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A medium tutorial on how to create express application using typescript and webpack.


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Express with Typescript and Webpack

Part 1

Project Setup The project has the following prerequisites:

  • NodeJs 8.X
  • Typescript => 2.7
  • TSLint => 5.11.0
  • Webpack => 4
  • Webpack CLI => 3.1.0
  • Git

Create the project directory.

mkdir express-typescript-todo
cd express-typescript-todo

Initialize the git repository for the project.

git init

Create a .gitignore file with following content:


Create the npm package.

npm init -y

Install the dependencies.

npm install --save body-parser@1.18.3 express@4.16.3 multer@1.3.1 reflect-metadata@0.1.10 routing-controllers@0.7.7

The function of each of these packages is as follows:

  • body-parser: parse the request body into an object on express.Request.body property
  • express: the webserver being used
  • multer: parse for handling multipart/form-data
  • reflect-metadata: allows the adding of decorators to modify typescript classes
  • routing-controllers: allows the use of @Controller and http verb decorators to simplify routing declarations

Install the dev dependencies.

npm install -D @types/body-parser@1.17.0 @types/express@4.16.0 @types/multer@1.3.7 ts-loader@4.5.0 tslint@5.11.0 typescript@3.0.1 webpack@4.17.1 webpack-cli@3.1.0 nodemon-webpack-plugin@4.0.3 webpack-node-externals@1.7.2

The function of each of these packages is as follows:

  • @types/*: provides the type definitions for a npm package
  • ts-loader: webpack typescript loader
  • tslint: typescript linter
  • typescript: a super set of javascript
  • webpack: a module bundler
  • webpack-cli: allows the running of webpack from terminal
  • nodemon-webpack-plugin: a webpack plugin to auto-restart a expressjs server with nodemon
  • webpack-node-externals: a function for webpack to filter out node_modules when bundling

Create the Typescript configuration.

tsc --init

Make the following changes to the tsconfig.json file:

  "compileOnSave": false,
  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es5",
    "module": "commonjs",
    "lib": [
    "typeRoots": [
    "esModuleInterop": true ,
    "inlineSourceMap": true,
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,  
  "exclude": [

Create the TSLint configuration.

tslint --init

Create a webpack.config.js with the following content:

const path = require('path');
const nodeExternals = require('webpack-node-externals');
const nodemonPlugin = require( 'nodemon-webpack-plugin' );

module.exports = {
    entry: './src/application/app.ts',
    devtool: 'inline-source-map',
    mode: 'development',
    watch: true,
    target: 'node',
    module: {
        rules: [{
            test: /\.tsx?$/,
            use: 'ts-loader',
            exclude: /node_modules/
    resolve: {
        extensions: ['.tsx', '.ts', '.js']
    output: {
        filename: 'app.js',
        path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist')
    externals: [
        new nodemonPlugin()

Create the application directories.

mkdir src
cd src
mkdir application
mkdir test
cd application
mkdir controllers

Create the file src/application/controllers/todo.controller.ts with the following content:

import {Body, Controller, Delete, Get, Param, Post, Put} from "routing-controllers";

export class TodoController {

    public getAll() {
       return "This action returns all todos";

    public getOne(@Param("id") id: number) {
       return "This action returns todo #" + id;

    public post(@Body() todo: any) {
       return "Saving todo...";

    public put(@Param("id") id: number, @Body() todo: any) {
       return "Updating a todo...";

    public remove(@Param("id") id: number) {
       return "Removing todo...";


Create the barrel roll file src/application/controllers/index.ts with the content:

export * from "./todo.controller";

Create the application bootstrapping file src/application/app.ts with the content:

import "reflect-metadata";
import { createExpressServer } from "routing-controllers";
import { TodoController } from "./controllers";

const app = createExpressServer({
    controllers: [TodoController],
    cors: false,


Add the following scripts to the package.json file:

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "webpack"

Run the application.

npm run dev

The application is accessible at http://localhost:3000/todo.

