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Stanislav Barantsev edited this page Nov 30, 2021 · 6 revisions

Install libpredict

git clone
cd libpredict
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install

Install prerequisites

sudo apt-get install cmake gcc make predict libjson-c-dev hamlib-utils libxmlrpc-core-c3-dev libconfig-dev python3

Install gr-satellites

Install GSC

git clone
cd isu_ground_station
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install

GSC will download a list of active satellites. It will also register a new cron task to update this list every five days.


If you have antenna rotators, start rotctld antenna controlling daemon(-s):

#azimuth controller
screen sudo rotctld -s [baud rate] -m [azimuth rotator id] -r [RS232 device: azimuth] -T [IP to listen commands] -t [port to listen commands] -vvvvv

#elevation controller
screen sudo rotctld -s [baud rate] -m [elevation rotator id] -r [RS232 device: elevation] -T [IP to listen commands] -t [port to listen commands] -vvvvv

Create a config file

calibrate = 0
request-port = 25565
gnuradio-config = "/home/stanislavb/sdr_prototypes/master/default"
gnuradio-flowgraph = "/home/stanislavb/sdr_prototypes/master/"
latitude = 48.711
longitude = 7.711
azimuth-port = 8080
elevation-port = 8081
remote-addr = ""
verbosity = 3
log_file = "dump.log"
command-script = "/home/stanislavb/isu_ground_station/"
Parameter Description
calibrate Number of passes before recalibration of the antenna. Used to remove the aggregated error
request-port Port to listen to the REST API requests
gnuradio-config Path and name of the GNU Radio config. Created by the GSC right before every pass
gnuradio-flowgraph Path to the GNU Radio flowgraph
latitude Latitude of the ground station
longitude Longitude of the ground station
azimuth-port If two rotctld daemons are used, this is the port if the azimuth antenna controller (other configurations are planned)
elevation-port If two rotctld daemons are used, this is the port if the azimuth antenna controller (other configurations are planned)
remote-addr IP address to bind the REST API server to
verbosity Log detailing level
log_file Path to a log file
command-script Script handles actions taken before and after the satellite pass. Also, used for antenna selection if needed. Modify at your will.

Start GSC

screen -L -Logfile gsc_logs.txt ./gsc