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Command Specification

Linwei edited this page Nov 28, 2022 · 12 revisions


:AsyncRun[!] [options] {cmd} ...

Variable Substitution

Macro variables in the parameters and -cwd= option will be expanded before executing:

$(VIM_FILEPATH)  - File name of current buffer with full path
$(VIM_FILENAME)  - File name of current buffer without path
$(VIM_FILEDIR)   - Full path of current buffer without the file name
$(VIM_FILEEXT)   - File extension of current buffer
$(VIM_FILENOEXT) - File name of current buffer without path and extension
$(VIM_PATHNOEXT) - Current file name with full path but without extension
$(VIM_CWD)       - Current directory
$(VIM_RELDIR)    - File path relativize to current directory
$(VIM_RELNAME)   - File name relativize to current directory 
$(VIM_ROOT)      - Project root directory
$(VIM_CWORD)     - Current word under cursor
$(VIM_CFILE)     - Current filename under cursor
$(VIM_GUI)       - Is running under gui ?
$(VIM_VERSION)   - Value of v:version
$(VIM_COLUMNS)   - How many columns in vim's screen
$(VIM_LINES)     - How many lines in vim's screen
$(VIM_SVRNAME)   - Value of v:servername for +clientserver usage
$(VIM_PRONAME)   - Name of current project root directory
$(VIM_DIRNAME)   - Name of current directory

Vim's filename modifiers are also accepted:

%:p     - File name of current buffer with full path
%:t     - File name of current buffer without path
%:p:h   - File path of current buffer without file name
%:e     - File extension of current buffer
%:t:r   - File name of current buffer without path and extension
%       - File name relativize to current directory
%:h:.   - File path relativize to current directory
<cwd>   - Current directory
<cword> - Current word under cursor
<cfile> - Current file name under cursor

But modifiers are not recommended, because it is evaluated before :AsyncRun command starts, so if there is a -cwd=xxx option, some modifiers may yield an out-dated result for the old working directory.

Common Options

Option Default Value Description
-mode=? "async" specify how to run the command as -mode=?, available modes are "async" (default), "bang" (with ! command) and "terminal" (in internal terminal), see running modes for details.
-cwd=? unset initial directory (use current directory if unset), for example use -cwd=<root> to run commands in project root directory, or -cwd=$(VIM_FILEDIR) to run commands in current buffer's parent directory.
-save=? 0 use -save=1 to save current file, -save=2 to save all modified files before executing.
-program=? unset set to make to use &makeprg, grep to use &grepprt and wsl to execute commands in WSL (windows 10), see command modifiers.
-post=? unset vimscript to exec after job finished, spaces must be escaped to '\ '

Quickfix Options

Option Default Value Description
-auto=? unset event name to trigger QuickFixCmdPre/QuickFixCmdPost [name] autocmd.
-raw unset use raw output if provided, and &errorformat will be ignored.
-strip unset remove the heading/trailing messages if provided (omit command and "[Finished in ...]" message).
-errorformat=? unset errorformat for error matching, if it is unprovided, use current &errorformat value. Beware that % needs to be escaped into \%.
-silent unset provide -silent to prevent open quickfix window (will override g:asyncrun_open temporarily)
-scroll=? unset set to 0 to prevent quickfix auto-scrolling
-once=? unset set to 1 to buffer output and flush when job is finished, useful when there are multi-line patterns in your errorformat
-encoding=? unset specify command encoding independently (overshadow g:asyncrun_encs)

Internal Terminal Options

Option Default Value Description
-pos=? "bottom" When using internal terminal with -mode=term, -pos is used to specify where to split the terminal window, it can be one of "tab", "TAB", "curwin", "top", "bottom", "left", "right" and "external". And you can customize new runners and pass runner's name to -pos option.
-rows=num 0 When using a horizontal split terminal, this value represents the height of terminal window.
-cols=num 0 When using a vertical split terminal, this value represents the width of terminal window.
-focus=? 1 set to 0 to prevent focus changing when -mode=term
-reuse=? 1 set to 0 to prevent reusing previous terminal window
-hidden=? unset set to 1 to init bufhidden to hide for terminal buffer and set to 0 to init bufhidden to delete
-listed 1 when using -mode=term, set to 0 to hide the terminal in the buffer list
-close unset when using -mode=term, close the terminal automatically when terminal process is finished

Runner Options

Option Default Value Description
-option=? empty arbitrary string can be used to pass additional information to the user-defined runner, eg. :AsyncRun -option=xxx ...

Function API

call asyncrun#run('<bang>', opts, command)


  • '<bang>': either '!' or an empty string ''.
  • opts: a dictionary of options, like {'post': 'echo 123'}
  • command: a string of shell command.


call asyncrun#run('', {}, 'echo "haha"')
call asyncrun#run('', {'mode':'terminal', 'pos':'TAB'}, 'ls -la')

The function form can be used to construct complex command.