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ANSI syntax highlighting for logstash-logback-encoder JSON output.


  • Syntax highlighting (and pretty printing)
  • Special field handling
    • Level: trace, debug, info, warn and error
    • Message

The primary use-case for this tool is coloring JSON console-output during local development / unit testing.

In production rather configure an encoder without a Decorator and apply proper visualization tools like Kibana. Use conditional processing to differentiate between different environments in Logback configuration.

Example output



Apache 2.0


The project is based on Maven and is available at central Maven repository.

Maven coordinates

Add the property


then add



Gradle coordinates


ext {
  logbackLogstashSyntaxHighlightingDecoratorsVersion = '1.0.6'


implementation ("com.github.skjolber.logback-logstash-syntax-highlighting-decorators:logback-logstash-syntax-highlighting-decorators:${logbackLogstashSyntaxHighlightingDecoratorsVersion}")


Add a JsonGeneratorDecorator:

<appender name="STDOUT_JSON" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
    <encoder class="net.logstash.logback.encoder.LogstashEncoder">
        <!-- add pretty-printing and syntax highlighting for testing -->
        <jsonGeneratorDecorator class="com.github.skjolber.decorators.SyntaxHighlightingDecorator"/>

The default decorator is aware of the log-level and highlights WARN and ERROR with yellow and red background colors.

Custom colors

Define your own colors using ConfigurableSyntaxHighlighter:

<jsonGeneratorDecorator class="com.github.skjolber.decorators.SyntaxHighlightingDecorator">
    <syntaxHighlighterFactory class="com.github.skjolber.decorators.factory.ConfigurableSyntaxHighlighterFactory">
        <numberValue>black highIntensity</numberValue>

and space-separated foreground, background and style keys. For special handling of fields message and level, use the LogLevelSyntaxHighlighterFactory:

<jsonGeneratorDecorator class="com.github.skjolber.decorators.SyntaxHighlightingDecorator">
    <syntaxHighlighterFactory class="com.github.skjolber.decorators.factory.LogLevelSyntaxHighlighterFactory">
        <message>highIntensity blue</message>


Pretty-printing (with newline + indent) is enabled by default. To disable it, a prettyPrint-element under SyntaxHighlightingDecorator like so:

<jsonGeneratorDecorator class="com.github.skjolber.decorators.SyntaxHighlightingDecorator">

Foreground color

Key Text color
default Default text
black Black text
red Red text
green Green text
yellow Yellow text
blue Blue text
magenta Magneta text
cyan Cyan text
white White text

Background color

Key Background color
defaultBackground Default
blackBackground Black
redBackground Red
greenBackground Green
yellowBackground Yellow
blueBackground Blue
magentaBackground Magneta
cyanBackground Cyan
whiteBackground White


Key Style
highIntensity High intensity (bold)
lowIntensity Low instensity
italic Italic
underline Underline
blink Blink


The SyntaxHighlightingDecorator supports a list of <syntaxHighlighterFactory> elements. The colors are applied in chronological order. Highlighters not wanting to contribute to the current JSON event are expected to return an ANSI reset (including escaping).

Tips and tricks

Exclude fields with low information value during testing. For example:

<encoder class="net.logstash.logback.encoder.LogstashEncoder">
    <!-- remove unnecessary fields in testing -->


  • 1.0.6: Do not set default colors.
  • 1.0.5: Add option for single-line output
  • 1.0.1-1.0.4: Update Jackson dependency due to security issue and dependency updates
  • 1.0.0: Initial version