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Running-Information-Analysis-Service REST API

Codacy Badge

This REST API is designing and collaborating with the Runner Tracking Application. The API is used for tracking a specific runner's running information such as their running distance, duration, heart rate, location (lat/long) etc..


  • Please check the for more detail
    Features Summary
    • Add one or more Running Information
    • Delete By RunningId
    • List all the running information by Health Warning Level, but not limit to other filter categories.
    • Basic Data Validation for fields:
      1. TotalRunning: should be positive number
      2. RunningDistance: should be positive number
      3. RunningId: should be a valid UUID/GUID format

Development Env:

Based on

  • Language: Java 1.8
  • Framework: SpringBoot
    • Spring Data JPA
    • Spring Data Rest
  • Database: MySQL
  • Container Engine: Docker
  • Build Tool: Maven
  • Server Port: 9000

Getting started

Clone the repository

$ git clone

Get into the project folder

cd CS504-Homework-1

Start MySQL Docker

$ docker-compose up -d

Login database and query data

mysql --host= --port=3306 --user=root --password=root

mysql> show databases; 
mysql> use running_information_analysis_db;
mysql> select * from private;

Create Database - if not existed

$ sh

Install the project dependencies

$ cd CS504-Homework-1
$ mvn clean install

Run the application

$ mvn spring-boot:run

Run with Postman

URL Status Description
http://localhost:9000/api/runningInformations/add POST add bulk of runninginformations -> copy and paste the JSON data into Bidy
http://localhost:9000/api/runningInformations/deleteByRunningId/{runningId} DELETE Delete a RunningInformation by runningId
http://localhost:9000/api/runningInformations/purge DELETE Delete all running Informations
http://localhost:9000/api/runningInformations/listedBy GET List all runnning information [Orderby HealthWarningLevel from high to low]
http://localhost:9000/api/runningInformations/listedBy?page=0&size=3 GET List all runnning information [Orderby user customize parameter]
http://localhost:9000/api/runningInformations/id/{id} GET Retrieve the running information by id

Run without Postman:

#Navigate to project directory
$ cd CS504-Homework-1
Command Status Description
$ sh -h help
$ sh -c POST add bulk of runninginformations by JSON input: running-informations-data.json
$ sh -d <runningId> DELETE Delete a RunningInformation by runningId
$ sh -p DELETE Delete all running Informations
$ sh -ls GET List all runnning information [Orderby HealthWarningLevel from high to low]
$ sh -ls --page 1 --size 3 --sortBy runningId --sortDir ASC GET List all runnning information [Orderby user customize parameter]
sh -f <id> GET Retrieve the running information by id