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Generic Kalman filter implementation with C and C++ interfaces.


You simply need to add to your build process. The library contains its own copy of the Eigen linear algebra library to do all the mathematical heavy lifting. The library provides 3 different interfaces:

  1. A simple (AND DEPRECATED!) C interface that uses statically-sized structures. These functions take fixed-size kalman_vec_t and kalman_mat_t arguments. If the filter needs fewer values than are in the structure, it will ignore the extraneous rows. Please note that the fixed-size structures are limited to 9-variable filters. If you need more variables in the filter, use the dynamic interface below. Please note that this interface is deprecated. Use the dynamically- sizeable C interface below for future development.
  2. A C interface that uses dynamically-sized structures. These functions take kalman_dmat_t arguments. These are single-block allocation structures created using kalman_dmat_alloc. Once created using the kalman_dmat_alloc (and similar) functions, the matrix dimensions cannot be altered. Free the allocated matrix using the standard C library free() function. Dynamic interface functions have a 'd' in their name (e.g. kalman_set_dstate instead of kalman_set_state).
  3. A C++ interface that uses dynamically-sized matrices with RAII. These structures dynamically allocate memory as necessary and are aliases for the Eigen::Matrix type. All features of the Eigen::Matrix template type are available. The C++ interface functions are declared in kalman.hh and are located inside of the kalman namespace.

Should you need to, you can mix-and-match these interfaces. They all operate on the same underlying state.

To construct a filter, use kalman_alloc with the number of state variables you wish to track. Before being able to use the filter you must initialize it:

  • Setup the filter's initial state vector (x_k). Use the kalman_set_state, kalman_set_dstate or kalman::set_state functions for this task.
  • Setup the filter's initial covariance matrix (P_k). Use the kalman_set_cov_mat, kalman_set_dcov_mat or kalman::set_cov_mat functions for this task.
  • Setup the filter's prediction matrix (A_k). Use the kalman_set_pred_mat, kalman_set_dpred_mat or kalman::set_pred_mat functions for this task.

This is the minimum amount of setup required to get the filter working. See kalman.h or kalman.hh for the other functions available to initialize other useful properties of the filter (such as the control vector, process noise, etc.). To evolve the filter by one step, use one of the following functions:

kalman_step(kal, measurement, measurement_covariance, observation_model);
kalman_dstep(kal, measurement, measurement_covariance, observation_model);
kalman::step(kal, measurement, measurement_covariance, observation_model);

measurement and measurement_covariance are the new measurement vector and covariance matrix. If your measurement uses a different layout than your filter's vector, you can pass the observation_model matrix, which will be used to adapt the measurement to fit the filter's internal state vector layout. If your measurement vector matches the filter's state vector, simply pass NULL for the observation model (use the 2-argument version of kalman::step for the C++ interface).

In the C interfaces, you can also pass NULL for the measurement vector and measurement_covariance matrix. This will perform a predictive-only (NULL) update of the filter. This is useful for cases when your filter needs to be updated at fixed intervals, but your measurement system doesn't always supply new measurements to update the filter. Mathematically, this simply performs the predicted measurement (x_k') and predicted covariance (P_k') calculations and then simply installs these new predictions as the filter's current state vector and covariance.

In the C++ interface, you can perform a NULL update by calling kalman::step with just the filter argument and no measurement.

You can retrieve the filter's current state vector and covariance matrix using kalman_get_state and kalman_get_cov_mat.


You will no doubt want to observe the internals of the filter during development. The KALMAN_DEBUG_STATE and KALMAN_DEBUG_COV_MAT macros give you a quick shorthand that dumps the filter's current state vector and covariance matrix to stdout. You can also use the more generic KALMAN_DEBUG_VEC and KALMAN_DEBUG_MAT macros to extract any other vector or matrix in the filter, e.g. to extract the control vector:

kalman_t *kal;
KALMAN_DEBUG_VEC(kal, "cont_vect", kalman_get_cont);