog1 promise
(apply #'skewer-eval string callback args))))

(defun aio-elfeed-curl-enqueue (url &rest args)
"Like `elfeed-curl-enqueue' but delivered by a promise.
The result is a plist with the following keys:
:success -- the callback argument (t or nil)
:headers -- `elfeed-curl-headers'
:status-code -- `elfeed-curl-status-code'
:error-message -- `elfeed-curl-error-message'
:location -- `elfeed-curl-location'
:content -- (buffer-string)"
(let* ((promise (aio-promise))
(cb (lambda (success)
(let ((result (list :success success
:headers elfeed-curl-headers
:status-code elfeed-curl-status-code
:error-message elfeed-curl-error-message
:location elfeed-curl-location
:content (buffer-string))))
(aio-resolve promise (lambda () result))))))
(prog1 promise
(apply #'elfeed-curl-enqueue url cb args))))

(defun aio-file-notify-add-watch (file flags)
"Like `file-notify-add-watch' but delivered by a promise."
(let* ((promise (aio-promise))
(cb (lambda (event) (aio-resolve promise (lambda () event)))))
(prog1 promise
(file-notify-add-watch file flags cb))))

(defun aio-hashcash-generate-payment (str val)
"Like `hashcash-generate-payment' but delivered by a promise."
;; Note: In Emacs 26.1 this only works when byte compiled due to a
;; bug in hashcash.el.
(let* ((promise (aio-promise))
(cb (lambda (_proc result)
(aio-resolve promise (lambda () result)))))
(prog1 promise
(hashcash-generate-payment-async str val cb))))

(provide 'aio-contrib)

;;; aio-contrib.el ends here

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