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Validating Zero-Knowledge Proofs in the Algorand Smart Contract.

This project implements a convertor which enables to verify Zero-Knowledge proofs generated by the ZoKrates framework into PyTeal smart contracts. As an example a contract that pays for knowledge of a magic square is included.

A Zero-Knowledge proof is a method for one party (the prover) to prove to another party (the verifier) that they know a certain piece of information, without revealing any additional information about that piece of information. This means that the verifier can be sure that the prover knows the information, but they don't learn anything else about it. It can be used to prove that a person is over a certain age without revealing their exact birthdate or proving that a person has a certain degree without revealing their grades.

ZoKrates is an open-source toolbox for zk-SNARKs (zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge) on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows developers to create and execute programs written in a high-level programming language (similar to Python) and then convert them into zk-SNARKs, which can be verified on the Ethereum blockchain. ZoKrates is written in Rust, and it can be run on Linux, Windows, and MacOS platforms. It is useful for creating decentralized applications (dApps) that require privacy and security, such as digital identity verification, private voting systems, and private financial transactions.

Unfortunatelly, there is no native support for Algorand in ZoKrates, only Solidity contracts are generated.

This software can take a prover and a verifier generated in ZoKrates and convert it into two code snippets - one for an PyTeal contract that verifies the proof and one for the caller to encode the proof into transaction arguments.

The demo is based on the ZK-verifier demo for Algorand.


Development Setup

This repo requires Python 3.6 or higher. We recommend you use a Python virtual environment to install the required dependencies.

Set up venv (one time):

  • python3 -m venv venv

Active venv:

  • . venv/bin/activate (if your shell is bash/zsh)
  • . venv/bin/ (if your shell is fish)

Install dependencies:

  • pip install -r requirements.txt


  • First, start an instance of sandbox (requires Docker): ./sandbox up nightly
  • When finished, the sandbox can be stopped with ./sandbox down

Creating a ZK Verifier in ZoKrates

  • Install ZoKrates. A docker image is available.
  • Create a ZoKrates program. For the purpose of this project, there is a sample ZoKrates program available in the zokrates/magic_square.zok file. The program validates that the prover knows a solution to a magic square puzzle. The values of the square comprise the witness of the ZK problem. The sum of the rows and columns is the public input of the ZK circuit.
    | a0  |  a1  |  a2 |
    | a3  |  a4  |  a5 |
    | a6  |  a7  |  a8 |

    This is a Magic Square. This means that the numbers add up to the same total in every direction.
    Every row, column and diagonal should add up to {sum}.

def main(private field[9] a, field sum) {
    // horizontal
    assert(a[0] + a[1] + a[2] == sum);
    assert(a[3] + a[4] + a[5] == sum);
    assert(a[6] + a[7] + a[8] == sum);

    // vertical
    assert(a[0] + a[3] + a[6] == sum);
    assert(a[1] + a[4] + a[7] == sum);
    assert(a[2] + a[5] + a[8] == sum);

    // diagonal
    assert(a[0] + a[4] + a[8] == sum);
    assert(a[2] + a[4] + a[6] == sum);
  • Compile the circuit and perform trusted setup

Execute ZoKrates docker, for example like this:

docker run -v /home/me/projects/mydemo/:/zokrates -ti zokrates/zokrates /bin/bash

Go to the zokrates directory and run:

zokrates compile -i magic_square.zok
zokrates setup
  • Check files generated by ZoKrates

The file verification.key will now contain the verification key. The key consists of four elliptic curve points $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\gamma$, and $\delta$ plus an array of points $\gamma_{abc}$ - one point per each public input of the verified circuit plus one extra point.

Converting the Verifier into PyTeal Contract

  • In the zokrates directory , execute conversion script:
python  compile_contract

The script generates a code snippet that can be pasted into our application: (shortened)

  g2elems = Bytes("base16","")
  g1elems = Bytes("base16","0x0f00...6a")
  gammaabc_0 = Bytes("base16","0x208f...ae5")
  gammaabc_1 = Bytes("base16","0x2582...c1")
  vkx = gammaabc_0
  x = B256ScalarMul(gammaabc_1, Arg(3))
  vkx = B256Add(vkx, x)
  g2 = Concat(Arg(1), g2elems)
  g1 = Concat(Arg(0), vkx, Arg(2), g1elems)
  return B256Pairing(g2, g1) == Int(1)

The snippet implements a PyTeal function that upon receiving the public inputs in the Arg array starting at Arg(3) and a proof (Arg(0) to Arg(2)) returns a boolean value. The value is True if the proof is correct.

An example, how the proof can be integrated into a contract can be seen in file.

Generating a ZK Proof in ZoKrazes

  • Solve the magic square puzzle for some $n$. For example for $n = 15$ a solution is:
| 2 | 7 | 6 |
| 9 | 5 | 1 |
| 4 | 3 | 8 |

The nine numbers of the solution are called witness and are secret. The sum $15$ is a public input.

  • Run ZoKrates

On the zokrates docker prompt run Zokrates and give him the witness and the public input:

zokrates compute-witness -a  2 7 6 9 5 1 4 3 8 15
zokrates generate-proof
  • Check files generated by ZoKrates

The file proof.json contains the values of the proof (three elliptic curve points $a$, $b$, and $c$ and an array of public inputs.

Converting the Proof into PyTeal Contract Call

  • In the zokrates directory , execute conversion script:
python  compile_proof

The script generates a code snippet encoding the proof that can be pasted into our application call: (shortened)


Testing the contract

Start the sandbox, co to the the root directory, and execute the demo:


The contract will be executed. If the proof is correct, an ammount of 0.0001 algo will be transfered.

Response: []
donor balances: {0: 99998000}
claimer balances: {0: 100001000} 

Try to tamper with the proof or public input. If you change anything, the contract call fails.


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