Part 2

Install the dependencies

npm install --save typedi

Install the dev dependencies

npm install @types/node -D

Create the services and models directory

cd src/application
mkdir services
mkdir models

Update the app file src/application/app.ts with the content:

import "reflect-metadata";
import { createExpressServer, useContainer } from "routing-controllers";
import {Container} from "typedi";
import { TodoController } from "./controllers";


const app = createExpressServer({
    controllers: [TodoController],
    cors: false,


Update the file tslint.json with the content:

    "defaultSeverity": "error",
    "extends": [
    "jsRules": {},
    "rules": {
        "variable-name": [
    "rulesDirectory": []

Create the todo model file src/application/models/todo.model.ts with the content:

import { Exclude, Expose } from "class-transformer";

export class TodoModel {
    private _id: number;
    private _name: string;
    private _completed: boolean;

    public get id(): number {
        return this._id;
    public set id(v: number) {
        this._id = v;
    public get name(): string {
        return this._name;
    public set name(v: string) {
        this._name = v;
    public get completed(): boolean {
        return this._completed;
    public set completed(v: boolean) {
        this._completed = v;


Create the barrel roll file src/application/models/index.ts with the content:

export * from "./todo.model";

Create the todo service file src/application/services/todo.service.ts with the content:

import { Service } from "typedi";
import { TodoModel } from "../models";

export class TodoService {
    private _idCounter: number;
    private _todos: TodoModel[];
    constructor() {
        this._todos = [];
        this._idCounter = 0;

    public getAll(): TodoModel[] {
        return this._todos;

    public getOne(id: number): TodoModel {
        return this._todos.find((todo) => === id);

    public create(todo: TodoModel): void { = this.generateId();

    public update(id: number, todo: TodoModel): void {
        const previousVersion = this.getOne(id);
        previousVersion.completed = todo.completed; =; =;

    public delete(id: number): void {
        const index = this._todos.findIndex((todo) => === id);
        this._todos.splice(index, 1);

    private generateId(): number {
        return this._idCounter;

Create the barrel roll file src/application/services/index.ts with the content:

export * from "./todo.service";

Update the todo controller file src/application/controllers/todo.controller.ts with the content:

import { Body, Delete, Get, JsonController, OnUndefined, Param, Post, Put } from "routing-controllers";
import { TodoModel } from "../models";
import { TodoService } from "../services";

export class TodoController {

    constructor(private _todoService: TodoService) {


    public getAll(): TodoModel[] {
        return this._todoService.getAll();

    public getOne(@Param("id") id: number): TodoModel {
        return this._todoService.getOne(id);

    public post(@Body() todo: TodoModel) {

    public put(@Param("id") id: number, @Body() todo: TodoModel) {
        this._todoService.update(id, todo);

    public remove(@Param("id") id: number): void {


Part 3

Update the todo model file src/application/models/todo.model.ts with the content:

import { Exclude, Expose } from "class-transformer";
import { IsBoolean, IsEmpty, IsNotEmpty, IsString, MaxLength, MinLength } from "class-validator";

export class TodoModel {
    private _id: number;
    @IsNotEmpty({ message: "Name is required" })
    @IsString({ message: "Name should be a string" })
    @MinLength(1, {
        message: "Name is too short"
    @MaxLength(50, {
        message: "Name is too long"
    private _name: string;
    @IsNotEmpty({ message: "Completed is required" })
    @IsBoolean({ message: "Completed should be boolean" })
    private _completed: boolean;

    public get id(): number {
        return this._id;
    public set id(v: number) {
        this._id = v;
    public get name(): string {
        return this._name;
    public set name(v: string) {
        this._name = v;
    public get completed(): boolean {
        return this._completed;
    public set completed(v: boolean) {
        this._completed = v;


Install the dependencies.

npm install --save microframework-w3tec

Install the dev dependencies.

npm install chai mocha ts-node supertest @types/chai @types/mocha @types/supertest nyc source-map-support -D

Create the unit test directories.

cd src/test
mkdir e2e
mkdir unit
cd e2e
mkdir controllers
mkdir utils
cd ../unit
mkdir services

Create the mocha options file src/test/mocha.opts with the content:

--require ts-node/register
--require source-map-support/register

Update the npm package scripts.

