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Swipe Down Extension

  • simple way to add a customizable swipe down to dismiss functionality to a ViewController, primarily its view) using panGesture
  • SwipeDownConfiguration offer options to futher customize the


  • isSticky: if true, view's y-axis swipe offset is half the true offset (appears to be stickier to top)
  • shouldViewFade: if true, the view fades relative to the y-axis offset
  • animationDuration: duration of when view transform to original position or if out of bounds (swipe down action triggered)
  • minimumVelocityToDismiss: minimum velocity required trigger swipe down action
  • minimumScreenPercentageOffsetToDismiss: minimum vertical offset, in terms of percent of the screen's height, required to trigger swipe down action. values range: 0.0 - 0.9
  • statusChange: closure that gets called when there is a SwipeDownStatus change


  • initiated: swipe down action conditions met, view will transform verticallty down
  • completed: view is completely out of bounds
  • cancelled: pan gesture stopped, it did not meet the required conditionas. view is reverted to its original transform

How to use

  • in about two lines of code, you can add a swipe down functionality to a view controller
let swipeDownConfiguration = SwipeDownConfiguration(
  isSticky: true,
  shouldViewFade: true,
  animationDuration: 0.2,
  minimumVelocityToDismiss: 0.4,
  minimumScreenPercentageOffsetToDismiss: 0.5) { state in
viewController.addSwipeDownToDismiss(with: swipeDownConfiguration)

Demo App


  • contains the configuration controls (ConfigurationsView) for creating SwipeDownConfiguration
  • presents a ruler (RulerView) behind AssetViewController, when presented, to visualize SwipeDownConfiguration.minimumScreenPercentageOffsetToDismiss

ConfigurationsView (SwiftUI)

  • shows toggles and sliders for everything that can be configured in SwipeDownConfiguration

RulerView (SwiftUI)

  • dummy ruler showing slices of the screen with relative percentage values


  • a view controller that has a nested UIImageView
  • accepts an Asset (image wrapper)


screen ratio screen ratio sticky minimum velocity

Demo App Logs

  • demo app logs the each of the SwipeDownStatus enums
    • when initiated is triggered, the rulerView will start to disappear
    • when completed is triggered, the pressented navigationController is dismissed
    • when cancelled is triggered, nothing

When not to use / undesired behavior

  • there is a scroll view inside the UIViewController.view where swipe down to dismiss is added
    • most likely, tho based on the layout, the scroll view is overtaking gestures, ignoring the swipe down pan gesture.
    • below is an example of such behavior. the addSwipeDownToDismiss was added to the pressented UINavigationController. only the navigation bar is registering the pan gesture.
  • ideally use when ViewController.modalPresentationStyle is .overFullScreen / .fullScreen