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Technology has enabled us to start new companies, new communities, and new currencies. But can we use it to start new cities, or even new countries? This book explains how to build the successor to the nation state, a concept we call the network state.


Quickstart Chapter ImageChapter 1 Quickstart




Are you the kind of person who skims the beginning just to see whether to read the entire thing? You’re in luck.


We’ve prepared one sentence, one image, one thousand word, and one essay summaries of the concepts behind startup societies and network states. Just click those links if you’re impatient. And of course, for the full experience, you can read it one page at a time.


Speaking of pages, every section of this book is online and shareable as an individual web page. For example, the URL to this section is This allows you to link directly1 to any bit of the book for discussion. Moreover, unlike the typical book that’s frozen in time, think of this as a dynamic bookapp that gets continuously updated. You can see the latest version online, or you can follow the instructions at to get the latest version on your Kindle.

说到每页,这本书的每一节都是在网上的,作为单个的网页来分享。例如,本节的URL是。这允许你直接到书中的任何一点进行讨论。此外,这本书与典型静态在某时间点的书不同,把它看作是不断更新的动态图书程序。你可以在网上看到最新版本,或者你可以按照 的说明在你的Kindle上获得最新版本。

When reading it, think of this work as a toolbox, not a manifesto. You don’t need to agree with all of it to get something out of it. We’ve structured it in modular form for that reason. Chapter 1 is an overview of the ideas. Chapters 2, 3, and 4 present an analysis that leads to a concerning forecast for the near future, the problem of American Anarchy and Chinese Control. And Chapter 5 presents our proposed solution for maintaining liberal values in an illiberal world: startup societies and network states.


But what exactly is a network state?


The Network State in One Sentence


In one informal sentence:


A network state is a highly aligned online community with a capacity for collective action that crowdfunds territory around the world and eventually gains diplomatic recognition from pre-existing states.


When we think of a nation state, we immediately think of the lands, but when we think of a network state, we should instantly think of the minds. That is, if the nation state system starts with the map of the globe and assigns each patch of land to a single state, the network state system starts with the 7+ billion humans of the world and attracts each mind to one or more networks.


Here’s a more complex definition that extends that concept and pre-emptively covers many edge cases:


A network state is a social network with a moral innovation, a sense of national consciousness, a recognized founder, a capacity for collective action, an in-person level of civility, an integrated cryptocurrency, a consensual government limited by a social smart contract, an archipelago of crowdfunded physical territories, a virtual capital, and an on-chain census that proves a large enough population, income, and real-estate footprint to attain a measure of diplomatic recognition.


OK, that’s a mouthful! It’s lengthy because there are many internet phenomena that share some but not all of the properties of a network state. For example, neither Bitcoin nor Facebook nor a DAO is a network state, because each lacks certain qualities – like diplomatic recognition – which are core to anything we’d think of as the next version of the nation state.

好吧,这是一个口号! 它之所以冗长,是因为有许多互联网现象共享一些网络国家的属性,但不是全部。例如,比特币、Facebook和DAO都不是网络国家,因为它们都缺乏某些特质--比如外交承认--而这些特质是我们认为的下一版民族国家的核心。

(If you want to skip ahead, we expand on each part of the definition in Chapter 5. But it’ll make more sense if you read the text all the way through. For what it’s worth, the technical definition of a nation state is similarly multi-clausal, because it needs to exclude things we don’t typically think about, like stateless nations.)


The Network State in One Image


Network State Dashboard Image

A picture helps. The dashboard above shows what a million-person network state looks like on the map. Specifically, it depicts a network state with 1.7 million people, more than 157 billion dollars in annual income, and a 136 million square meter footprint.


The first thing we notice is that a network state isn’t physically centralized like a nation state, nor limited in scale like a city state. It’s geographically decentralized and connected by the internet.


The second thing we see is that you could feasibly start this kind of country from your computer. That is, just as Facebook grew from one person’s laptop, a million-person network state that owns a global archipelago of physical territory could start as a one-person startup society, as shown in this gif:


The third thing we see is how central the real-time census is to the network state. The dashboard shown combines concepts from coins, companies, and countries to focus a society on growth in people, annual income, and real estate footprint.


