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add options mods profiles selection

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@sl5net sl5net released this 02 Jul 14:56
· 471 commits to master since this release
implement in modProfiles alwaysInReplayDefaults modProfilealwaysInReplay
update team description
Using 'right<tab>' without the preceding colon (:) can indeed be clearer in a chat context. Including the colon (:) before the keyword may not be necessary if the chat participants are already familiar with the convention of using '<tab>' to trigger certain actions or commands.
update msg mapsize changed more human readable
answer using the chat caption for some commands. so you could edit it before or only read it
move /hiall output to input caption. not send it anymore
limit the j send jitsi link only if you in the Allies chat
add extra description about Mapsize 128 tiny, 192 small, 256 normal, 320 medium
restart 0ad when new modProfiles is enabled when save button is pressed
use ConfigDB_CreateAndSaveValueA26A27 for change modProfile settings
change text to: type li<tab>
change default setting for mod profiles
better description to li tab: write li<tab> or /link<enter> to open a link
09f20f135b05dd01b496a3ec96d54c2ab749db59 HEAD@{13}: pull: Fast-forward
add replace <3 with ♥ in chat
add replace <3 with ♥ in chat
fix AutoFixModsOrder
fix use of Engine.Restart when mods changed. still a bit experimental maybe
exit when mods have changed (start later then)
add options mods profiles selection
limit jitsi call to gameState ingame only
limit jitsi call to gameState ingame only
add options for intuitive hotkey
add options for 0ad version 0.0.26
remove jitsi from lobby. text is too long
fix typo
add moddata/testConsoleAhkSciprt.ahk