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tech @ Skit

GitHub Workflow Status

This is source for the tech team webpage at Skit. Template is Mundana by


  • Install rbenv and ruby-build for managing Ruby version.
  • Install ruby version for this repo. rbenv install 2.7.2. A local .ruby-version file will make sure the repository uses consistent ruby version.
  • Install bundler using gem install bundler -v 2.4.22. Note that newer versions of bundler need newer ruby so we will work with an older version for now.
  • Run bundle for installing dependencies.
  • Run the blog locally: bundle exec jekyll serve --host=

Deployment is handled via github actions using this workflow which gets triggered on every push.


We use MathJax v3 to render LaTeX equations. For enabling in your post, add latex: True in your yaml frontmatter. After that, equations under $$ (note the double dollar sign) will be rendered like below:

$$p_\theta(z_k) = p_\theta(z_0)* \prod_{i=1..k}|\det(\frac{\partial f_i}{\partial z_{i-1}})|^{-1}$$

Fancy audio player

Instead of the default HTML audio player, you can use a fancy audio player that looks like the following:

Fancy Player Screenshot

For using this, add fancy_audio_player: True in your post's yaml frontmatter and use fancy_audio tag like below:

{% fancy_audio %}

Post Cover Image

You can provide a cover image for the post using the following yaml frontmatter:

image: assets/images/image.jpg

Note that this image doesn't show up in the main post, it's just visible in main page listing for the top 4 and the sticky posts. If you skip adding an image, a default geopattern is generated and used instead.