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AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) transformation to run your Groovy scripts with @CompileStatic


Lets you have some Groovy script which operates on some business object, say Person.

Groovy script = 'Peter'

Groovy has absolutely great @CompileStatic feature, which makes Groovy compile code in a statical way (like Java compiler does) and significantly speedup script execution, but in case of plain scripts there is no place to apply this annotation. You know @CompileStatic annotation can be applied either on class or method level. So lets see how we can solve this problem manually.

Groovy compiler will create Script class which will put your script code into the run method, like this:

Compiled script

public class Script_xxxxxx {
    public Object run() { = 'Peter'

You can try improve your's script performance in the following way:

  • move your business logic into separate method (say runFast)
  • annotate this method with @CompileStatic annotation
  • call this method in the beginning of script

Improved Groovy script


    def runFast(Person person) { = 'Peter'

Fortunately, you don't need to do this manually. ScriptCompileStaticTransformation does this trick for you automatically.


Create ScriptCompileStaticTransformation transformation. Constructor requires three parameters

  • script parameter name, in our case this is "person"
  • script parameter type, in our case Person class
  • method name which will contain script code and will be annotated with @CompileStatic, in our case runFast

Add this transformation to the CompilerConfiguration as compilation customizer. Then compile your code with GroovyClassLoader and run script providing Person parameter with binding.

    var trans = new ScriptCompileStaticTransformer("person", Person.class.getName(), "runFast");

    var cc = new CompilerConfiguration();
    cc.addCompilationCustomizers(new ASTTransformationCustomizer(trans));
    GroovyClassLoader cl = new GroovyClassLoader(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), cc);
    Class<?> clazz = cl.parseClass(script);
    Script script = (Script) clazz.getConstructor().newInstance();
    script.setBinding(new Binding(Map.of("person", new Person)));;

Effect of transformation

Lets compare effect of using this transformation. Below is de-compiled initial script class (without transformation). We can see that generated code is using Groovy run-time class ScriptBytecodeAdapter to set property name to Peter.

    public Object run() {
        final String s = "Peter";
        ScriptBytecodeAdapter.setProperty((Object)s, (Class)null, invokedynamic(getProperty:(LScript_d3898d5a433b8e078e9312b6638140ff;)Ljava/lang/Object;, this), (String)"name");
        return s;

With using transformation, de-compiled class is the following:

    public Object run() {
        return invokedynamic(invoke:(LScript_d3898d5a433b8e078e9312b6638140ff;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;, this, invokedynamic(getProperty:(LScript_d3898d5a433b8e078e9312b6638140ff;)Ljava/lang/Object;, this));

    public Object runFast(final Person person) {
        final String name = "Peter";
        return name;

Now method run invokes runFast, which is compiled statically, name property is set directly with property setter setName.

Understanding transformation

ScriptCompileStaticTransformer implements ASTTransformation interface. Annotation @GroovyASTTransformation(phase = CompilePhase.CONVERSION) means this transformation will be applied in the conversion phase of compilation (when AST structure is created)

@GroovyASTTransformation(phase = CompilePhase.CONVERSION)
public class ScriptCompileStaticTransformer implements ASTTransformation {

Then following the Visitor design pattern, we create our own MethodRunVisitor which

  • finds method run,
  • stores user written code in the code class member for later using and
  • replaces user code by runFast method invocation.
  • and finally creates method runFast annotated with @CompileStatic and put user code into this method.

GroovyConsole utility (shipped with full groovy distribution) would be extremely useful for understanding AST internals.

  • run GroovyConsole
  • write simple script code
  • open AST browser and inspect how script code in converted to AST
  • make small changes in the script code and observe corresponding changes in the AST
  • implement this AST changes in your's transformation code
  • enjoy


Error detection

Another advantage of using @CompileStatic is early script error detection. Errors will be detected in compile time, whereas without @CompileStatic errors will be detected only in run-time. Below are sample errors:

Dynamically compiled, detected in run-time

groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: neme for class: com.github.skopylov58.groovy.person.Person
Possible solutions: name

Statically compiled, detected during compilation

org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
Script_2637161c01bed4e063e059b11dd30207.groovy: 1: [Static type checking] - No such property: neme for class: com.github.skopylov58.groovy.person.Person
 @ line 1, column 24.
    p.neme = 'Peter'
1 error

So using @CompileStatic will make your scripts not only more performant but also more reliable.

Performance benchmarking

For the benchmarking I have used simple script for testing performance of read/write operations on the bean's properties.

def name = = 'Peter'

JMH benchmarking shows approximately 7 times improvements in script performance.

Benchmark                                                  Mode  Cnt          Score        Error  Units
CompileStaticTransformationBench.benchDynamic             thrpt   25   15594419.123 ± 115527.449  ops/s
CompileStaticTransformationBench.benchStaticRun           thrpt   25  112633196.130 ±  46027.272  ops/s


AST transformation to run your Groovy scripts with @CompileStatic






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