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skywave edited this page Jan 30, 2013 · 3 revisions


A Journey is a collection of the remaining stops and, when applicable, the two last passes stops, of a vehicle driving across a Line. A journey is identified by a combination of DataOwnerCode, LocalServiceLevelCode, LinePlanningNumber, JourneyNumber, FortifyOrderNumber.

Get a list of available Journey's

  • GET /journey/ will return a collection of available keys. These journeys are either planned or currently driving. The value is the amount of stops in the journey.
    "CXX_92440_E080_4048_0": 16,
    "GVB_95132_901_505_0": 2,
    "VTN_90285_12_12243_0": 33,
    "GVB_95103_5_443_0": 27,
    "VTN_90285_12_12245_0": 33,
    "GVB_95103_5_445_0": 24,
    "GVB_95103_5_403_0": 5,
    "GVB_95105_50_302_0": 9,
    "GVB_94987_26_491_0": 5,
    "VTN_90285_12_12247_0": 17

Request information about a Journey

  • GET /journey/$DataOwnerCode_$LocalServiceLevelCode_$LinePlanningNumber_%JourneyNumber_$FortifyOrderNumber will return a collection of Stops (passtimes) which are either PASSED or are PLANNED to or are DRIVING to. When a passtime has a TripStopStatus CANCEL it will not pass this stop on this journey. CANCEL may be revoked on any stage and turn into DRIVING again.
    "ARR_21318_3315_6042_0": {
        "Stops": {
            "35": {
                "TransportType": "BUS",
                "DestinationName50": "Groningen CS/Busstation",
                "LocalServiceLevelCode": "21318",
                "ReasonContent": null,
                "AdviceType": null,
                "OperatorCode": null,
                "TimingPointCode": "24000090",
                "WheelChairAccessible": "UNKNOWN",
                "LineName": "Groningen - Lelystad",
                "ExpectedDepartureTime": "2012-06-02T18:51:00",
                "UserStopOrderNumber": 35,
                "MessageType": null,
                "SubAdviceType": null,
                "TimingPointName": "Heerenveen, Busstation",
                "LinePlanningNumber": "3315",
                "longitude": 5.9165419,
                "AdviceContent": null,
                "TimingPointTown": "Heerenveen",
                "latitude": 52.9603456,
                "UserStopCode": "24000090",
                "JourneyStopType": "INTERMEDIATE",
                "TargetDepartureTime": "2012-06-02T18:51:00",
                "ExpectedArrivalTime": "2012-06-02T18:47:08",
                "IsTimingStop": true,
                "TimingPointDataOwnerCode": "ALGEMEEN",
                "DataOwnerCode": "ARR",
                "FortifyOrderNumber": 0,
                "JourneyNumber": 6042,
                "ReasonType": null,
                "LineDirection": "2",
                "LinePublicNumber": "315",
                "LastUpdateTimeStamp": "2012-06-02T18:53:24+02:00",
                "DestinationCode": "4592",
                "OperationDate": "2012-06-02",
                "SideCode": "-",
                "ProductFormulaType": 0,
                "StopAreaCode": "HrNS",
                "NumberOfCoaches": 1,
                "TripStopStatus": "PASSED",
                "SubReasonType": null,
                "TargetArrivalTime": "2012-06-02T18:49:00",
                "MessageContent": null
            "51": { },
            "36": { }

Request information about multiple Journey's in one request.

  • GET /journey/$journeykey1,journeykey2,.. requests multiple journey's in one request by putting them in a comma separated list. This is the preferred way to keep the server workload as low as possible.
    "ARR_21318_3315_6042_0": {
        "Stops": {
            "35": {
                "TransportType": "BUS",
                "DestinationName50": "Groningen CS/Busstation",
                "LocalServiceLevelCode": "21318",
                "ReasonContent": null,
                "AdviceType": null,
                "OperatorCode": null,
                "TimingPointCode": "24000090",
                "WheelChairAccessible": "UNKNOWN",
                "LineName": "Groningen - Lelystad",
                "ExpectedDepartureTime": "2012-06-02T18:51:00",
                "UserStopOrderNumber": 35,
                "MessageType": null,
                "SubAdviceType": null,
                "TimingPointName": "Heerenveen, Busstation",
                "LinePlanningNumber": "3315",
                "longitude": 5.9165419,
                "AdviceContent": null,
                "TimingPointTown": "Heerenveen",
                "latitude": 52.9603456,
                "UserStopCode": "24000090",
                "JourneyStopType": "INTERMEDIATE",
                "TargetDepartureTime": "2012-06-02T18:51:00",
                "ExpectedArrivalTime": "2012-06-02T18:47:08",
                "IsTimingStop": true,
                "TimingPointDataOwnerCode": "ALGEMEEN",
                "DataOwnerCode": "ARR",
                "FortifyOrderNumber": 0,
                "JourneyNumber": 6042,
                "ReasonType": null,
                "LineDirection": "2",
                "LinePublicNumber": "315",
                "LastUpdateTimeStamp": "2012-06-02T18:53:24+02:00",
                "DestinationCode": "4592",
                "OperationDate": "2012-06-02",
                "SideCode": "-",
                "ProductFormulaType": 0,
                "StopAreaCode": "HrNS",
                "NumberOfCoaches": 1,
                "TripStopStatus": "PASSED",
                "SubReasonType": null,
                "TargetArrivalTime": "2012-06-02T18:49:00",
                "MessageContent": null
            "51": { },
            "36": { }
    "ARR_21318_3315_6050_0": {
        "Stops": {
            "1": {
                "TransportType": "BUS",
                "DestinationName50": "Groningen CS/Busstation",
                "LocalServiceLevelCode": "21318",
                "ReasonContent": null,
                "AdviceType": null,
                "OperatorCode": null,
                "TimingPointCode": "49005091",
                "WheelChairAccessible": "UNKNOWN",
                "LineName": "Groningen - Lelystad",
                "ExpectedDepartureTime": "2012-06-02T19:25:00",
                "UserStopOrderNumber": 1,
                "MessageType": null,
                "SubAdviceType": null,
                "TimingPointName": "Lelystad, Station Centrum",
                "LinePlanningNumber": "3315",
                "longitude": 5.4735025,
                "AdviceContent": null,
                "TimingPointTown": "Lelystad",
                "latitude": 52.5076985,
                "UserStopCode": "49005091",
                "JourneyStopType": "FIRST",
                "TargetDepartureTime": "2012-06-02T19:25:00",
                "ExpectedArrivalTime": "2012-06-02T19:25:00",
                "IsTimingStop": true,
                "TimingPointDataOwnerCode": "ALGEMEEN",
                "DataOwnerCode": "ARR",
                "FortifyOrderNumber": 0,
                "JourneyNumber": 6050,
                "ReasonType": null,
                "LineDirection": "2",
                "LinePublicNumber": "315",
                "LastUpdateTimeStamp": "2012-06-02T19:08:54+02:00",
                "DestinationCode": "4592",
                "OperationDate": "2012-06-02",
                "SideCode": "-",
                "ProductFormulaType": 0,
                "StopAreaCode": "LlsSta",
                "NumberOfCoaches": 1,
                "TripStopStatus": "ARRIVED",
                "SubReasonType": null,
                "TargetArrivalTime": "2012-06-02T19:25:00",
                "MessageContent": null
            "2": { },
            "30": { }