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database talker

What is this?

This is sample code to generate a response/diary from a robot's experience stored in MongoDB.

How to setup

Set up a workspace using the rosinstall file and compile it with catkin build database_talker.

How to use

For a minimum setup, run the following command. This will start the mongodb/lifelog nodes and save the usb camera data to the database.

roslaunch database_talker sample.launch

To generate a diary using robot memory, execute the following command and talk to GoogleChat bot.

rosrun database_talker --prompt-type personality


How to test using data from a specific date without using GoogleChat.

rosrun database_talker --test --prompt-type personality --date 2023-03-20

Stop using external DBs, this is recommended during debug phase.

Remove mongodb_store_extras in jsk_robot_startup/lifelog/mongodb_replication_params.yaml

-mongodb_store_extras: [["", 27017],["",27017]]
+mongodb_store_extras: []

Force store image

An image will only be saved if a significant change is found in the image within seconds. To force the image to be saved, use the following command.

rostopic pub -1 /publish_trigger_mongodb_event roseus/StringStamped '{header: auto, data: debug}'