   "scripts": {
      "dev": "webpack",
      "test": "mocha --opts src/test/mocha.opts"
  "nyc": {
    "include": [
    "exclude": [
    "extension": [
    "require": [
    "reporter": [
    "sourceMap": true,
    "instrument": true

Update the gitignore file with the following content:


Update the tslint with the following content:

    "defaultSeverity": "error",
    "extends": [
    "jsRules": {},
    "rules": {
        "variable-name": [
    "rulesDirectory": []

Create the loaders directory.

cd src/application
mkdir loaders

Create the express loader file src/application/loaders/express.loader.ts with the content:

import { Application } from "express";
import { Server } from "http";
import { MicroframeworkLoader, MicroframeworkSettings } from "microframework-w3tec";
import { createExpressServer, useContainer } from "routing-controllers";
import Container from "typedi";
import { TodoController } from "../controllers";

export const expressLoader: MicroframeworkLoader = (settings: MicroframeworkSettings | undefined) => {
    if (settings) {

        const app: Application = createExpressServer({
            controllers: [TodoController],
            cors: false,
        const server: Server = app.listen(3000);
        settings.setData("express_app", app);
        settings.setData("express_server", server);

Create the barrel roll file src/application/loaders/index.ts with the content:

export * from "./express.loader";

Update the app file src/application/app.ts with the content:

import { bootstrapMicroframework } from "microframework-w3tec";
import "reflect-metadata";
import { expressLoader } from "./loaders";


Create the barrel roll file src/application/index.ts with the content:

export * from "./controllers";
export * from "./loaders";
export * from "./models";
export * from "./services";
export * from "./app";

Update the todo.controller.ts for src/application/controllers/todo.controller.ts with the content:

import { Body, Delete, Get, JsonController, OnUndefined, Param, Post, Put } from "routing-controllers";
import { TodoModel } from "../models";
import { TodoService } from "../services";

export class TodoController {
    constructor(private _todoService: TodoService) {

    public getAll(): TodoModel[] {
        return this._todoService.getAll();

    public getOne(@Param("id") id: number): TodoModel {
        return this._todoService.getOne(id);

    public post(@Body() todo: TodoModel): TodoModel  {
        return this._todoService.create(todo);

    public put(@Param("id") id: number, @Body() todo: TodoModel) {
        this._todoService.update(id, todo);

    public remove(@Param("id") id: number): void {


Update the todo.service.ts for src/application/services/todo.service.ts with the content:

import { Service } from "typedi";
import { TodoModel } from "../models";

export class TodoService {
    private _idCounter: number;
    private _todos: TodoModel[];
    constructor() {
        this._todos = [];
        this._idCounter = 0;

    public getAll(): TodoModel[] {
        return this._todos;

    public getOne(id: number): TodoModel {
        return this._todos.find((todo) => === id);

    public create(todo: TodoModel): TodoModel { = this.generateId();
        return todo;

    public update(id: number, todo: TodoModel): void {
        const previousVersion = this.getOne(id);
        previousVersion.completed = todo.completed; =;

    public delete(id: number): void {
        const index = this._todos.findIndex((todo) => === id);
        this._todos.splice(index, 1);

    private generateId(): number {
        return this._idCounter;

Create the todo service unit test src/test/unit/services/todo.service.spec.ts with the content:

import { expect } from "chai";
import { beforeEach, describe, it } from "mocha";
import { TodoModel, TodoService } from "../../../application";
describe("TodoService", () => {
    describe("getAll", () => {
        describe("with a populated list", () => {
            let sut: TodoService;
            let expectedTodos: TodoModel[];
            let actualTodos: TodoModel[];
            beforeEach(() => {
                sut = new TodoService();
                expectedTodos = [
                        completed: false,
                        name: "Clean bathroom"
                    } as TodoModel,
                        completed: false,
                        name: "Clean kitchen"
                    } as TodoModel,
                expectedTodos.forEach((todo) => sut.create(todo));
                actualTodos = sut.getAll();
            it("should match the length of the expected todos", () => {
            it("should return todos in the same order as populated", () => {
                for (let index = 0; index < expectedTodos.length; index++) {
                    const expectedTodo = expectedTodos[index];
                    const actualTodo = actualTodos[index];
        describe("with a empty list", () => {
            let sut: TodoService;
            let actualTodos: TodoModel[];
            beforeEach(() => {
                sut = new TodoService();
                actualTodos = sut.getAll();
            it("should return an empty list", () => {
    describe("getOne", () => {
        describe("with a populated list", () => {
            let expectedTodo: TodoModel;
            let actualTodo: TodoModel;
            let sut: TodoService;
            before(() => {
                sut = new TodoService();
                expectedTodo = {
                    completed: false,
                    name: "Clean bathroom"
                } as TodoModel;
                expectedTodo = sut.create(expectedTodo);
                actualTodo = sut.getOne(;
            it("should return a matching todo", () => {

