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Releases: skwidge/OdbResource

Version 2.2.1

20 May 10:48
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Some minor bug fixes and a change to the Java version the project is compile to. This project will now run with Java versions 5 and above instead of 8 and above.
The OdbPrincipal.toString() method now returns a string correctly starting with, "OdbPrincipal" instead of, "ImapPrincipal."
Singleton objects returned by the JNDI factories are now declared with the volatile keyword for thread safety.

This release is built with OrientDB version 2.2.20.

Version 2.2.0

21 Sep 10:09
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Version 2.2.0 comes with a significant change to how OdbRealm is configured, making it much more flexible. Instead of authenticating only against the built-in OUser and ORole classes, the realm now takes an OSQL query as a configuration parameter, allowing it to authenticate against any arbitrary classes as well as OUser and ORole.
You will have to change your realm configuration when you move to this version. Read the user guide and the javadocs to understand what the query must return.

This release comes with OrientDB version 2.2.10.

Version 2.1.3

04 Aug 11:23
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This is a patch release to fix a severe bug. OdbRealm for versions 2.1.2 and below only supported the SHA-256 password encryption used by OrientDB 2.1.x versions. Passwords encrypted with any other algorithm (including the new PBKDF2WithHmacSHA256) would never match. Now OdbResource uses OrientDB's OSecurityManager class to check passwords, which will hopefully be a little more future proof.

This release comes with OrientDB version 2.2.6.

Find the User Guide here.

Find the API documentation here.

Version 2.1.2

18 Jul 10:14
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OdbResource is now available from the Maven Central Repository. It's also available as zip file here again, and as .tar.gz file for the first time.

This release works with Tomcat versions 7.x and 8.0.x and probably earlier versions too. It hasn't been tested withTomcat versions 8.5.x or 9.x, and does not support the JASPIC standard. The plan is to add that in the near future.

This release comes with OrientDB version 2.2.4.

Find the User Guide here.

Find the API documentation here.

Version 2.1.1

21 Jun 10:00
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The main change with this release is the switch to Maven from Ant and Ivy. This is to facilitate the goal of getting OdbResource into the Maven central repository.

A result of this is that OdbResource is no longer distributed in a zip file with all of its dependencies. Instead there is odbresource.jar, a sources jar and a javadoc jar , just as you would supply to Maven central.

We recommend downloading Tomcat 8 and OrientDB 2.1 from their websites as these projects provide all the dependencies required by OdbResource. Or better yet, make it a dependency n your pom.xml - once we have it in Maven central. :)

Find the User Guide here.

Find the API documentation here.

Version 2.1.0

19 Mar 22:05
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A separate JNDI resource has been added to provide an OServer instance. This allows for configuring the server to shut down cleanly when running embedded.

When running embedded two resources must now be configured. Otherwise configuration remains unchanged. contains just the jar files for odbresource and the OrientDB dependencies. contains all the same jar files and also the source and javadocs.

Find the User Guide here.

Find the API documentation here.

Version 2.0.1

09 Nov 10:44
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A patch release with changes mostly to documentation and build products. Javadocs have been reviewed and checked for accuracy. The Version class is no longer public.

There are now two different release files. contains just the jar files for odbresource and the OrientDB dependencies as for the previous two releases. contains all the same jar files and also the source and javadocs.

Find the User Guide here.

Find the API documentation here.

Version 2.0

05 Nov 10:39
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Version 2.0 jumps straight from version 1.0 with significant changes.

OPDPFObjectFactory now returns OPartitionedDatabasePoolFactory which provides fast, lock-free database pools, making this a scalable solution.

OdbSessionListener has been removed as it is no longer needed.

OdbFilter has also been removed, as it was a solution to a rather narrow problem that should generally be solved in application-specific code.

The files includes version 2.2.0-beta of OrientDB, but the realm and factory should work with versions 2.0 and above.

Find the User Guide here.

Find the API documentation here.

Find the discussion of the purpose behind this project here. Although some of this is now redundant.

Initial Release

21 Sep 11:50
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This is the initial release of OdbResource and OdbRealm, a connection pool and Tomcat authentication realm for embedded OrientDB graph databases. In an ideal world this will be replaced by something more tightly integrated with OrientDB, but this is sufficient for a proof of concept.

Find the User Guide here.

Find the API documentation here.

Find the discussion of the purpose behind this project here.