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A web service turning a spreadsheet into API end points. APITable is powered by Skygear.

Quick start

Run the following steps to setup Skygear Cloud Function

Please note that you have to setup once only

  1. $ cd cloud/dist
  2. $ git init
  3. $ git remote add skygear-portal ssh://<your-cloud-code-git-url>
  4. $ cd ...

Deploy cloud code

  1. $ yarn run build:cloud
  2. $ yarn run deploy:cloud

Start the development server

  1. $ mv app/configs.js.example app/configs.js and edit app/configs.js to fill out necessary information accordingly.
  2. $ yarn or $ npm install
  3. $ yarn start or $ npm start
  4. You can view the app through http://localhost:3000

Deploy the app to AWS S3

  1. Setup your S3 bucket as a static website hosting. Make sure the error page is set to index.html.
  2. $ npm run build
  3. Upload files in ./build to your S3 bucket.
You also have to configure CloudFront, read more.


Please read the project's docs here. Update the docs as nessesary in future development.