        describe("with a empty list", () => {
            let sut: TodoService;
            let actualTodo: TodoModel;
            beforeEach(() => {
                sut = new TodoService();
                actualTodo = sut.getOne(1);
            it("should return undefined", () => {
    describe("create", () => {
        let expectedTodo: TodoModel;
        let actualTodo: TodoModel;
        let sut: TodoService;
        before(() => {
            sut = new TodoService();
            expectedTodo = {
                completed: false,
                name: "Clean bathroom"
            } as TodoModel;
            expectedTodo = sut.create(expectedTodo);
            actualTodo = sut.getOne(;
        it("should create a matching todo", () => {
    describe("update", () => {
        describe("with a populated list", () => {
            let expectedTodo: TodoModel;
            let actualTodo: TodoModel;
            let sut: TodoService;
            before(() => {
                sut = new TodoService();
                expectedTodo = {
                    completed: false,
                    name: "Clean bathroom"
                } as TodoModel;
                expectedTodo = sut.create(expectedTodo);
                expectedTodo.completed = true;
       = "Clean kitchen";
                sut.update(, expectedTodo);
                actualTodo = sut.getOne(;
            it("should update todo in list", () => {
    describe("delete", () => {
        describe("with a populated list", () => {
            let expectedTodo: TodoModel;
            let actualTodo: TodoModel;
            let sut: TodoService;
            before(() => {
                sut = new TodoService();
                expectedTodo = {
                    completed: false,
                    name: "Clean bathroom"
                } as TodoModel;
                expectedTodo = sut.create(expectedTodo);
                actualTodo = sut.getOne(;
            it("should remove todo in list", () => {

        describe("with a empty list", () => {
            let sut: TodoService;
            let actualTodos: TodoModel[];
            beforeEach(() => {
                sut = new TodoService();
                actualTodos = sut.getAll();
            it("should not change the list", () => {

        describe("with a non-existing todo", () => {
            let sut: TodoService;
            let expectedTodos: TodoModel[];
            let actualTodos: TodoModel[];
            beforeEach(() => {
                sut = new TodoService();
                let expectedTodo = {
                    completed: false,
                    name: "Clean bathroom"
                } as TodoModel;
                expectedTodo = sut.create(expectedTodo);
                expectedTodos = sut.getAll();
                sut.delete( + 1);
                actualTodos = sut.getAll();
            it("should not change the list", () => {
                for (let index = 0; index < expectedTodos.length; index++) {
                    const expectedTodo = expectedTodos[index];
                    const actualTodo = actualTodos[index];

Create the todo controller e2e test src/test/e2e/controllers/todo.controller.spec.ts with the content:

import {expect} from "chai";
import {before, describe} from "mocha";
import {agent} from "supertest";
import {TodoModel} from "../../../application";
import {bootstrapApp, IBootstrapSettings} from "../utils";