Continued growth is a continuous plebiscite, a vote of confidence by the people inside who remain and those outside who apply. Roughly speaking, a successful network state is one that attracts aligned immigrants, and an unsuccessful network state is one that loses them.


That doesn’t mean each network state must grow to infinity, or that all states need accept the same kind of person, but that the community of network states as a whole is focused on building admirable societies that people want to join. Different states will focus on different metrics; imagine a network state premised on improving its citizens’ overall life expectancy, or one aimed at provably right-shifting the income distribution for all. You get what you measure.

这并不意味着每个网络国家必须发展到无限大,也不意味着所有的国家都需要接受同一类人,而是意味着网络国家的社区作为一个整体,专注于建立人们愿意加入的令人景仰的社会。不同的国家将专注于不同的衡量标准;想象一下,一个网络国家的前提是提高其公民的整体 预期寿命,或者一个旨在为所有人证明正确转移 收入分配的国家。你得到你所想的。

The Network State in One Thousand Words


Network State Flag Image

Technology has allowed us to start new companies, new communities, and new currencies. But can we use it to create new cities, or even new countries? A key concept is to go cloud first, land last — but not land never — by starting with an online community and then materializing it into the physical world. We get there in seven steps:


  1. Found a startup society. This is simply an online community with aspirations of something greater. Anyone can found one, just like anyone can found a company or cryptocurrency.2 And the founder’s legitimacy comes from whether people opt to follow them.


  2. Organize it into a group capable of collective action. Given a sufficiently dedicated online community, the next step is to organize it into a network union. Unlike a social network, a network union has a purpose: it coordinates its members for their mutual benefit. And unlike a traditional union, a network union is not set up solely in opposition to a particular corporation, so it can take a variety of different collective actions.3 Unionization is a key step because it turns an otherwise ineffective online community into a group of people working together for a common cause.

    *组织一个能够集体行动的团体。*如果有一个足够专注的在线社区,下一步就是将其组织成一个网络联盟。与社会网络不同,网络联盟有一个目的:该联盟协调成员,以实现他们的共同利益。而且与传统的工会不同,网络工会的建立并不只是为了反对某个特定的公司,所以它可以采取各种不同的集体行动。3 团结是一个关键步骤,因为它将一个原本无效的网络社区变成一个为共同事业而工作的群体。

  3. Build trust offline and a cryptoeconomy online. Begin holding in-person meetups in the physical world, of increasing scale and duration, while simultaneously building an internal economy using cryptocurrency.


  4. Crowdfund physical nodes. Once sufficient trust has been built and funds have been accumulated, start crowdfunding apartments, houses, and even towns to bring digital citizens into the physical world within real co-living communities.


  5. Digitally connect physical communities. Link these physical nodes together into a network archipelago, a set of digitally connected physical territories distributed around the world. Nodes of the network archipelago range from one-person apartments to in-person communities of arbitrary size. Physical access is granted by holding a web3 cryptopassport, and mixed reality is used to seamlessly link the online and offline worlds.


  6. Conduct an on-chain census. As the society scales, run a cryptographically auditable census to demonstrate the growing size of your population, income, and real-estate footprint. This is how a startup society proves traction in the face of skepticism.


  7. Gain diplomatic recognition. A startup society with sufficient scale should eventually be able to negotiate for diplomatic recognition from at least one pre-existing government, and from there gradually increased sovereignty, slowly becoming a true network state.


The key idea is to populate the land from the cloud, and do so all over the earth. Unlike an ideologically disaligned and geographically centralized legacy state, which packs millions of disputants in one place, a network state is ideologically aligned but geographically decentralized. The people are spread around the world in clusters of varying size, but their hearts are in one place.


As the population and economy of a startup society grow comparable to that of a legacy state, with millions of citizens and billions in income, it should eventually4 be able to attain recognition from existing sovereigns — and ultimately the United Nations — just as Bitcoin has now become a bona fide national currency.









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