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📖 Concurrency and Resiliency Patterns in Saga Transactions for Spring Boot Microservices

✅ Saga Event Routing with Content Based Router, Outbox Pattern, Retryable Exceptions and DLQ Error Channel using Srping Cloud Stream, Kafka, Debezium and PostgreSQL

✅ Retryable Exceptions and Dead-Letter Queue Error Channel with Spring Cloud Stream

✅ Event Routing and Outbox Pattern with PostgreSQL, Debezium and Kafka

✅ Handling Concurrency with Kafka Consumer Groups and Partitions + PostgresQL Optimistic Locking

✅ Handling Resiliency with PostgreSQL Optimistic Locking and Retryable Exceptions

✅ E2E Concurrency Testing Framework with Completable Futures using Spring Cloud OpenFeign

  • 📖 This Order Processing Platform with Spring Cloud Stream, Kafka, PostgreSQL and Debezium CDC Connect is a full-stack example of complete, fully functional Local Docker Development Environment:
  • 📖 Event-Driven Spring Boot Microservices with Content-Based Event Router, Spring Cloud Stream, Kafka, Debezium CDC PostgreSQL Kafka Connect and Outbox Pattern
  • 📖 Swagger UI Gateway with Keycloak Authorization
  • 📖 E2E Testing Service with Spring Cloud OpenFeign REST Client
  • 📖 Local Docker Development Environment
  • 📖 Full Technology Stack:
    • Swagger UI
    • Spring Cloud OpenFeign
    • Spring Boot
    • Spring Cloud Stream Event Routing
    • Spring Cloud Gateway
    • Event-Driven Microservices
    • Kafka Event Streaming
    • Event Routing Saga with Outbox Pattern, Kafka, Debezium and PostgreSQL
    • Content Based Router with Message Headers using Spring Cloud Stream
    • Debezium Change Data Capture PostgreSQL Kafka Connect
    • Reliable Event Routing and Outbox Pattern Saga Transactions with Kafka, Debezium and PostgreSQL
    • Safe Idempotent Retry Transactions with Optimistic Locking and Spring Cloud Stream Retryable Exceptions
    • Kafka UI
    • Lookup Tables for Safe Idempotent Retries with Correlation ID using Spring Cloud Stream Message Headers and PostgreSQL Database
    • Keycloak Oauth2 Authorization Server
    • Local Docker Environment
    • E2E Testing Framework
    • E2E Concurrency Testing with Completable Futures
    • Remote Debugging
    • Debezium Kafka Connect
    • Debezium Outbox Event Router

📖 Links

📖 Step By Step Guide

Local Docker Environment Setup:

  • (1) this script will rebuild spring boot docker images and start docker environment with your latest code changes:
(1) sh
  • (2) this script will rebuild spring boot docker image for order aplication and restart application with rebuilt image (replace order with the name of the application you want to rebuild and restart):
(2) sh order
  • (3) this script will restart all spring boot applications without rebuilding docker images:
(3) sh order
  • (4) this script will restart all docker environment without rebuilding docker images
(4) sh order

Local Docker Environment E2E Testing:

  • make sure you started local docker environment with sh command

  • run sh (Debezium Kafka PostgreSQL connectors)

  • Open Kafka UI and make sure that all 3 Kafka Connectors are running and connected to topics (see Kafka UI section)

  • go to e2e-service and run each test separately in your IDE

  • Warning! In case of any problems with E2E Tests or Docker Environment, see Docker Troubleshooting section

  • Use PostgreSQL Database Client (for example DBeaver) to monitor customer order and inventory databases

  • Warning! Before each E2E test, PostgreSQL Tables and Kafka Topics are completely reset: all data is clean before running each E2E Test

  • For E2E REST API requests OpenFeign uses admin/admin password credentials (it receives access_token from Keycloak Server using password grant type)

  • Make sure that Keycloak Server is running as part of your Local Docker Environment: http://localhost:8080 (otherwise OpenFeign REST API authorized requests will not work)

Docker Troubleshooting

  • In case of any problems, start crashed spring boot containers again:
docker-compose -f docker-app-compose.yml up -d
  • In case the tests still fail, try to restart all spring boot containers:
docker-compose -f docker-app-compose.yml down
docker-compose -f docker-app-compose.yml up -d
  • In case you still have problems, try to restart all docker containers:
  • In case you still have problems, delete volumes folder and use the following commands to cleanup all docker resources and rebuild all docker images:
docker volume prune
docker system prune

Remote Debugging

  • Use BPL_DEBUG_PORT property in docker-app-compose.yml for remote debugging port of the spring boot application (see Port in the screenshot)
  • Select Spring Boot Application from the dropdown list (see Use module classpath in the screenshot)

Configuration to debug a containerized Java application from IntelliJ IDEA

Kafka UI

  • Kafka UI should be available here: http://localhost:8070/
  • Go To Kafka Connect and Make sure that all 3 Kafka Connectors are running and connected to topics (Topics and Status columns of each connector)
  • Use Kafka UI to monitor Topics, Kafka Connectors, Producers, Consumers and Event Messages:
  • You can browse topics, partitions, messages and other kafka resources using this console

Swagger UI

  • Open http://localhost:9000 in your Browser and make sure that Swagger UI is working
  • For Swagger UI POST requests: click Authorize and use admin/admin or user/user for credentials (clientId should be stock-app)
  • Warning! Sometimes switching between Swagger UI pages doesn't refresh Swagger UI completely and you might see wrong REST endpoints: just refresh the page and continue


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