describe("TodoController", async () => {
    let settings: IBootstrapSettings;
    before(async () => {
        settings = await bootstrapApp();
    after((done) => {
    describe("getAll", async () => {
        describe("with a populated list", async () => {
            const expectedTodos: TodoModel[] = [];
            let actualTodos: TodoModel[];
            before(async () => {
                const todos = [
                        completed: false,
                        name: "Clean bathroom"
                    } as TodoModel,
                        completed: false,
                        name: "Clean kitchen"
                    } as TodoModel,
                todos.forEach(async (todo) => {
                    const response = await agent(settings.application)
                        .set("Accept", "application/json")
                        .expect("Content-Type", /json/)
                    expectedTodos.push(response.body as TodoModel);
            after(async () => {
                expectedTodos.forEach(async (todo) => {
                    await agent(settings.application)
                        .delete("/todo/" +
                        .set("Accept", "application/json")
            it("responds with the expected records", async () => {
                const response = await agent(settings.application)
                    .set("Accept", "application/json")
                    .expect("Content-Type", /json/)
                actualTodos = response.body as TodoModel[];
                for (let index = 0; index < expectedTodos.length; index++) {
                    const expectedTodo = expectedTodos[index];
                    const actualTodo = actualTodos[index];
        describe("with a empty list", () => {
            it("should return an empty list", async () => {
                const response = await agent(settings.application)
                    .set("Accept", "application/json")
                    .expect("Content-Type", /json/)
                const actualTodos = response.body as TodoModel[];
    describe("getOne", () => {
        describe("with a populated list", () => {
            let expectedTodo: TodoModel;
            let actualTodo: TodoModel;
            before(async () => {
                const todo = {
                    completed: false,
                    name: "Clean bathroom"
                } as TodoModel;
                const response = await agent(settings.application)
                    .set("Accept", "application/json")
                    .expect("Content-Type", /json/)
                expectedTodo = response.body as TodoModel;
            after(async () => {
                await agent(settings.application)
                    .delete("/todo/" +
                    .set("Accept", "application/json")
            it("should return a matching todo", async () => {
                const response = await agent(settings.application)
                    .get("/todo/" +
                    .set("Accept", "application/json")
                    .expect("Content-Type", /json/)
                actualTodo = response.body as TodoModel;

        describe("with a empty list", () => {
            it("should return 404", async () => {
                await agent(settings.application)
                    .get("/todo/" + 1)
                    .set("Accept", "application/json")
                    .expect("Content-Type", /json/)
    describe("create", () => {
        let expectedTodo: TodoModel;
        let actualTodo: TodoModel;
        after(async () => {
            await agent(settings.application)
                .delete("/todo/" +
                .set("Accept", "application/json")
        it("should create a matching todo", async () => {
            expectedTodo = {
                completed: false,
                name: "Clean bathroom"
            } as TodoModel;
            const response = await agent(settings.application)
                .set("Accept", "application/json")
                .expect("Content-Type", /json/)
            actualTodo = response.body as TodoModel;
        it("should return 400 when todo model is invalid", async () => {
            expectedTodo = {
                completed: false
            } as TodoModel;
            await agent(settings.application)
                .set("Accept", "application/json")
                .expect("Content-Type", /json/)
    describe("update", () => {
        describe("with a populated list", () => {
            let expectedTodo: TodoModel;
            let actualTodo: TodoModel;
            before(async () => {
                const todo = {
                    completed: false,
                    name: "Clean bathroom"
                } as TodoModel;
                const response = await agent(settings.application)
                    .set("Accept", "application/json")
                    .expect("Content-Type", /json/)
                expectedTodo = response.body as TodoModel;
            after(async () => {
                await agent(settings.application)
                    .delete("/todo/" +
                    .set("Accept", "application/json")
            it("should update todo in list", async () => {
                expectedTodo.completed = true;
       = "Clean kitchen";
                await agent(settings.application)
                    .put("/todo/" +
                    .set("Accept", "application/json")
                    .expect("Content-Type", /json/)
                const response = await agent(settings.application)
                    .get("/todo/" +
                    .set("Accept", "application/json")
                    .expect("Content-Type", /json/)
                actualTodo = response.body as TodoModel;
    describe("delete", () => {
        describe("with a populated list", () => {
            let expectedTodo: TodoModel;
            before(async () => {
                const todo = {
                    completed: false,
                    name: "Clean bathroom"
                } as TodoModel;
                const response = await agent(settings.application)
                    .set("Accept", "application/json")
                    .expect("Content-Type", /json/)
                expectedTodo = response.body as TodoModel;
            it("should remove todo in list", async () => {
                await agent(settings.application)
                    .delete("/todo/" +
                    .set("Accept", "application/json")
                await agent(settings.application)
                    .get("/todo/" +
                    .set("Accept", "application/json")
                    .expect("Content-Type", /json/)

Create the utils barrel roll file src/test/e2e/utils/index.ts with the content:

export * from "./bootstrap.settings";
export *  from "./bootstrap";


A medium tutorial on how to create express application using typescript and webpack.








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